When Blood Runs Cold

Chapter 164 - A Dangerous Illusion (part One)

No hope... 

Echoes my mind in watery laughs, the silvery voices of vampires spinning around a long forgotten ballroom. 

No hope for the hybrid girl.

Despairingly, I think of the monumental task ahead of me- two more lairs, both designed by creatures created to kill, perfect predators who show no mercy or sentiment to the lesser beings that sit below them in the grand pyramid of life. A series of trials designed to wipe out the weak and the mortal- that is what is ahead of me now.

I can almost hear Azrael's laugh from here. How he would rejoice in the sight of my anguish!

Again, that watery laugh echoes through my mind, blurred, as though underwater.

No hope! No hope!

A steady hand against my shoulder pulls my mind back into existence. A pair of comforting arms slink around my body, cradling me against a sturdy form.

"You have all the hope," Soren murmurs against my skin, his hands sliding down my back, pulling my body closer to his. "You are far stronger than you give yourself credit for. I just watched you wipe out an entire colony of halflings without a blink of an eye. Surely that deserves some credit now, hmm?" he hums in his sweet, velvety voice- the type of voice that can wash away all your problems in an instant. 

Sometimes it's difficult to remember that this is the voice I once feared.

"I suppose that is true," I muse lightly, leaning my head against his chest as I hum gently. Perhaps Soren has too much faith in me, or perhaps, just maybe, he is giving me the confidence I need for this. The confidence I so desperately lack.

Gradually, the voices in my head begin to fade, each one dying out with each steady beat of my soundless heart.

"Thank you, Soren," comes my muffled response against his chest, pressing my face tightly against him, knowing that if I let go, I might never hold on to him again. All that depends on whether I can make it through the next few sections of the maze, and on top of that make a plan to wrangle my way out of Azrael's grasp before he takes my soul. I promised Soren and myself that I would not be letting anyone die today, and I intend to keep that promise- at least if I can help it.

"You do not need to thank me, my darling. I am just sorry that I cannot be here for you more. You see, I am afraid my time is very nearly up now, but before I go, I need to warn you," he says, ushering me away from him to sink low to meet my eyes. The serious look on his face is enough to wipe away any further thoughts of happiness from my already wearied brain. My mind reels frantically. 

Warn me of what exactly?

Taking a deep breath, Soren whispers:

"My brother is planning on sending an illusion out to find you. Quite obviously due to the incantations and rituals he must prepare for, he cannot join you himself, or he would have to start his ritual over again. But please, darling, do not touch the illusion. It is a very special type of illusion he has created, one he only has enough power to make every few months or so. Please do not let it touch you," he begs desperately, clutching my hands in his. Hardly daring to breathe, I whisper:

"And if it does touch me?"

Soren's expression darkens.

"If you do, Azrael will be able to form a mental link with you. I do not know the extent of its power, but it might even surpass the amulet you have, so you must be careful. If he does that, at worst there is a possibility he might be able to control your actions, but one thing is for certain, and that is he will mess with your head. The next tier to this labyrinth is of Azrael's making. Staying in the right frame of mind will be more important than ever."

Breathlessly, I nod my agreement. Of course, I nearly forgot. Azrael is the maker of the next section of the maze- a segment of this trial which Fangorn boasted to be full of illusionary magic. The last thing I need then is to let Azrael take a hold of my mental willpower.

Alright then,  I think inwardly, pushing down my anxiety.  I guess I will just have to stay the hell away from Azrael then. Or perhaps a spell will do it. Just to be safe.

That plan sounds reasonable enough- after all, illusion or not, I am not too fond of Azrael touching me anywhere to begin with. Waving my hand over myself, I cast a barrier of light, a golden glow that encompasses my body, separating me and anyone else with an inch of impenetrable empty air.

A second later and Soren raises his head frantically, eyes wide, casting out against the gloom for something that I can neither see, nor hear. Hurriedly, he grips onto my shoulders.

"Go, Serena, go. My time with you is up, I will see you on the next layer. Be careful, darling," he warns, attempting to give me a pat on the head, then upon realising my light barrier will not allow him to, he swiftly gives up. Turning me around, he guides me forward into the darkness, his fingers pressing against my back. Panic starts to stricken in my belly.

"But Soren, what do I-"

I do not get to finish my answer.

Lurching forward, I stumble out into the blackened depths of the labyrinth, hit once more by the nauseating scent of death and decay, bitter and acrid compared to the cool darkness I was formerly in. Warily, I pat my sachet, then with a sigh of relief upon realising everything is still there, relax my shoulders slightly. 

Glancing down at the little black dragon sleeping inside my sachet, I give a brief but needed smile. I guess I am not so alone after all.

Shouldering my bag, I begin to plod on, dismissing any pining thoughts of Soren that have begun to accumulate in my mind. I need to focus, need to stay alert.

The heavens know when the illusion will show itself, but in the meantime, I have another entrance to find. It surely can't be far now. 

Traipsing through the empty hallways alone seems all the more terrifying than when it was filled with creatures. The dead silence of the place sets my teeth on edge, raising the hair on my back and filling me with a sickly anticipation, the thought that I am still not the only one left in the place. But of course, that is very untrue. I purged every single life in this maze… didn't I?

Hopelessly, I wish that Kal would join me again, wake back up and reform into his human self- at least then I might be provided with some ample banter, however fear stricken that might be. But no such luck comes.

Sighing, I bite the inside of my cheek. I guess it is just me, and the guiding tug of my bond at my soul (which isn't really much for company, to be honest). A few minutes in, I reach a crossroads, taking a decisive right, the bond within me tugging harder and harder with every passing motion. The light around me gleams brighter, hopefulness playing in my soul. 

Yes, this is it, the final stretch of this layer… it has to be.

"Congratulations, Serena, you got through the first part of the maze."

A cold drawl stops me in my tracks, sending a wave of shivers crackling down my spine. For a moment- just for a moment, I stop, my breath shallow in my chest, listening to the clip of heels against the now boneless flooring coming up behind me.

Dread pools in my insides. Thanks to Soren's warning, I was very much expecting the illusion. But I had not anticipated what form the illusion might take- or what voice it might boast. I had assumed it would be a perfect mimicry of Azrael, but instead...

The movements stop just behind me, the hairs on my arms standing upright, a coil tightening in my chest as realisation slowly dawns on me as to what the illusion is.

"Turn around, won't you? I made this one specially for you."

"No," I spit, moving onwards through the darkness, but my movements are sluggish, half hearted, as though not fully formed. "I don't care to see what you are, you are just an illusion, Azrael. A sly little snake who likes to mess with people's minds, and I am coming to beat your ass straight back down to hell."

I daren't look round, not at the form he has taken, or anything at all, not willing to give him the satisfaction of my engagement. 

At my response, the illusion only laughs, the tap of heels resuming as they stride after me, intent on keeping my pace.

"You have said your congratulations," I huff, wiping away a loose strand of hair as I walk. "Now get out of here before I blast you like I did all the halflings." I growl, lacking any remorse or feeling whatsoever.

I have no time for Azrael's petty games. In fact, I have no time for Azrael whatsoever.

He can go straight to hell.

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