I couldn't stand it anymore, so I leaped out to stand beside Wu Min Jun, watching the two big iron pieces that were tightly closed: "You, you... did you start all this with this idea in my mind?"

Wu Min Jun lazily replied: "No, but after he pulled out the whip, I decided to."

Wu Hao... Why did you make yourself so easy to tease, I sighed silently in my heart, and suddenly I noticed something was wrong, so I looked at Wu Min Jun: "that's not right, is it not because you misled him?"

Wu Min Jun ignored me, just touched his chin and said: "Let him stay here first."

I: "How can this be done? Even if the two countries engage in war, the representatives should be safe and sound, not to mention the fact that Xiyuan and Beiyuan are currently in under the pretense of peace."

Wu Min Jun said: "I know. He will go back after the wedding. Now just tell his people that he is staying in the palace because he likes the Xi Emperor. Anyway, this time, I don't want to see him."

I am worried: "Won't he starve to death inside?"

Wu Min Jun thought about it and said, "You can throw something to him at regular intervals."

"Why me... when you there!" I said angrily.

Wu Min Jun said to me: "This woman changes really fast. Did you not like him before?"

I wanted to burst into tears: "You also said that if it weren't for you, he would not become like this."

Wu Min Jun dismissed my words by saying: "It is clearly his father and his own problems, I have nothing to do with it."

I thought about it and thought that what he said is correct. I could only sigh: "His father is definitely not good to him, otherwise how can he make him a "tempter"."

Wu Min Jun pulled the corner of his mouth: "It's still a fun 'tempter'."

The two of us went out, and there was still the whip in the hands of Wu Min Jun. I looked at the whip and thought about the tacky appearance of Wu Hao, and couldn't help but feel a little worried: "Why are you bringing the whip?"

Wu Min Jun glanced at me and said, "No choice... can't just throw it away casually."

I agreed: "That is true."

Wu Min Jun looked at me and smiled: "What are you worried about?"

I quietly said: "In fact, there is nothing, just... I suddenly thought of the injuries on your body, thinking, it would not be that you really have this hobby..."

Wu MIn Jun: "..."

"Rest assured, I don't." He said flatly.

I know that because I mentioned his injuries, he was a little unhappy, so I changed the topic: "The representative of the Nanyuan is coming, I wonder who it will be."

Wu Min Jun thought for a moment and said: "I probably guess that it'll be Liu Liang."

"Liu Liang?" I wondered. "This name is a bit strange, and how come it feels a bit familiar? Ah! Liu Shan..."

**(The name seems to have to do with a play on words, "Liu Liang"= leave well, while "Liu Shan"= stay well...so the fact that his name seems to imply sending him off and now he's here as an envoy seems a bit...)**

Wu Min Jun smiled: "The name is like that, but it should have nothing to do with him. He is the son of Nanyuan's TaiFu."

I suspect: "Should?"

Wu Min Jun did not answer, but just shook his head and walked forward.

Not long after, I saw Liu Liang. This person looks ordinary, very normal. There is nothing worthy of speculation. As for the name... it is just a coincidence.

Of course, in fact, I don't have much energy to manage others, because the sensational marriage between Wu Min Jun and me is imminent.


On the day of the wedding, there were so many things to do, such as various salutes, going to Taimiao, worshiping the heavens, and enshrining the book... there were a lot of things, but since I basically zoned out through it all, I don't remember very clearly.

Looking at Wu Min Jun his eyes were cloudy, his attitude had an air of seriousness, his posture is rigid, obviously, he had it worse than me.

It was busy the whole day, until midnight, finally, we...

Could enter our nuptial chamber.

Having said that, I have to mention that when I was still... when I hadn't switched with Wu Min Jun, as a deep-hearted romance fan, I had read quite a bit about the nuptial chamber.

**(The "turn over red waves " phrase in Chinese is "红被翻浪" - "Hóng bèi fān làng"...this most likely refers to the shedding of virgin blood on the first night...either that or it's the tossing in the red sheets Idk LOL)**

Following the bridegroom officer, I and Wujunjun both entered the bridal chamber and drank the nuptial wine. After the other messy rituals were finished, only two of us were left inside. I should thank Wu Min Jun for being an emperor, or a Not so approachable emperor, because it is said the folks must tease the bride when she enters the bridal chamber. If anyone can come to do that, I will raise the cup in my hand to them.

Wu Min Jun himself is very leisurely, said: "Come help me remove the phoenix crown."

I was a little nervous and said, "Do it yourself!"

Wu Min Jun: "...If I could do it, I wouldn't ask you."

I walked nervously behind him and looked down. Sure enough, after removing the phoenix crown, there were still a lot of pins used to hold up the hair. I was shocked, this is more troublesome than mine, so I have to be patient and help him remove the pins one by one and say, "You had to be very careful when walking right? Otherwise, it would have been very painful for your scalp."

Wu Min Jun said with no anger: "You also know ...I really never thought that when I get married I would be a bride, wearing the phoenix crown ...ah ...this is truly suffering your hardship for you."

I said awkwardly: "Actually, even if I am a royal relative, it was not likely that I will wear a Phoenix crown - how can I marry the emperor?"

Wu Min Jun thought about it and said, "That is also true... but the Bei Emperor is not too old, maybe he can reluctantly accept you."

I did not hesitate to poke a pin to his head.

Wu Min Jun: "..."

"This is your head!"

I said wickedly: "It is yours now!"

After we finished removing the Phoenix crown, we both removed our outer heavy garments. We were now only wearing our inner-wear. Facing each other, I was suddenly a little embarrassed: "Wu Min Jun..."

Wu Min Jun was still combing through his hair with his hands, and he does not lift his head and says, "Hm?"

I felt even more embarrassed: "You... should know about sexual intercourse, right?"


Wu Min Jun was inexplicable: "What sexual intercourse? What a messy word...why? "

I said, "Since we are in the nuptial chamber..."

Wu Min Jun interrupted: "Oh, don't worry, I understand, can teach you."

I crashed: "I'm not saying that!"

I still understood quite a bit... I suspect he is not proficient at all!

"What is it?" Wu Junjun frowned.

"Just..." I became more embarrassed. "Actually, hey, I have seen a lot before, oh, in a book. That when men and women get married, they all have to "turn over red waves", and they all say the groom is to lead...I, I have no experience."

Wu Min Jun: "..."

We look at each other, and there is no expression on his face. I get embarrassed and say: "However since you are experienced and can tell me..."

Wu Min Jun: "Ha ha ha ha ha ha....!"


"Always laughing!" I am annoyed.

Wu Min Jun said excitedly: "'Turn over red waves'?! Have you made a mistake... Are you swearing? Cough... I ask you, do you know what goes on between a man and woman?"

I shook my head: "How can I know..."

Wu Min Jun touched his chin and said: "In fact, it is very simple, that is, the two of us rolling together in the quilt, and our bodies covered with a quilt."

Then he pointed to the hundred sub-thousand grandson quilt: "Look, is the quilt not red?"

I groaned and said, "so this is it..."

But it's a bit puzzling: "Why do you want to roll around? Also, cover with the quilt? Is it not hot?"

Wu Min Jun: "The is a rule passed down by the ancestors, what is the reason... probably because it is auspicious."

I nodded. "That could be true... but like this, will there be children later?"

Wu Min Jun: "..."

"?" I blinked and looked at him.

Wu Min Jun's face scrunched up, and the color has changed too: "That, it's not very clear, it should..."

I was a little surprised: "What to do, we can't have children."

Wu Min Jun finally couldn't help it, and he rolled up in bed with the quilt laughing.


Although I don't know why he's laughing, I'm still a little worried: "Always laughing... You, how do you roll around with the quilt?"

I, I must join...

Wu Min Jun finally managed to stop laughing, wiped away his tears, and looked at me silently: "Yun Jiao, I will tell you something."


"Everything I said just now is all fake."


Seeing my forehead is frowning, he hurriedly said: "what's the matter, you don't need to think about it so seriously but must show that you are a pure girl, there must ....."

He reached out under the quilt and pulled out a white cloth: "There must be blood on this cloth."

I am now very confused: "Is this going to be used for menstrual bleeding?"

Wu Min Jun: "...no... In short, there must be blood. The woman will bleed on the first night."

In fact, there is no real information in his sentence, but I don't know how, I suddenly understood a lot, and I thought of how whenever I wake up in the morning, Wu Min Jun's body always becomes very strange, I know it now.

I blushed and put the piece of cloth on the Wu Min Jun's face: "Rogue!"

Wu MIn Jun: "..."

"How come I am rogue again..." He looked like he wanted to laugh again.

I covered my face and didn't talk.

Wu Min Jun laughed and laughed: "Oh ~ your understanding is still quite high, um, natural talent, natural talent..."


Who wants to be a natural talent in this area!

I am very annoyed.

Wu Min Jun held the white cloth and raised it: What to do with this? When the time comes in the morning and the palace maids pass along the news that princess Changyi is not pure...I may unable to control."

I quickly said: "How come that...!"

Wu Min Jun smiled and took out a dagger - it was the one I used to try to assassinate him. He was really abnormal, on the wedding night, he still had it on his body. It seems that he came prepared. Road: "Cut your hand?"

"I am afraid of pain..." I hid my hands and shouted.

Wu Min Jun took back the knife and said: "Cut my hand?"

That is my body...

"I am afraid of it will scar..."



We became speechless.

Wu Haojun suddenly moved the dagger and rolled up the sleeve on his arm: "I'm really doing it..."

"...Stop!" I yell.

Of course, in the end, We had to cut Wu Min Jun's - the hand of my own body.

According to the words of Wu Min Jun, this is the case: "Forget it, let's cut your hand, anyway, I am not afraid of pain, as for it scarring...you are married to me, what are you worried for?"

I thought about it and thought that what he said was very reasonable, so I complied.

Wu Min Jun softly cut his hand, dropped some red blood on the white cloth, I was scared to see the cut, but Wu Min Jun acted like it was nothing, then I quickly applied medicine for him and bandaged it.

When these things were finished, we will collapse on the bed ready to sleep. It felt a bit weird, even though we have been sleeping a lot together over the last months.

But this night is a little different. I close my eyes and turn my back to Wu Min Jun, and after falling asleep, I had a dream that was not really clear.

In the dream, I became myself, and it seemed to be a lot more beautiful, and Wu Min Jun had also changed back. The two of us don't know why but we fell back into the secret room and were also drinking like before, eventually, I drink the last bit of wine, and Wu Min Jun rushed to the to me and kissed me to grab the wine in my mouth.

But here is where it started to become different from the reality. I pushed Wu MIn Jun, but he did not budge.

Then it became fuzzy. Anyway, I don't know what is going on, I could only watch the two people stay in the same position as two stone statues kissing in a mist.

Although I had a dream, I slept well, but when I woke up in the morning, I changed my mind - because I clearly felt that the pants were wet.........

I woke up Wu Min Jun.

Wu Min Jun was obviously sleeping very well too, squinting impatiently: "What? You don't have to get up early today, wake up later...go back to sleep."

I said awkwardly: "That..."


"You...or say me..."



"If you have something, say it!!!"

"It seems like bedwetting!!!" I closed my eyes and steeled my heart, screaming loudly on the inside.

Wu Min Jun: ".................."

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