The story is about a young girl, and she is a young girl.

"Meteor Garden?" Lin Moxue repeated the name and said, "Idol drama?"

Qiao Sheng nodded.

"Why does it sound so much like a fantasy story? A certain emperor in the starry sky has a garden full of meteors. One day, one of the meteors fell into the mortal world, was reborn as a human, and had a lingering love affair with the emperor..."

"Stop! Stop it! That's not fantasy, that's female!" Qiao Sheng hurriedly stopped Lin Moxue's fantasy.

This is not her fault, but the direction of film and television dramas has gone astray.

People in this world are more or less disappointed with idol dramas.

After all, it was just born out of a romance drama, and both the screenwriter and the director still follow the routine of a romance drama.

The things shot in this way are neither like a romance drama nor an idol drama, but they seem to have something to do with both.

If this kind of TV series can become popular, it's really a ghost.

But in Qiao Sheng's eyes, this is not a problem.

In his opinion, it is their honor to use their own enlightenment idol drama to teach people of this era.

When it comes to idol dramas, the most indispensable place is Taiwan Province.

Idol drama is almost a term linked to Taiwan Province, which is commonly known as "Taiwan idol" - that is, Taiwanese idol drama.

As the originator of Taiwanese idol dramas, "Meteor Garden" still occupies the second place in Taiwan Province in terms of ratings.

Although in terms of time, "Hot Teacher" in 2000 was the first Taiwanese idol drama, but from the perspective of the entire idol drama industry, "Meteor Garden" is the real originator of idol dramas.

Because after this drama, Taiwanese dramas truly entered the "idol era" led by Chai Zhiping from the "romance era" of Qiong Yao.

In the next ten years, Taiwanese idol dramas firmly occupied the youth of young people of that era.

In Qiao Sheng's eyes, it was more appropriate to use "Meteor Garden" to open a door for him.

However, this drama was a TV series more than 20 years ago, and many things in it needed to be modified, but basically they were modifications in the costumes and props, and the plot and lines were not much involved.

After all, the aesthetics of more than 20 years ago are still somewhat different from now.

For example, the sports cars, mansions, clothes, etc. that show luxury wealth in it all need to be replaced.

Although "Meteor Garden" once achieved terrifying results on Earth, he was not sure whether it could achieve the effect he wanted.

However, the world is still very tolerant of idol dramas that have just sprouted. If it can have half the effect on Earth, it is enough.

Qiao Sheng is even prepared to not make money.

Because as long as "Meteor Garden" can get off to a good start, starting from it, Qiao Sheng will have more confidence to shoot other idol dramas.

The topic about idol dramas ended quickly, but Lin Moxue mentioned another thing.

"But Qiao Sheng, do you still remember your current identity?"

"Me? What identity am I?"

"Have you forgotten that you are going to debut?" Lin Moxue said angrily.

"Why do I have to debut? Isn't the identity of Lao Qiao considered a debut?"

"Brother Sheng, it doesn't count. Yours is considered a behind-the-scenes producer. Don't forget that you participated in "Tomorrow's Star" and are also considered a new singer who has not debuted."

Zhou Cong swallowed a piece of tiramisu in one gulp and grabbed the Black Forest cake.

"Is that so?"

Qiao Sheng really hadn't thought about this question. He was considering the album, but it was prepared after Zhou Cong and the idol drama were finished.

"I heard that after Chengtian Entertainment and Tianguang Entertainment invited Lin Tongyu to come out, they are both busy preparing for new albums."

Seeing that Qiao Sheng still looked indifferent, Lin Moxue couldn't help but criticize: "Are you so confident that Zhou Cong can fight them alone?"

Zhou Cong also looked at Qiao Sheng with a pitiful expression.

Qiao Sheng smiled awkwardly and said, "Haha, haha, how can I do that? Don't worry, I know what I'm doing."

"I'll go see how Aunt Huan reads the script."

After saying that, Qiao Sheng grabbed a piece of Basque cheesecake, took his coffee, and ran away.

"Zhou Cong, is he working on his own album? Why don't I believe it?" Lin Moxue turned to look at Zhou Cong.

Zhou Cong shook his head and said, "No, but Brother Sheng told me to release an album first,

Help him clear the inventory, and his own songs have already been written. Boss, I believe in him. "

When Qiao Sheng came to Yang Lihuan's office, she had almost read the entire script.

After reading the script, she did not criticize Qiao Sheng's "unprofessional" behavior, but encouraged him very much.

"I read the script, it's pretty good, and it's very different from the idol dramas on the market." Yang Lihuan took off her glasses, rubbed her temples and smiled: "It just so happens that I acquired a studio before. Do you know about this?"

Qiao Sheng smiled and said: "I know, the boss just told me, but she didn't remember the name, she said it was called something like Guang."

As a shareholder who owns a small part of the company's shares, Yang Lihuan should have told them about the acquisition of the studio in advance.

However, Qiao Sheng, like Lin Moxue, believes in Yang Lihuan's vision and never questions her decisions.

Moreover, this matter is somewhat coincidental with Qiao Sheng's plan.

"It's called Xingguang Studio. "Yang Lihuan held her forehead, and had a new understanding of Lin Moxue's unreliability.

Since the filming, she has become less and less concerned about the company's affairs, and has thrown all the big and small things to Yang Lihuan.

Fortunately, there are talents like Qiao Sheng under her, otherwise she really doesn't know what to do.

"Let me ask the person in charge of Xingguang Studio to come tomorrow, and I will show him the script first. You can talk about the script tomorrow."

"Okay, Aunt Huan."

Qiao Sheng stood up and left. As soon as he opened the door of the office, he saw Lin Moxue standing on one side of the door and Yan Yuhang and the other side.

Looking at Lin Moxue's giggling, she knew that she was eavesdropping with four people.

Seeing Qiao Sheng coming out, Lin Moxue pulled him aside.

"How is it, Qiao Sheng, did Aunt Huan agree to shoot?"

Qiao Sheng was busy tidying up his clothes, ignoring her, and instead coughed twice.

Lin Moxue didn't understand at all, and she bit the bullet and said coquettishly: "Brother Sheng! Dear brother! I'll pay for afternoon tea this week. You can eat whatever you want!"

"It's settled. Aunt Huan told me to talk to the person in charge of Spark Studio myself."

Qiao Sheng smiled and gave Lin Moxue an OK sign.

"By the way, what's the name of the person in charge of Starlight Studio?"

Lin Moxue didn't remember the name at all, but this person was related to her position as the heroine, so she quickly took out her mobile phone and looked through the chat records with Yang Lihuan.

"It's Wu Yuanxing, a very experienced TV director."

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