
Wu Hao: "..."

After a while, Wu Hao cried.


I collapsed: "Wu Min Jun! You said that you are not adding to the chaos, what is the difference! You, you, can't we send him out first?!"

Wu Min Jun looked at me and then said to Wu Hao: "Don't cry."

Wu Hao cried even louder.

Wu Min Jun: "..."

Wu Min Jun impatiently said: "If you cry again, I will kill you. Anyway, you can't threaten me anymore..."

Wu Hao cried even louder.


Wu Min Jun: "..."

I am crazy: "You are not comforting so shut up!"

I softly said to Wu Hao: "You don't cry first. If we send you back, you can hurry back and be there to send off your father. If you cry again and provoke others, you may not be able to go back, then... you can't even see your father for the last time."

Wu Hao groaned, stopped crying a little, and sobbed in a low voice.

Wu Min Jun threw me a "You're very good" look, I was too lazy to bother about him, saying to Wu Hao: "You should calm down first, don't cry anymore... really."

Wu Hao nodded and used his hand to rub his tears away.

I wanted to change the topic so I asked: "You... how come you are crying so sadly? Did you have a good relationship with your father?"

When I finished, I felt a little wrong. If he nodded and then remembered the happy times with his father, wouldn't he have to cry again for a while? !

Fortunately, Wu Hao did not do this, but shook his head: "Actually... no. I don't like father."

I and Wu Min Jun are speechless: "Why are you crying so loudly?"

Wu Hao thought for a moment and said, "But if my eldest brother and second brother are enthroned, it will be worse for me..."

Then he gave me a cautious look: "In fact, you know the Xi Emperor, my father told me to find a way to seduce Princess Changi...but if it is my big brother and second brother, if they know that you have a broken sleeve, they will tell me seduce you..."

I and Wu Min Jun shouted at the same time: "When did I have broken sleeve?!"

Wu Hao was shocked and looked at Wu Min Jun: "The Empress is not... What are you excited about?"

Wu Min Jun coldly looked at him.

I said to Wu Hao: "You can be rest assured that I am not a broken sleeve... I have great relationship with my empress..."

I pulled the sleeve of Wu Min Jun and wanted him to cooperate. Wu Min Jun glanced at me, and I winked at him. Wu Min Jun thought for a moment, suddenly smiled, tiptoed, and quickly kissed me on the cheek.


Wu Hao: "..."

My face turned red instantly: "You, what are you doing?!"

Wu Min Jun smiled and said giggling: "Emperor, we have not done anything, and you're already blushing, oh hehe..."

Wu Hao was also a little embarrassed: "It turned out that I really misunderstood... Hehe."

Hehe, your head. -_-)'

I picked up Wu Hao and said, "Go, go."

I picked up the pass token and threw it to him: "Do you recognize the road yourself? If you know your way out, with this token you can leave the palace... but it is impossible to use to enter the palace. Your subordinates should still be here, take them back to Beiyuan."

Wu Hao carefully took the token and said: "Oh... thank you Xi Emperor."

This is also the first time he talked to me so ceremonially. I felt a bit weird and a little bit resigned. "Okay, go."

Wu Min Jun looked at him with his arms on his sides, and then suddenly said: "Remember not to come back, or I will kill."

Wu Hao: "..."

I looked at the Wu Min Jun inexplicably: "How did he provoke you?"

Wu MIn Jun seemed disgruntled: "just saying! How many times can he die?"

Wu Hao: "..."

Wu Hao took the token and left without a misstep.

I was a little worried about him, and I looked at his back and determined that he should not be caught before turning around, only to find that the Wu Min Jun had disappeared.

... He was really fast, it's was as strange as when he came.

I really don't understand Wu Min Jun...


I was full of doubts and worries about Wu Hao, and I went back to the Emperor's palace, and I found Wu Min Jun was in the middle of eating the new tribute lychee. I went to him and said, "Cough, I want to ask you something...were you following me the whole time?"

Wu Min Jun did not lift their eyes: "No."

"..." Denied too fast...

I said awkwardly: "Then you, why did you suddenly kiss me..."

Wu Min Jun faintly said: "You are not very careful, afraid that Wu Hao would misunderstand, Since you care so much about his thoughts, so I decided to lend a hand."

I am puzzled and said: "I care about his feelings? I am was afraid that the rumors of 'Xi Emperor is a broken sleeve' spreading everywhere, Originally because of you, everyone is saying that Changyi Princess is a person that is... ... unrestrained, is it necessary to let the Xi Emperor's name also be dragged in muddy water? Husband and wife with no good name, it will be too tragic..."

Wu Min Jun finally looked up at me: "Oh? Is it because of this?"

"Otherwise?" I picked up a lychee, peeled off the skin, and said to the Wu Min Jun: "Open your mouth."

Wu Min Jun smiles and opens his mouth.

I threw the skin into his mouth and put the flesh in my mouth, it was delicious.

Wu Min Jun: "..."

Wu Min Jun's face is black, and I spit out the lychee shell as if nothing happened: "You should go to talk with the TaiFu now about how to sneak into Beiyuan to attack."

I asked: "still going to fight?"

Wu Min Jun nodded: "Otherwise? Of course, to take advantage of the fire, otherwise, I will suffer too much."

"What kind of loss is that?... What do you want from Beiyuan?"

Wu Min Jun said flatly: "I don't know, I want at least eight cities."

I was shocked: "Beiyuan is not as big as Xiyuan... eight cities is a lot, that's almost all of them along the border."

Wu Min Jun smiled: "Yes."

I feel that Wu Min Jun's ambition is too big, his appetite is too big, I don't know what to say, could only ask: "Will the TaiFu agree?"

Wu Min Jun: "I don't know, you first told the Taishi that the Taishi temperament is more rigorous. He may not agree at first, but he will eventually come around, anyway, so I'll win eventually."

I think it makes sense, so I nod

The matter was quickly settled. After about a month, it was officially announced. The soldiers of Xiyuan were well-trained, although they had rested for a while, they assembled again very quickly. Wu Min Jun decided to send 20,000 soldiers first, led by General He Qin.

Speaking of He Qin, I have always felt it was very funny. The reason is, he is a general, but his name is part of "and kiss", I first talked about this with Wu Min Jun, when I leaned back laughing, Wu Min Jun looked at me and said: "Why don't you say it in person, look behind you..." and I really turned to look and Wu Min Jun laughed out loud.

... Ah, how can I fall for this, I am like a mentally handicapped person around Wu Min Jun.........

**("and kiss" in chinese pinyin is "He qin", LOL get it?)**

In short, He Qin took the 20,000-strong army and attacked, just like the attack on Dongyuan. In fact, I have a little bit of pity for Beiyuan, but I can't stop it, because if I don't attack Beiyuan, Dongyuan will not have a chance to be rescued...

The weak cannot resist the strong, and can only push someone else that is weak to the strong to divert attention.

I feel a little sad, but I dare not show it in front of Wu Min Jun.

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