When Blood Runs Cold

Chapter 264 - Faery Lands

"And what would you like to order, my handsome fellow?" announces the bartender once more with a sly wink, continuing to wash and put away the spare beer glasses. "We have all kinds of spirits, wines, food if that is more your forte. Or can I offer you another type of meal?" She offers, stretching out her well sculpted body before me, allowing scraps of pale green flesh to appear from under her clothes. To this, some of the men across the table jeer with cheering laughs, obviously in full support for whatever impassioned night of romance they expect her to be getting. Though if I know drunk tavern men as well as I think I do, they probably want in on it too.

"You make a generous offer, but alas, tonight I will only be ordering things on the menu," I sigh, relieved that my plan has gone through without a hitch. With the glamoured suggestion now implanted into her mind, and no traces of my involvement left on the scene, I find I can breathe a little easier now.

Inwardly, I allow my body to relax. It would seem that nothing has changed then.

Looking a little dispirited, the bartender puts down her now clean glass, forcing a smile as she adds:

"Alright then haha. What may I get for you?"

But the disappointment in that empty laugh is all too poignant. I almost feel bad for the poor girl, and begin to wonder sorrowfully if she has ever been outside this tavern before.

"A blood wine, one red wine, one bottle of elderflower juice and a shot of venison blood, my good lady," then remembering that I have members in my party who need to eat, I add: "And some cuts of apple roast venison if you please," I order politely, fishing around in my pocket for a bag of gold coins. Realistically, all of those drinks could be brought with a silver coin and another two silver for the meal, but tonight I have a good feeling in my gut, and a peculiar spring in my step. So as she brings the drinks over on a platter to the counter, I pay two gold coins instead. Generosity is a gift I have learnt goes a long way, someone very important told me that.

"You are so generous, good sir," she praises once more as Fangorn slides himself around to re-join the conversation. Taking a few drinks in hand, he gives me a subtle nod. Nobody heard a thing. "Perhaps you will be even more generous in bed," she adds, shaking her hips suggestively as she saunters over to pour out another few glasses of cider for the eagerly awaiting folk. I lower my eyes. 

Dear me, this woman really needs to find herself a partner.

"Sorry, darling," I merely shrug, rising from my seat at the side of the bar with an apologetic frown. "I am already taken by another. But I am sure you will find someone of worthy enough calibre- hopefully not in this tavern," I assure, stalking towards the awaiting angel and dragon who sit anxiously at the table. Then under my breath, I add: "All they have in their hearts are visions of lust and sex. You should get out of here while you still can."

But by the time those words are out, she is long gone, immersed in another set of customers, another order, another opportunity. Business is everything around these parts- not because it is rare, but simply because it is profitable. Being right in the crux of where the outside world meets the enchanted forest, this tavern is an ideal place for travellers, regulars and the simple wanderers who wish to escape from life for an hour or two. It is also the prime place for Azrael to send in spies. We will have to be careful.

"Did you get me alcohol?" Kal asks eagerly, eyeing to glasses of sparkling liquids that Fangorn and I carry over to the large table. Taking a seat, Fangorn pushes the glasses to their respective owner, breathing along sigh as he slumps in his seat.

"No Kal, just elderflower. How can we expect you to be on guard when you are flat out drunk?" he snickers darkly, waving his finger at the dragon who shrinks back into his seat. Taking a sip from his own cup, Fangorn takes a moment to slot back in the knives he was toying with over at the bar, humming amiably. Kal however, appears far less impressed by this statement.

Clasping his hands around the cup, Kal buries his face into the flowery sparkling beverage.

"I won't get drunk."

"You will," chimes the whole table in unison, before looking around, realising perhaps that we had spoken a little too loud. A couple of heads turn in our direction, followed by a few unassuming looks, but the majority of the tavern life continues as normal- they are used to far worse disturbances after all.

Drawing up a seat firmly, I sit myself down at the table, lacing my fingers over my cup of blood wine and giving it a small sip. Compared to the taste of Serena's blood, it is completely and utterly stale. With a sour expression, I manage to gulp down a few more sips before I give up on it entirely. Nothing tastes the same any more.

"So," says Ithuriel reluctantly, managing to keep his voice low enough that it won't pass further than the table we sit at. And even if it did, I would soon know about it- unfortunately however, my methods for dealing with those with malicious intent isn't exactly… sympathetic. For a moment he is interrupted as a waiter brings round a vast plate of roasted venison, doused in a sticky glaze and roasted apples for good measure.

Seeing no point in wasting good food, Kal grabs a knife and tucks in, followed by a reluctant but obviously hungry Ithuriel. After a few mouthfuls of food, Ithuriel continues:

"We are about a day's walk from the palace, with no signs from Serena. I suggest we tread the next few days with caution. We don't know where Azrael's spies may be hidden, or what traps he has laid for us. He is imprisoning Serena not two days from here, it would be wise that we remain alert. Should word arrive that Serena has made a move out of the palace, it would be our best interest to help her, too. We will undoubtedly be stronger together. But if we receive no word, it would be a logical decision to wait on it further. We must have faith in Serena."

"They trained you as an excellent warrior," Fangorn remarks, downing a shot of venison blood and wiping his mouth swiftly of the remains. He licks his lips. "I can see why they appointed you as the Queen's personal guard," he chuckles lightly, before turning to me, his expression becoming more serious. "But in the knowledge that we will be arriving at Queen Kagura's Palace soon, what do you suggest our plan of action be?"

"Proceed with caution," Kal buts in, raising his hand over mouthfuls of elderflower drink and sticky roasted venison. Swirling his glass thoughtfully, he looks down into the already half empty glass a little deflated. Then he sighs. "They speak in tongues and riddles, and those are not the sort of things you want to get yourself caught up in."

Nodding, I recline back against my seat. It has been a while since I have visited the Faery's lands and the enchanted forest, and even longer since I have divulged a visit to the crystal palace. Most of the time it is a place considered off-limits to those who don't know the area purely due to the sheer volume of misdirection and tricks put in place to fool you. Some more or less harmless, such as a sign switched to the opposite direction, but others not so much. A few years back there was a largely hostile group of faeries bent on denying outsiders entry to their lands, and to prevent this, they had poisoned the air with a fog of sleep and enchanted carnivorous plants to devour the bodies left behind. Suffice to say, it was wholly a disaster.

Fortunately, Kagura swiftly sorted out these trouble makers.

"Faeries are tricky creatures," I commend Kal with a dip of my hand in his direction. For how naïve the dragon often appears, he certainly is worldly in his knowledge.

"It is rare to meet one as genuine as Kagura. They are often a fan of deception, and will make no habit of concealing that from you. I have visited a few faery courts in my life, none of which turned out particularly pleasantly. They are greedy, and sly, and will absolutely stop at nothing to get something they want from you. I suggest we tell no one else but Kagura and Xavier of our plans, and the details of what has happened. The rest is up to her to inform her court on."

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