When Blood Runs Cold

Chapter 156 - The Entrance To The Labyrinth (part One)

Smouldering from my rage, flames begin to coil at the tips of my fingers, rolling and revolving into a solid ball that crackles and splutters in the palm of my hand.

Seething, I line up my aim with the spot that Azrael disappeared and lob the ball of flame with all my might.

"I am going to kill him," I screech, my thoughts going round and round, like a record on loop. Thoughts of destruction, of chaos, of tearing Azrael open with my bare hands and firing his whole body to a neat pile of cinder. Blood draws on the inside of my mouth as I clamp my teeth down on the side of my cheek, but I barely notice the pain. I lob another fireball, and little to my surprise, it does absolutely nothing.

"I'm going to tear his body up, limb from limb, throw his head to the hellhounds, skewer his head on a nice silver platter, and then I am going to kill him."

Another explosion of fire. Another fireball welling in the palm of my hand. Another empty shot fired. One after another in a seemingly never ending chain of destruction, each one nibbling away at my anger, subduing my rage with each expulsion of hot headed anger. 

At last I lean over, bending double, my breath laboured.

"Serena, shooting fireballs into empty air will not help matters," Kal pleas, to which I shoot him a disgruntled look.

"I still want to kill him though."

Kal puts up his hands in a vain attempt to lull me into submission, eyeing me doubtfully.

"So do I, Serena. You have no idea. Azrael has people I love too, he might even have Fangorn. But we can't go making those sorts of threats when our friends' lives are on the line. Besides that, we don't even know where he is! I don't have a clue where the flame is, or where he has possibly gone. He has vanished, Serena. And no amount of aimless shooting of fire through the air is going to help us find him. We need to start looking!" Kal cries, raising his hands in exasperation.

Drearily, I lower my eyes, my fingers forming into fists as I extinguish the flames from my hands, feeling the power seep back into my bones with a hearty shiver. Having such free use of my powers, not to mention how potent they are, feels awfully intoxicating- not to mention the fact that they have yet to reach the dizzying levels of Soren's powers. It very much appeals to me to set this whole place alight, burn it to the ground, if only to see Azrael's face as everything flames up around him. Sighing, I shake my head. No, that's the vampire blood speaking, not me.

I need to act rashly, or I might just get everyone killed. Puffing out my cheeks, I run a hand through my hair.

"I think I know where he has gone." I announce gruffly, pulling up the cuffs of my sleeves. Hastily, I whip off my sachet, throwing it to the slender dragon, who catches it with the tips of his fingers, curling his hands around it. Perplexed, Kal looks up for answers.

"You should find Lilyana's bracelets in there- probably at the bottom somewhere. Take them out, and put one on, give the other to me. I had intended to have Ithuriel come with me, but he isn't here, so you are going to come with me instead, I am afraid. And be quick about it, Kal, we don't have much time." I say snappily, straightening the sword at my hip before stalking up to the dais where the throne lies, half chipped by the onslaught of violence it had experienced. For a moment I stand there, steadying my nerves and collecting my thoughts.

Maybe my anger is getting to me, and  maybe  I was a bit too harsh on Kal just now. After all, he is in the same boat as me- equally terrified, equally hurting, and certainly wanting to kick Azrael's ass into the next dimension. I can't let my anger get the best of me, let is throw me off course, create divisions with Kal. That would be exactly what Azrael wants- and thus is something I am the least keen to endorse.

Plucking myself from my thoughts, I turn my attention back to the throne.

Lovingly, I run my fingers over the soft velvety cushion, the ornate curling edges, reminiscing over a time when the throne was once whole, when Soren and I had sat here, alone and unattended. It is a throne as beautiful as it is menacing, stretching out from the top with a set of twin horns, or branches (I never could decide), and despite all the chaos, a thin array of wispy blue lights still float around it, sinking in and out of existence. But now it is crumbled, ruined, a mockery of what it once was, and a symbolic destruction of what Azrael hopes to achieve. The ruination of the crown... To think we had made love here, and now…

Gasping I take a step back, watching as the crumbled debris re-joins itself, knitting back together piece by tiny piece, slotting itself into the empty gaps of the throne, making it whole. Kal appears at my side, his hand raised, finger tips glowing with magic, smiling lightly at the look on my face as the throne raises up before us, reborn from the ashes. A few clinking sounds later, and a series of pieces flying into place, the throne stands before us, tall and proud as it once was. Despite everything, I manage to flash him a grateful smile.

"Thanks Kal, I know it's weird, but that means a lot."

"Anytime," he says, waving me off with one hand, offering me the other bracelet in the other. "I doubt my people would approve of such a blasphemous use of my magic, but I left them behind long ago." he admits, shrugging, before shaking the bracelet at me once more, knocking me out my dazed wonder.

"Here, your bracelet."

Carefully I take it from his grasp and slip it onto my wrist. As I do so, a feeling of unnatural cold slips over me, creeping into my bones and bringing the temperature of my body to a frigid chill, as though I have been left out a fraction too long in a snowstorm. I pat myself down, searching for a heartbeat on my neck, my wrist, my temple, and on finding none, look up triumphantly, indicating my success. A good thing Fangorn hadn't lied about its properties, else we might just be going to our death. The slender dragon looks me up and down.

"No heartbeat. Good, it seems to have worked. Of course, I wouldn't expect any less from Elris, he was always a fine forger" he nods, fiddling with the golden bracelet on his own wrist a little uncomfortably. I narrow my brows at him. I wouldn't say Kal appears the type to not wear jewellery, in fact judging by the largely flashy outfits he wears, I'd say he is hardly adverse to the concept. But as it would anyone, the concept of suddenly not having a heartbeat does not sit well with the little dragon, a look of obvious distress tugging at his features, as if worried he might suddenly keel over and die. 

I give him a reassuring pat on the back.

"Don't worry, Kal. If Elris is good for anything, it's his enchantments. You aren't going to die, I promise. I mean, look at me, I have been wearing this stupid necklace for heavens knows how long, and my wings still come back each time," I chuckle to lighten the mood, and then stop short, the events of the past half an hour catching back up on me.

My hand creeps up to clutch the pendant at my neck, a faint crimson glow pulsing from the confines of its glass chamber. The blood inside rages against the glass, swirling with a blackened disdain that is not unlike its owner. My fist tightens.

Right. It's time to find Soren and Ithuriel.

Confidently, I stalk up beside the throne, placing my hands on the arm, searching, prodding, testing with each tentative touch. Yes, this must be where it is. Leaning my arms against the side of the throne, I begin to push. My muscles strain as I heave, a vein bulging in my head in an effort to force the tremendous throne from the position it likely has not moved for several hundred years. I grunt a little, managing to push it a few centimetres, before falling back, winded. Whatever the hell this throne is made out off, it has been crafted to withstand even a vampires strength, and that is an impressive feat to begin with. Perhaps after this is all said and done, I will chain up Azrael with blocks of the same making.

"A little help, Kal?"

His eyes spark to attention.

"Oh, right!" he says, clearly not quite with it. I sigh inwardly. It's not like I can blame him- everyone has just disappeared around him, Soren, Ithuriel, and likely Fangorn too, considering he is not even allowed in the palace to begin with. I wouldn't be surprised if he is cracking internally, breaking apart, but the worst part is there is no time to dawdle on such grievances. 

We have a Labyrinth to find.

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