When Blood Runs Cold

Chapter 268 - A Sleepless Night For The Immortals

"We will relay your plan promptly to our Lady and ensure her safety," the second wolf assures with a low grow, bowing his head once more. The other wolf too bows low and respectfully, giving my hand one last nudge with his snout as they used to do to me when I was younger and more volatile. Back then, their words were about the only thing that could ever quell the rage inside me- the blood lust and anger, though never entirely.

Perhaps they can already sense my apprehension now.

Suffice to say, thinking about what my putrid brother might do to my wife in the time it takes me to search for Kagura and the crystal palace is not in the least comforting, and certainly of no benefit to quelling my rage.

But hopefully, that will be a burden that I will not have to bear for much longer.

"We will keep her safe, my Lord," the second wolf assures with a rasping growl, raising himself now as he backs up into the darkness. Before the void of blackness can swallow them whole, they linger on the edge of the abyss, their glowing eyes watching me with a wary hesitation.

"Anything else, my Lord?" They chime in unison, their eyes glittering expectantly as they stand to attention. Standing too now, I back up towards the banisters of the tavern behind me, feeling as though I am forgetting something. Latching on to one of them, I draw myself up slightly. Then with a little spark through my mind, I suddenly remember.

Reaching my hand into the void of darkness, I fish around for what I had saved from the tavern, searching blindly for that familiar feel of meat inside that pocket dimension I have created for myself. It had been such a shame to let it all go to waste, yet Kal and Ithuriel had hardly touched it. So with the expectation that my companions would undoubtedly be turning up soon, I had taken a few slices before I left in preparation for this meeting. Although I am not usually one to indulge people in frivolous gifts, with the extent of things that these hell hounds do for me, it is the least I can do to make them feel appreciated on the job.

"Here," I exclaim, throwing them both a hunk of the stored meat, which they catch expertise in their maws, wolfing them down in a second flat. They never were creatures to waste time.

"Nothing else is to be said on the matter. You are dismissed. If any other occurrences that are of any significance take place, I would urge you to find me promptly."

They both nod with a doting growl between them.

"As you wish." 

The two hell hounds were never great creatures of words when I first met them, nor do I find are they now as the night swallows them whole, their bodies slinking amongst the trees and through the undergrowth like the wind through the trees. Any other onlooker might have missed such a minute detail among the forest, unless they had peered particularly closely, then they might just have caught a glimpse of red eyes pricking through the gloom. But soon even that too is gone,  making their appearance look as though it were nothing more than a trick of the light.

Breathing a sigh of relief in the knowledge that I have somewhat of a hold over the situation at hand, I hoist myself back over the banisters, glad to be in the welcoming glow of the tavern once more. Resting there for a moment, I take one more breath of the frigid night air.

It is strange now to feel the breath of the wind upon my wings- it has been many years since I have had control over these peculiar apparitions, and the motion now is almost foreign to my senses. It had taken a great deal of getting used to them, and the influx of my powers as my split soul had re-joined my body. Even still there are days where that viscous darkness begins to crawl back out of my body, eating up my surroundings.

But the wings are- in a peculiar sense- comforting, and serve on my most lonely nights that my wife and I are not so different after all. It is a pleasant thought, calming almost, enough so that occasionally I might put aside my grief and rage and somewhat relax.

Though underneath the surface, these concerns never cease to gnaw at my insides.

My, if I had half the chance, who wouldn't dare suggest that I might not go to the palace where Azrael holds Serena hostage and tear the place limb from limb. If it hadn't been locked up, I certainly would have, too. It would be my greatest pleasure to burn that place right down to the ashes, leave nothing but bones and the trickle of ashes through the dirt- wiping away that dreadful stain from the entirety of Faey.

Perhaps in my earlier days I might have been reduced to such a mindless rage, found myself consumed with bloodlust and anger and driven myself to a baseless fit of destruction. But such an act would be detrimental to our plan, and no longer am I driven by such an all consuming wrath.

Perhaps I have Serena to thank for that. No, I do have Serena to thank for that. But that doesn't mean I don't still wish I could.

Dragging my feet to the door, I suddenly realise I am in for a very long night.


In the early hours of the morning, Fangorn and I sit side by side in our arm chairs, watching over the room as the two of the boys sleep separately across from each other. For the most part, the night has been restful. The rowdy tavern life died down in the late hours of the night, and those who weren't too drunk to stand managed to drag themselves back home or to their beds in the upper part of the tavern. The rest remained, quietly milling below and mulling over sips of water as they try to dispel the dizziness that consumes their heads.

Occasionally, a strange howl can be heard escaping into the trees across the horizon, and a small shadow can be seen flitting across the moon across the window. But we are in the land of the faery folk now, anything, and likely everything, is liable to happening.

"So," Fangorn murmurs, keeping his voice low so as not to disrupt our lumbering acquaintances. Even if it is only temporary, it is nice to see our friends brows not conflicted with worry, the heavy drag of sleep smoothing out their faces into a softer appearance. For now, they rest. 

"How do you think Xavier is going to take our arrival so out of the blue?"

Shifting a little in my seat, I gaze sightlessly out of the window, listening. 

"I have informed his Queen of a minimal amount of information surrounding our visit. I have signed via a nickname she used to have for me, that way if it was intercepted Azrael would likely leave it be. But it is up to her to tell Xavier of our visit."

"Smart thinking," Fangorn grunts, following my gaze to the opposite window. "But I can imagine there will be quite the surprise if he doesn't know," he chuckles lightly, reaching over to the nearest coffee table to grab a swig of some cider he brought up. Vile stuff, cider. But I suppose if it makes him happy then I shall not complain. It has been a long time since I have seen Fangorn so freely content, it is rather refreshing to say the least.

"We will have to leave early this morning. We can't afford to lose time considering we are already behind on the clock. I am unaware of how much Azrael has advanced his plans to find the other soul, but if they are anywhere near as polished as the ones he has implemented with Serena, we have every cause to worry."

Thoughtfully, Fangorn runs his finger over the rim of the cider glass. Lazily, his eyes settle to where the sleeping dragon boy lies, glazing over for a moment as he retreats back into his thoughts. In the emptiness of his heart, a pitiful forlorn floats aimlessly.

"Do you think Kagura will help us? To relinquish information where the soul resides… that is a rather risky move."

For a moment, I do not answer. Kagura was very close to the soul of the earth from what I can remember from prior years- and very protective too. The three of them had become rather close companions until the soul of the earth had disappeared in hiding- for reasons yet I have not established. Though I am hoping Kagura might.

"She is naturally protective of the soul, she might even think that they are better off in her care. But she is no soul. She cannot protect him against Azrael's mind powers- unless her will happens to be stronger than his. But that is a risk I am not willing to take."

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