When Blood Runs Cold

Chapter 169 - The Diadem Of The Deep (part One)

From within my thoughts a faint voice trickles my thoughts back into reality. 

"That," says a familiar voice musingly. "Is a very interesting crown you have yourselves. How awfully peculiar that it is here at such a time. And even more peculiar that you have it, Kal- where on earth did you find it?"

Both our heads whip round in cognitive unison.

As soon as I see the figure there, coiled in black shadows and wreathed in darkness like some sort of extremely handsome reaper, I crack a grin.

Floating casually above the water, hands behind his head, a scrupulous look upon his face, is Soren, his figure misted in a dense shadow, amber eyes glowing like cats eyes against the gloom. He looks as polished as ever: hair neatly curled, his lips glossy, his eyes lined with a faint streak of kohl to accentuate his features. But I have my doubts that wherever he truly is now, he looks quite as good. Last I saw of him he was bloody and bruised, and certainly not the smart, ever dazzling vampire he almost always makes out to be.

"It's good to see you Soren," I grin childishly, tempted to reach up and give him a hug if it weren't for my icy entombment in the water. Kal, meanwhile, does not share my enthusiasm.

Languorously, Soren rolls onto his stomach, floating down to reach out towards the diadem, but before he can, Kal jerks it away, a suspicious look overcoming his face. Clutching the crown close to his chest, he points a daggered finger at the handsome vampire floating in front of him.

This surely isn't going to end well.

"Serena, affirm for me, you can see him, right?" he whispers from the side of his mouth, glancing Soren up and down with an apprehensive gesture to the whole of his body. I give him a sideways look.

"Yes, I can see him, but-"

I have already said enough for Kal. Straightening out his wings, he puffs out his cheeks, pointing a finger at the very amused looking Soren, who seems to be taking it all in with a rather joyful disposition.

Kal spreads his wings, throwing the uncaring Soren into shadow as he rises up in the air to face him. It is the sort of behaviour I have seen in animals before, defensive, if not threatening, an attempt to make themselves look bigger than they actually are. There is no disputing that Kal does carry some degree of intimidation- from the expanse of lean muscles that ripple through his body, one might hazard a guess that he could knock out an opponent in five seconds flat. An impressive feat, really, considering a vampire could knock someone out in less than one. But none of this helps to bring to light why Kal is acting so defensive against Soren- that is until I realise one crucial detail.

I forgot to tell him about mine and Soren's agreement.

Well, I sigh inwardly to myself, wringing my hands out against the water. Hopefully nothing too bad comes of it.

But like all my other hopes I have had these past few hours, I hardly trust anything will be answered.

Practically growling, Kal waves a finger accusingly in Soren's direction.

"Imposter! I know that's you, Azrael! Our Soren is locked up in silver chains, you can't fool me!" he cries, to which Soren only rolls his eyes, backing up slightly to avoid being jabbed at. The Prince's eyes dart towards me, giving me a knowing, but surprisingly not disappointed look. Cupping a hand around his mouth, he whispers:

"You didn't tell him?"

Grinning bashfully, I shake my head.

"Nope, sorry." Soren grins, rolling his eyes humorously once more.

"Forgiven," he chuckles, turning slowly back around to face the very confused Kal, who continues to fly circles around Soren, jabbing and pointing whilst trying to maintain some sort of distance. I will give it to Kal, he is braver than most, and perhaps if this was  the real Azrael, I might have even commended him.

But that's the thing. It's not.

Wide eyed and fearful, he glances between the two of us. Wriggling his fingers, a ball of magic rises in his palms.

"Don't converse with him, Serena! He isn't real!"

Clucking my tongue, I give him a pointed look, making my best attempt at a shrug- which is surprisingly hard to do half submerged in water.

"Yeah, about that," I start, rubbing the back of my head guiltily, trying my absolute best to hide my grin. 

"So, uh, I may have forgotten to tell you Soren would be paying us a visit in, uh, shadow form," I state at last, hesitantly brushing my hands over Soren's form to indicate my point of interest. As I do so, his form flickers, wreathed in the shadows that continuously spill over his skin like running water down a cliff face- smooth and flawless. As an additional point of demonstration, Soren raises his hand, his fingers swirling with shadows, giving him the perpetual appearance of not being quite in existence- neither here nor there, but somewhere in between.

To anyone else the evidence is clear- this is a creature of shadows, not substance. Shadows that (last I checked) Azrael had no means of controlling.

But to Kal, a paranoid and fearful individual whose best attempts at staying level headed are wiped away with the prospect of this cavern holding infinite illusions, looks thoroughly unconvinced.

"Oh yeah? Well if you are Soren, prove it," Kal sniffs, still maintaining his rigid and domineering posture above my head, the beat of his wings sending water rippling away from each stroke.

Gently, I smile.

I respect him for that, really, his loyalty and willingness to come to my defence, no matter what the cause. If Kal truly believes that Soren is Azrael- and by the look on his face one might deduce that he certainly does, his bravery in my defence falls nothing short of impressive.

But in spite of Kal's bravery, Soren only shrugs, amused, his eyes glitters as he voices softly:

"Alright, ask me anything."

For a moment, Kal ponders, clearly not expecting cooperation, before he raises his head, a determined look on his face, as though expecting him unable to answer.

"Alright then, where did you first meet me?"

Soren's answer is immediate.

"The Siren's Tavern, three hundred and eighty seven years ago. You ordered two shots of the strongest vodka they had and proceeded to spill your guts up on the floor whilst still maintaining the resolve that you would fight anyone who came in a two meter radius of Fangorn. Needless to say you made quite the fool of yourself, but I certainly respected you for it. It was also the first -but not the last- time I realised you absolutely could not hold your liquor."

At these words, Kal sinks down, a slightly embittered look playing on his features. His fingers tap anxiously at his belt, grumbling words that the waves on the water swiftly wash away.

"You never let me live that one down, huh," he mutters, before raising his head and grinning at the vampire Prince in front of him.

"It's good to see you Soren- I assume all this is a projection?" he asks a little hopefully, as though half expecting that it might not be. With the extent of Soren's usual greatness, one might think that anything is possible for the vampire Prince- but not this time.

The Scarlet Prince flashes an apologetic smile, reclining back against the open air.

"I am afraid so. My real body is still incapacitated, unfortunately. And Azrael's incantation is halfway complete- you are running out of time. Though I do applaud you, Serena," he says, turning to give me a coaxing smile. Gently he leans over and ruffles my hair with the tips of his shadowy fingers. "Whatever you did to Azrael's illusion, he is positively pissed."

A large grin spreads on my face.  Hell yeah he is.

"Serves him right," I snicker with a low growl, continuing to tread water with my slowly tiring limbs before smiling once more, unable to wipe the grin off my face. An attitude of temporary relaxation falls between us: a combination of the blissful but short lived victory over the other Prince, and the strange tranquillity of us all being together. It is a good moment, a quiet one. But like all good things in life, it does not last.

Kal hovers down to float beside me, untangling his hands from the crystalline diadem, pulling it out in front of him to glance over it. For a moment, we all stare at him, soaking in the rays from the faintly glowing crystals as if they might lend us the answers we so desperately seek. Then with a sudden thought of realisation, I add.

"You said the necklace was peculiar, why?" Soren turns to me, eyes flickering back and forth between the pendant and my face. For a few seconds, he remains silent, chewing over his words. At last, he speaks slowly:

"Ah.. I thought you knew. Well, I take it to assume you have met Lady Delina Mikhail?"

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