The two sides of the two sides have been in a state of chaos.

Zhao Fei naturally did not dare to ask what hatred Li Zhenting had with Xueqiu Entertainment.

Tian Long, Sun Li and other department heads beside her had been eyeing her for a long time.

In the eyes of others, Zhao Fei was the most suitable person to speak first.

But she would not speak so easily. After exchanging glances with several people, she pointed to her mobile phone.

That meant, I will help you to avoid the mines, remember to send me a big red envelope later.

After getting the confirmed answers from several people, Zhao Fei smiled and spoke leisurely.

"Mr. Li, this time Qin Sheng was able to surpass Dai Youjing in the voting rankings, and the gap became larger and larger afterwards. In fact, it has something to do with the eliminated trainees. Please take a look at the projection."

"Here are a few screenshots. The content inside was obtained by our people from the fan groups of several trainees."

The chat content in the screenshots is very simple, that is, fans are calling for voting for Qiao Sheng.

Zhao Fei pointed at the screen with a laser pen and continued, "These people are all fans of the six people who were eliminated from Qin Sheng's team. After knowing that their idol could not enter the finals, they began to vote for Qin Sheng spontaneously."

"The reason is also very simple - if there was no Qin Sheng, these people would have been eliminated at the end of the second performance."

"Later, under the leadership of someone with a caring heart, these fans also reached a strategic cooperation with Qin Sheng's 'pro-fans' and began to vote for Qin Sheng together."

"So on the voting list, Qin Sheng and Dai Youjing's scores have been widened."

"No, I know 'pro-fans', don't they advocate not voting and not spending money? There shouldn't be such a big gap, right?"

Zhao Fei looked at him as if he was looking at a mentally retarded person, and the other leaders who were scolded by Li Zhenting also had the same expression as Zhao Fei.

"They do advocate this, but not everyone will abide by this rule." Zhao Fei explained.

The reason is actually very simple, just like when we were in school and the exam was approaching, everyone around us said that they would never review when they went home, but in the end, they read more books than anyone else.

The same is true for "pro-fans". Everyone said that it doesn't cost money, and our main selling point is free.

In fact, in secret, I don't know how many people are secretly buying votes for Qin Sheng.

Those who advocated this voting rule at the beginning may have spent a lot of money themselves.

However, to the outside world, they must still claim that all the votes are free.

After the explanation, Zhao Fei threw another bombshell.

"According to our department's analysis, in the next week or so, if there is no unexpected situation, according to Qin Sheng's current vote growth momentum, it is almost certain that he will surpass Mo Yunchen and become the first."

Zhao Fei didn't say another word.

At that time, the votes of Qin Sheng and Dai Youjing will be even larger, and this gap cannot be narrowed no matter how much money the company spends.

Unless Dai Youjing can blow up the meteor flying towards the earth with one punch and become a hero who saves the earth.

Otherwise, Zhou Cong may be able to shit on his head in a few days!

Li Zhenting thought for a while and asked in a low voice: "Have you found any black material about this Qin Sheng, such as secret marriage, girlfriend, parents are deadbeats, etc.?"

Zhao Fei replied: "No, this Qin Sheng is very clean, let alone a girlfriend, even parents."

"Huh?" Li Zhenting was a little surprised, "What do you mean?"

"I asked classmates in relevant departments to check, and the home address of this Qin Sheng is an orphanage. I also sent people to inquire, and he is indeed an orphan adopted by the orphanage."

"I also sent people to check his university. During the entire university period, he worked part-time except for classes. He is a very hardworking and diligent person. ”

“After graduating last year, he joined Snowball Entertainment. There was no news about him until Xie Haoran pulled him into the program ‘Star of Tomorrow’, where he began to show his talent.”

Li Zhenting was silent for a while, then asked the music director Tian Long: “Tian Long, let me ask you, if you are a very talented producer, will you remain unknown after joining the company?”

“Huh? Oh, oh.”

Tian Long didn’t expect Li Zhenting to suddenly point to him, and he didn’t react for a moment. He thought for a while and replied: “Mr. Li, I understand what you mean. If I were Qin Sheng, this would never happen.”

He raised his finger and

Glasses, added: "Even if it is for the purpose of observing the company, it is not necessary to stay dormant in the company for so long."

"If what Zhao Fei investigated is true, then from the investigation data, Qin Sheng should be short of money. Under this premise, I can't think of any reason for him to hide himself."

Li Zhenting fell into deep thought. In the moment just now, he seemed to think of something very important in his mind, but that feeling was gone in a flash.

What Tian Long said was similar to what he thought. It seems that there is something wrong with this Qin Sheng.

But, what is the problem?

He looked at the chat group information projected on the screen and suddenly caught a glimpse of a sentence.

"Even Lin Yixiang said that Qin Sheng is better than Lao Qiao, which shows that our brother Yuhang has good vision!"

A flash of lightning flashed through Li Zhenting's mind, and he asked Zhao Fei excitedly: "Did Lao Qiao appear and become famous not long after Qin Sheng joined Snowball Entertainment?"

Zhao Fei didn't look at the information and answered directly: "Yes, after Qin Sheng joined Snowball Entertainment, Lin Yixiang made a comeback, and then he sang "Men Should Be Self-reliant" written by Lao Qiao for him, and then participated in "Singer"."

"Tian Long, call Dai Jiabin immediately and ask him if he has poached all the producers of Snowball!"

Hearing Li Zhenting's instructions, Tian Long did not dare to delay, took out his mobile phone, found Dai Jiabin's number and dialed it.

A few minutes later, the call was hung up.

"Mr. Li, Dai Jiabin said that when he left, an old producer did not choose to go with him, and it is very likely that he stayed in Snowball Entertainment!" Tian Long said excitedly.

"So, this old producer is Lao Qiao, and all his songs were written by Qin Sheng?!"

Zhao Fei exclaimed: "But why? Why doesn't Xueqiu Entertainment just support Qin Sheng? Why do they do something that will only hurt themselves?"

"Because he is short of money! And Xueqiu Entertainment is short of someone who can hold up the facade! As long as the company proposes that the songs are nominally written by Lao Qiao, but the share of the profits still belongs to him, and if they give him a little more money on this basis, he will definitely agree!"

"So I have always said that Lin Moxue is just a half-baked person who doesn't know how to run a company at all." Li Zhenting said, and suddenly laughed happily:

"Hahahaha, that's right, it must be like this! I didn't expect it I never thought that someone would be so stupid. It's God's help to me!"

"This Qin Sheng, the character created by the program team from the beginning to the end is a creative genius. Then we will start from his creation and kill him on the stage of the finals. Zhao Fei, how long is it before the recording of the finals?"

"Mr. Li, there is about a week left."

"In this case, you should hurry up. I want to see all the black materials before the finals."

"Send someone to find Qin Sheng and tell him that we are willing to bear the liquidated damages for his termination of the contract with Snowball Entertainment."

"Otherwise, I want him to be ruined together with Lao Qiao on the final stage!"

"If he is a smart person, he should know how to choose."

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