When Blood Runs Cold

Chapter 39 - Distractions (part Two R18)

Feeling his body pressed into mine is one thing, feeling his slow, sensuous kisses on my neck is another.

How on earth did it come to this?

"Won't you let me please you? I know you have wondered how it would feel, to be pleasured by a vampire, to have one kiss you, to love you," He murmurs against my skin, his voice low and husky, sending shockwaves of arousal running through me.

Of course he knew. But he is toying with me again. This surely can't be genuine.

His mouth is hungry, claiming, teeth grazing over the delicate skin of my neck of my neck as if he would like nothing more than to bite down and feast on the sweet, coppery tang of my blood. He presses me further into the bed, letting his fingers move in slow, languorous circles beneath my rib cage. I struggle once more against the restraints on my hands, but it is to no avail. Perhaps on another occasion I may have been able to cast a spell to free myself from such a bind, but with Soren's lips on my neck, and his body pressed into mine, its hard to breathe, let alone think.

I wish it didn't have to feel this good.

"And if I say no? Will you still take me and drain me like your brother would have?" That seems to make him angry. Good, I think. His mouth sets in a harsh line, body going rigid as though ever muscle in his body had contracted in hate at the prospect on what I just said. He pulls back, wetting his lips as his eyes darken with a sudden and jarring hatred.

"Do not group me with my brother. He is part of a vile, unrestrained segment of my court that will fuck anything that moves. He would have done the same to you, he would have defiled you in every way possible. For that I truly would have killed him,"

Why, I wanted the scream, what am I worth to you? But instead I urge him to continue. He trails his fingers down my chest lazily.

"Unlike my brother who, like many of his kind, will seduce and glamour their prey into having sex with them before they likely drain them, I prefer to keep my prey and my lovers... separate," he whispers now, and a shudder trembles down my spine as I realise those words are for me. His eyes watch me for a reaction, flickering back to the wideness of my eyes, the slowness of my breath, like a predator looking at its prey, hungry and devouring.

"As much as I enjoy killing, and taking, I prefer my lovers to be willing candidates, for them to love without fear. For both of us to feel the pleasure of two bodies meeting as one, and not just simply for the others gain," he breathes, his voice dropping to an erotic, velvety murmur in my ears, and my face, my whole body, grows unbearably warm.

I never expected to hear such words from him. In my mind, I had always been certain that if he wanted to, he would take me, kiss me, love me, regardless of what I might feel. And to hear the opposite… the words are almost entirely foreign to my ears. I watch the way his lips part as he hovers above me, the sweet seductive coo of his words in my ears, and think that all things considered, Soren would make a good lover.

I had expected him to be cold, viscous, that I would have to try everything in my power to get him to love me, and to keep his wickedness at bay. And cold and as wicked as he might be, and no matter how much he tries to deny it, a part of him does care, however small that part may be. Yes, I think, a wonderful lover for a coldblooded prince. Something shifts on his face.

Do you think so? Asks a voice in my head, and stifle a grumble. 

"I don't know what you are doing but get out of my head," I huff, turning my head from him. He doesn't move. My eyes flicker back to those long fingers still wavering above my body- tense, as though debating whether or not to place them on me.

And then some stupid, foreign part of me, the part of me that had always dared to love the monstrous creatures that roamed our lands, what it would feel like to have those fingers on me.

A wicked smirk slides across his face.

"Would you like me to show you exactly what these fingers can do," he grins, and my face flushes bright red. I barely have time to protest. Stupid, stupid brain, I curse myself bitterly. You weren't supposed to encourage him!

"I-" I stammer, but do not manage to choke out any more words as he leans over my bound form, fingers trailing down my voluptuous body.

"Your body is so young, unpleasured, unloved," he adds out loud now. He moves a little closer into me, and I strain against the shadowy bonds. His fingers trail south, towards the heat pooling between my legs. They hover there for a second, so close, so very close.

He notices the tension in my face and smirks, an evil, wicked smirk. Of course, he can sense it. There is no second thought about it- he has me aroused. And although my mind may fight it, my body, my evil, traitorous body, does not. His fingers lift my chin as a strange look of terrible earnesty overcomes his face. "I would take the greatest delight in ensuring my lover's body is pleasured in every possible way," he draws out the last three words with three taps of my nose.

"I bet you would like that," is all I can say with a snicker that is soon silenced as his hands begin to trail south again. His fingers stop at my lower abdomen. Soren smirks.

"Does being a voluptuary bastard come naturally to you or did you learn a thing or two in your years in princehood?" I half growl, but he only laughs, eyes hooded as he flashes his pearly white teeth at me jokingly.

"At least you aren't upset any more," he counters, and as suddenly as he came over me, he turns away. I freeze, realising that once again, he is right. A part of me wants to stick my tongue out at him, like a child. But before I do, something hits me. Something that, as I stare into the golden depths of his eyes, his pale face alight with a dancing humour, I realise I probably should have realised all along. He moves himself off me, bending down to brush away the ruffles of his beautiful black court coat, the cheeky look still not quite washed off his face. 

"Even if you were distracting me, doesn't stop you from being a hedonistic bastard," I whisper, and he looks up. An uncharacteristic look flashes over his face. Perhaps, I think, vampires- this vampire, does feel after all.

"Maybe." I look at him. Really truly look at him. In that brief moment when our eyes connect, an unfamiliar feeling races through me. A spark, so faint it's almost non existent, a light so dull it's almost black-a small, quiet feeling that stirs somewhere inside my soul. Small, but it's there.

Then he smirks at me and becomes a monster again. A terrifying manipulative monster who snapped his own brother's neck, who killed thousands, perhaps hundreds of thousands, to feed, or to simply kill. Hard, unfeeling, solitary, murderous.. But when he looks at me his eyes gleam with the light of something more: over the hunger, the creeping desire, and the smug grin that catches on his face as he toys with me, there is something else, too.

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