When Blood Runs Cold

Chapter 133 - Marry Me (part Two)

Soren's words echo around us, catching on the warm breath of the wind and rustling through the lush rose bushes that surround us. In that moment of union, the sky seems to light up with stars, the gentle hum of fireflies becoming and orchestra of sounds around us, pricking the midnight sky with dots of buttery golden light. The air becomes thick with the scent of roses, and a light gurgle of water quivers on the breeze as a nymph pokes her head out from the lake to witness this reunion of two fatal enemies. 

It is as though in that moment, the world itself was waiting for this day.

Ripples of magic sway between us, black and gold, stretching out into the cool night, lapping at the darkness. In the same manner as what happened before with the shadowy coils from Soren that wind over our hands, a sliver of golden light streaks out the encompass Soren's ring finger, swirling around it until it vanishes into the black of the night, stolen away by the wind to play once more in the faint light of the deathless stars. A golden ring is left in its place, glinting against the icy parlour of his skin, ornate and beautiful, adorned by a matching rose to mine, only his is obsidian black. It is a beautiful ring, and one that fits him perfectly- an eternal rose, a beauty that can never die. 

Briefly I wonder whether these are rings Soren himself chose out for the occasion, or whether simply they had been conjured by the magical bond that winds between us. The latter certainly seems more likely given the events that have taken place, but either way I don't particularly mind. So long as he is mine, then I ask for nothing more.

Soren's hand still tightly clasped in my own, I lean up on my toes to place my lips against his, sealing our union with a singular, bold kiss. Dizzying feelings rocket over my body: exhilaration, joyful excitement, disbelief. All of which contribute to the light headedness that overcomes me when I pull away from him, swaying a little, my body not quite balanced. Soren laughs a little as I struggle, clamping his hands tightly around my waist in an effort to both steady me and draw me closer to him.

"Easy there, little dove. Don't get too ahead of yourself," comes his rumbling laugh, his fingers toying cleverly around my waist.

"Am I not allowed to kiss you?" I joke, pushing my finger into his chest teasingly as I make once more to kiss him, wobble on my feet, then fall back down defeated. Lovingly, Soren presses me further against him, his gorgeous golden eyes glowing with compassion.

"Not if you fall over and hurt yourself, no, darling," he chuckles. I wrinkle my nose at him, falling heavily against his chest.

At long last the blacks and golds of magic begin to die out into the night and I smile a little giddily, my heart skipping in my chest with a mixture of exhilaration and the after effects of the hungry jaws of nervousness. Soren- noticing my smile, brings up his hand to my face, cupping my cheek softly, his honeyed eyes spiked with a tender affection as he gives me a breath-taking smile. My heart beat quickens, racing impossibly faster.

The devil, I think to myself,  he knows what he is doing.

Bringing his spare hand to rest on the small of my back he pulls me gently against him, his mouth meeting mine. 

His lips brush mine, as delicately as a butterfly's wings on the flutter of an autumn breeze. Each of his actions are tentative, as though endeavouring to save every moment of, worried that it might not last. Softly, so very softly, his hands move down my body, as if savouring every touch, every tingle that runs through me, as if he could make this moment last a lifetime. I'm sure someone as fantastic and powerful as his would likely have no trouble doing so. I smile dizzily into our kiss.

There is a sweetness in his voice as he murmurs those words over and over against my lips, deepening the kiss until his it evolves into a murmuring song in the back of my mind, cooing to me as he draws me further into him, claiming my lips as his own:

"I love you,"

And so that melody of affirmation chants in my mind, his voice rising up like the gentle coo of a dove as I blossom against him, falling apart in the loving eagerness of his hands that hold me as if suddenly I am the only thing left in the world. Perhaps to a vampire whose solitary rule has left him cold blooded and empty against the brightness of love and the outside world, I truly am. 

"Say it again," I whisper, intoxicated on the beautiful whispers of his voice and the gentle murmuring of his lips against my skin, striving to hear those words delve up into the night again and again, to taint the air with the sheer possibility of them. An angel was never meant to love a vampire, nor a vampire an angel, but by some ill fortune, or perhaps some fantastic one, we are here, and he is mine.

"I love you, Serena. So much." 

I smile into our kiss before pulling away, slinging my arms around his neck to draw his forehead against mine, our faces so close that we share a single breath between us. My chest heaves with laboured pants.

"I can't believe you are mine," I whisper, nudging my nose against his as he leans up to capture my bottom lip, biting down on it gently before murmuring his agreement. I groan a little, eliciting a chuckle from Soren. Then, a slight confusion overcomes me, and I furrow my brow, double checking myself.

"In fact I can't believe that you don't want to kill me. It just seems so impossible. I can't believe that-"

"Hush," he breathes, silencing me without another devouring kiss, his tongue lapping against my bottom lip and then slowly slipping it into my mouth, groaning at the taste of me that spills over his tongue like honey.

I am faintly aware of the slight tang of blood that wafts up to my senses. A sweet substance that coats the inside of my cheek with its viscous redness, unsure but aware that at some point my tongue had been split on my unawares by the pressure of sharp teeth to release a small torrent of blood into my mouth. No doubt by his actions, of course.

Soren- whose taste buds have long since been fine tuned to seek the taste of my blood, offers up a delectable groan, his body shuddering a little, as though he would like nothing more than to throw me against the ground and taste every inch of my body over once more, savouring the feel and taste of my body as though it were of the finest wines. But, to his credit, this time he composes himself, bringing his body upright with visible effort as he pulls away from our kiss, flashing me a cocky smile as I pout childishly at him, all at once feeling quite content to simply kiss him long into the night. Soren taps my nose once, a teasing look swimming in his eyes.

"As much I would love to stand here kissing you, there is something else I would like to ask of you, darling. I know its a bit sudden, but I can think of no better time to talk about it."

Talk about what..?

My body goes rigid as soon as the words register within me, so with an anxious glance I peer upwards, searching for answers. Soren's tone gives nothing away, as cool and collected as he always has been, but the fact only serves to wrack my body with a much greater fear. Upon seeing the trembling nervousness that passes over me, Soren frowns, bringing a hand up to steady the quivering of my lip with his thumb, murmuring softly. Yet the action does little to soothe my worries.

"Hush now, little dove. You have nothing to be afraid of. Come, lie with me a moment, let me talk candidly with you."

"But our clothes," I protest, mostly out of the need to offer myself a distraction. "We will muddy them and-"

Without another word, Soren pulls me back against him, clutching me tightly as all at once our feet leave the ground, the both of us elevating off the grass, guided by some mysterious nonsensical force that causes me to cry out in alarm. I kick out, but my feet only meet empty air.

What is happening?

Frantically, I whip my head round to try and face Soren, only to be met by a soft, lazy smile, his hair floating back against the puffs of wind like little swirling tentacles dancing around his face. Seeing the panic rising on my face, Soren voices a sweet, honeyed laugh.

"Come now, I thought you of all people would appreciate this.. You act like you have never been airborne before, yet those lovely pairs of wings that you have tell me differently."

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