When Blood Runs Cold

Chapter 100 - Serena Vs The Assassins

"Want you dead?" Andrais scoffs, red, bloody spit flying in my face, causing me to grimace with unbridled disgust. Had I had access to my hands, I might have shielded my face, or indeed, landed him a solid punch in the gut, but of course, me being me has no such luck.

Besides, punching a vampire would be pretty useless anyhow, it would be like going bear fisted at a towering stone wall which seems like an awfully bad plan- that said I never really was one for smart ideas.

"Want you dead?" Andrais repeats once more, his voice rising up against the darkness with an unnerving mix of pure, maniac terror and the blazon confidence of a vampire who fears no mortal blade could ever hope to dash away an inch of his life. I grunt heavily. If only I could reach my sword...

"Little Serena, I want to do far more to you than just kill you. You have given me a long list of grievances, and I intend to repay you with every single one of them... Starting with cutting out your tongue," he smirks, eyes gleaming with a flaring crimson flame as he draws a clawed finger close to my face, grating it down the side of my cheek just lightly enough to tear at the skin, but not so deep that any blood begins to swell. Despite the pain, I steel myself: I will show no fear, not to this monster.

"I thought you said this would be easy, Andrais," one of the vampires- a girl with long blonde hair and two starlight bangles around her neck, utters in disdain, her voice strained with emotion as she remains rooted on the spot under the influence of Ithuriel's magic. Andrais tilts his head slightly to face them, narrowing his eyes pointedly before turning back to me, his lips peeled back into an arrogant snarl as the prior smugness quickly washes from his features.

"I didn't expect the whore to have a guardian. Besides, it's not my fault if you two can't handle yourselves," he growls, spit splattering all over my cheek once more. I grimace in disgust.

But a globule of spit hasn't stopped me before, and it isn't about to now.

"Well look at you, I guess you didn't do your research," I say with a foolish half laugh, and then choke into silence as that vice-like grip hardens further, cutting off the airways until my vision starts to blacken around the edges, and I suddenly come to the horrid realisation that if I don't get out of this soon, I am going to die. 

Well this isn't exactly the way I was expecting it to happen.

"What do you really want with me? I get you vampires are vain and stupid, but you could have done this alone. Why are they here?" I manage to cough out, trying to maintain eye contact with the red eyed beast before me, whose mouth stretches into a wicked, wiry grin, and failing miserably. Spots swim in the corner of my vision.

"The Prince is restless today, perhaps angry, he drained half the forest this morning in an effort to put to rest his ailments, but to no avail." he snarls instead, and presses me further back into the tree with little care for how such an action might effect me, or what it might do to my body. I groan in pain, back tensing in rigid resistance, causing Ithuriel to whimper his response, though I can barely hear it. Blood trickles lightly from a torn wound on my back.

"You have done enough damage to our Prince as it is. Wrapped him around your fingers, had him in your bed, opened yourself up to him like the little whore you are, twisted his mind to the point where he now thinks that marrying you, a lowly elven bitch, would be better than one of ours." He hawks a globule of spit in my face. "I will show him how much a whore like you is worth, right before I kill you. Then my one of daughters will marry him, and you shall be long forgotten, buried six feet below,"

His hands slide to the collar of my blouse, knuckled white as he pulls it open, buttons popping off as he rips the fabric clean in two, a wicked grin gleaming on his face. But the looseness of the action provides me a crucial moments freedom, and for a good warrior, a moment is all that you need.

"Now, let me-" 

The rest of his sentence is cut off by a loud choking that echoes in the back of his gullet as I look him square in the eyes, my sword piercing through his heart with a singular unforgettable thunk. Another spluttering cough lurches and dies in his throat. His eyes widen, blood frothing up from his lips, not quite understanding the full gravity of what is happening to him, of how my sword managed to meet his body without him realising. But that's the thing about vampires, in the foolishly arrogant nature of their ways, they suddenly presume themselves not only immortal, but un-killable too. It would seem the reality of the situation hits Andrais with about the same force as my silver sword penetrating through the depths of his icy heart, but of course by then, it is already too late.

His hands loosen their grip as he stumbles back, clutching his chest as I draw my sword back out with a sickening squelch and cleave my finger slowly down the side of it, wiping away the sticky red blood. I make sure he see's every single motion.

"Next time," I say, heaving my sword up once more as Andrais' legs collapse beneath him, his body crumpling under the weight of his own inexcusable failure. The wide eyed vampire tries to scramble back, only to find himself overthrown by bouts of blood and coughing, and I smirk wickedly as I see that even through the darkness, there is no denying the fact he is shaking. Screams arise from the two women as my sword raises higher, higher, but I barely hear them, driven on the rush of adrenaline coursing through my body. My eyes spark.

"Try not to forget that whore's like me carry weapons for a reason." And with that I plunge the sword down onto his back, carving through his rib cage with an audible 'crack'. A burst of bright golden light shocks through the forest, thrumming outwards from the sheer rage encapsulated in my body.

"Have fun in hell, you sick fuck," I whisper kneeling down beside him on the leaf bedded ground, placing my hand firmly on his back wintry as I let the raging fires of the heavens burn through me, crackling out through my finger tips until his whole body is ablaze with a white and gold flame. Turning my back on him, I try my best to ignore the screams of anguish that rise into the air like reems of smoke, along with the pungent smell of burning flesh, fumigating the once clear air of the forest with the stench of decay.

His two companions stare at me in a mixture of horror and surprise, their mouths open in silent banshee screams.

"Y-you killed Andrais! You killed father!" the blonde haired one shrieks at the top of her lungs, stabbing a long, pointing finger in my direction. I heave my sword up, marching forward like a soldier on the battlefield, fuelled by the rush of adrenaline and the sheer anger that courses through my veins. Whoever these vampires think they are, they aren't getting out of here alive. Not after trying to tear down my honour, not after insulting the authority of my Prince. 

As I press my sword to the blonde vampires chest, her eyes narrow through with anger as long streams of salty tears prick her eyes like knives- tears I didn't think such a heartless monster was capable of. She lashes out furiously, claws slashing empty hair, but Ithuriel's magic holds her fast.

"I'll kill you, you bitch!" 

But before she, or her companion, can do anything at all, they roll over, collapsing with a heavy thud onto the ground, clutching their heads in utter agony. I draw my sword away briefly, watching the spectacle unfold.

"Stop it, stop it!" they moan as Ithuriel stands now, strength returning to his limbs as he paces boldly forward, antenna blazing with light, hair stiff and prickled, teeth peeled back into a wolfish snarl.

"We will kill you both," they cry vainly into the open air, but their bodies continue to wreath as the fires burn low behind me, leaving no remains of their long deceased father but a cindered patch on the ground, smouldering in the darkness. I lower my eyes and crack my knuckles, approaching them with the heavy footfalls of a predator stalking its slowly dying prey. They wail in unison. Just as I lift my sword into the chilled air, steeling myself for the impact of meeting flesh and bone, a cold and calculating voice entwines my senses.

"So you are really going to kill them too? Impressive," 

My head jerks up. In an instant, my mouth shifts into an involuntary snarl as my eyes meet the sullen creature who leans casually up against a tree not two paces away, his eyes glimmering nefariously against the gloom. I don't know when he got there, but I don't particularly care either.

"Fuck off Azrael."

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