When Blood Runs Cold

Chapter 126 - How To Win Her Heart? (part Three)

I look over to Xavier, clearly awaiting answers for my talk on souls. I sigh.

"You are correct in saying that my soul is fated to hers, that we are linked so to speak. I am joined to her by a tether, or a bond, invisible to the eye, but it is there. It is what draws her to me, it is what makes me her mate," I add, mulling over the words for a moment to assess the truth of the matter. Xavier raises his head slightly, urging me to continue. I take another sip. Bland. So bland. I don't recall it being like this before.

"But a soul can go a lifetime without even coming near to another soul, and there are some times where souls may continuously meet each other lifetime through lifetime. Call it what you will, chance, fate, it doesn't matter. The process is random. She could have been born in the deepest parts of the ocean as a siren and I might never have seen her. Then we both would have lived our lives loveless and alone. The force of fate may drive us together, but sometimes the world simply does not play into our hands so easily. After all, where do you think the heaven soul was all these past hundred years? I have wondered about the realms of Faey entirely alone, but the soul of heaven would have been out there in some form or another. Just like before me another being would have possessed the soul of hell. It just so happened that this was the reincarnation that I happened to meet. That I happened to…" my throat works. "Love." A warm flush rises to my face, and I shiver at the peculiarity of the feeling.

It takes me a moment to realise Xavier is staring at me. I wrinkle my nose involuntarily.

"What?" I snarl angrily, tightening my grip around the stem of my wine glass, not bothering this time to lift it to my lips. Xavier doesn't move, doesn't even speak for a second as he surveys me across the room, a strange, enigmatic twinkle sparkling in the depths of his eyes. Just as my patience is wearing thin, his lips curve up into a sideways smile. A doting look plays on his face.

"You colossal idiot," he laughs softly, pinching the bridge of his nose as he leans his head back in despair. He chuckles to himself, quietly at first, before he is consumed by a ceaseless murmuring laugh, clutching his stomach to quell himself into silence. The wine glass shatters in my hand. Flecks of glass and blood litter the floor, leaving a sparkling array of daggered chips of glass bearing upwards from the carpet. But I pay it no mind.

"Watch it," I growl, clawing shadows rising from my fingertips, threatening to tear their way across the room if only I'd let them. Xavier may be one of my closest companions and advisers, but that doesn't make him immediately off the hook from my wrath, it only means I have to be more careful with the extent of my powers.

"You are fortunate that your wife is expecting you back in one piece, and that I have enough respect for you to keep you in one piece. If I catch you mocking me- mocking my love for her again, I will personally send you home flying."

Xavier leans backwards on the balls of his feet, swaying amorously, content to let me rant. He voices a laugh.

"My lord, I was not mocking you. Not at all. But look at yourself! You love her. You love her and yet you are bent on denying and talking over the frivolities of the impossibility of your meeting. Soren, what are you even waiting for? If you love her, go get her!"

I stand in stunned silence, letting his words sink deep into my bones. 

I love her. I love her. I love an angel. 

I repeat those words over in my head, over and over yet somehow finding they never turn stale, warmth washing over me with each repetitive note. I curl my fingers into a fist. It is likely by tomorrow morning after the hunger has set in, and a ceaseless doubt has paved the way for the embittered loathing I have for myself, those words will likely turn into something much sharper. It is not unlikely that by tomorrow I will be possessed by the very same resentment I once harboured for a little angel all those years ago, seething at the notion that someone so small, so pitifully insignificant in the grand scheme of the world could make me feel anything at all. 

But then again, I suppose she was never really insignificant to begin with. No, I refuse to hate her, let myself become the savage monster that everyone had promised I would be. Not any more.

"It's a deal,"

"What?" Xavier says suddenly, drawing backwards a bit to peer at me through half closed eyes. The sudden ascension in his heart is enough to tell me that my words have caught him by surprise. I give him a pointed look.

"Your bet," I sigh, but not with irritation, rolling my eyes at the dark haired boy before me. "You wanted me to ask her to dance, and if she accepted, you wanted me to give her a chance, convince her I am not a monster, get her to love me back. But if I am honest, its a pretty stupid bet," I say, shrugging as I glance slyly away, knowing full well that the reaches of curiosity are bound to get the best of the young vampire Prince. Xavier edges towards me a fraction of an inch, fingers tapping together in a manner that is somehow both curious and impatient.

"And why is my bet stupid?" he asks, lip twitching slightly. I shoot him a lazy smile.

"Because don't you see," I drawl, twiddling a finger around to form a spindle of magic that darts between the open spaces of my fingers, staring at it intently. I smile.

"Regardless of the outcome, I want to be hers."

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