When Blood Runs Cold

Chapter 65 - When Blood Runs Cold (part One R18)

I had always thought about what it would be to kiss a vampire, driven by the young and insatiable drive to learn, yet simultaneously consumed by the curiosity of how a beast of a man could be so wild and yet so gentle. 

Perhaps that 'fated' part of me had always been calling out to this moment. 

How I had secretly wondered long into the night! Staring over the tops of the trees and out into the expanse of the murky forest in which I was never to cross, pondering over how it might feel to have their lips on mine, to feel the passion of a creature who loves by the stars and dances by the night. Wondering if a creature with blood so cold could even feel love at all. 

I suppose now I had my answer. 

His lips move against mine, hungry and devouring. I can taste the distinctively coppery taste of blood on his lips, drowned out by the intoxicating pleasure of having his body pressed against mine, of feeling every inch of his skin up against my own.

He is like a drug.

A soft whimper escapes my mouth as he bites down on my lip while his hands gently squeeze my voluptuous breasts, fingers playing coyly over my hardened nipples through the daringly thin fabric of my dress. Deviously, Soren takes to opportunity to slip his tongue into my mouth, groaning at the taste of me as he smooths his tongue along my bottom lip. It takes me a moment to realise he has drawn blood.

"You cold-blooded monster," I tease, pulling away from his lips reluctantly to breathe. His eyes are wide, lips wet and shiny with delicate taints of my blood, and despite the darkness that surrounds him, his wintry skins practically glows with a lusty luminescence. Then he bends down to run his lips down my neck, barely a whisper against my skin, eliciting an involuntary shudder to spider-walk down my spine. 

"A monster, hmm? Your heart seems to tell me different," he says, pressing his lips firmly against the side of my neck now and nibbling at the sensitive skin with the blazon daring of a vampire Prince. I can hardly supress the loud moan that escapes between my lips, and he smiles against my skin with a cheeky, wanton affection. "And," he adds, trailing his long fingers down south. "So does this."

Of course, I should not have expected anything different from the likes of him.

His fingers hover between my legs, just before the wetness and heat that is pooling in my core. I stifle another groan. By the look in his eyes, I know exactly what he wants to do, and by the ever increasing heat of arousal drifting off my skin, I obviously want it to.

Soren must have realised that too, as a split second later we are being shadow-shifted into his bedroom and I am thrown against his bed, my back hitting the soft, pillow-y mattress, causing a soft sigh to escape my lips. He wastes no time in straddling my body.

"We are doing this now?" I ask, my mind coming a little more into focus now as my eyes catch with his. 

What would the council ever do if they knew there Queen was having sex with a vampire, I muse, but a tinge of panic sours the defiance of the notion. I would become like Lilyana, I would have my wings ripped off. That is what would become of me.

And what if Soren were to realise what I am? Would he still kill me then? 

Soren raises an eyebrow questioningly at my hesitation.

"Do you object to the thought of what I might do to you?" comes his erotic growl, voice practically dripping with pent up sexual tension. My breath catches in my throat.

"No, I-"

"But something grieves your heart," he says, furrowing his brows now as he squints his eyes at me, fathoming what bereavement may ail me. I wave away his gaze with a gentle flick of my hand.

"Don't you want to deal with the prisoner, surely you have duties as the high Prince of-"

He cuts off my lie swiftly, pressing his mouth to my own as his lips collide with mine, kissing me more passionately and more deeply than I had ever thought possible. 

An angel's love would simply not compare.

"Those things can wait," he growls, drawing back, a small string of saliva forming between our lips. I didn't think it was possible for me to blush any further, but apparently that is not the case. I squirm.

"I have been waiting far too long for this day, and I do not wish to wait another second." he affirms, running his black nails through his silky mussed hair. I draw myself up to a sitting position.

"Oh no, is the vampire getting impatient?" I tease, poking him in the chest, and he snarls at me in response, like a cat being played around by a toy on a string. I flash him a cheeky smirk.

It will be fine, I assure myself as I lean over to unbutton his court coat with a slow and blatant torture, keeping his darkened orbs trained on mine as he watches me through half-lidded eyes. The council do not need to know. They will never find out. And neither will Soren.

Part of me wonders that even if they might know, whether I would still be able to stop myself at all.

Soren shrugs off his shirt, revealing the smooth and perfect alabaster skin underneath, as well as the tight pack of abs splayed across his lean body. Unconsciously I trail my fingers down the bare skin of his body, eliciting a heavy shiver cascading down his body. The moan he lets out sets my body ablaze with lust. 

"Clothes," he instructs with a low growl that reverberates through my body, and wetness pools further in my core, heating my body with pure arousal.

I don't waste any time.

Within a matter of seconds both of us sit breathlessly, stripped down to our undergarments, anticipation spiking our bodies. Quite obviously, I keep my necklace on. 

"You are rather fond of that necklace, aren't you?" Soren murmurs, reaching over to play with it between his fingers, then weighing it in his palm curiously. "I have never seen anything like it before," A small spike of panic trembles through me as he leans in closer to inspect it, but I bat him away gently, and press my lips to his cheek.

"It's just a family heirloom. Now shut up and kiss me," I growl, my voice hungry with lust, enough so that I hope it will hide the tones of desperation that streak through me.

Soren doesn't argue. Taking my wrists in his hands, he uses his magic to unclasp my bra which is quickly thrown to the side as his mouth smashes into mine. A cold air washes over my body, hardening my nipples as he presses me firmly back down onto the bed, his pupils dilated, face surprisingly flushed. I squirm underneath him, body riddled with pleasure.

"To love a monster like me," the Scarlet Prince chuckles darkly to himself, swooping down to trail wet kisses down my neck, nibbling dangerously on my skin, threatening to leave fresh marks blooming on my tender flesh. "Your blood must run just as cold as mine," 

He is teasing me, of course he is. But there is something in those words that resonate so finely with everything I had been trying to do, the nature of my staying in Sezeria, that compels me to answer:

"Colder," I argue, but before I can go any further I am cut off.

Soren's mouth latches onto one of my perky breasts, wet and warm, and my body explodes with pleasure at his delicate touch. My back arches off the bed as he flicks his tongue over my hardened nipple, and I let out a breathy moan.

"Mm are those moans for me, you dirty girl?" he whispers, fangs grazing over my breasts in a curious mixture of pain and pleasure. I shudder involuntarily.

He had teased me before, but never anything like this. This was something else altogether entirely.

"Fascinating," he murmurs between licks, leaning over to suck on my other breast, his hand pinching and squeezing my other absently, rolling my nipple between his fingers. "It seems your body glows when you are pleasured. Who knew the heavenly soul had such a power," he grins, and I frown at him as begins to trail kisses down my body, over the flat of my stomach and down, lower, lower, his fingers smoothing seductively up and down the sides of my body. 

I hadn't even realised I was glowing. 

Not that it really matters anyway. But true enough, Soren's pale face is illuminated by the bright luminescence of an inhuman light, a faint gold that shimmers with sparks of white glitter that fades in and out of existence. Even the four poster bed is illuminated, that golden light splaying across the room in buttery waves of warmth and joy and plain, unadulterated pleasure.

I have never glowed this bright before, never in my time in Illistrae or anywhere else. My body courses with heat, and joy, and arousal, rising up in a whirlwind of feelings and emotions just as Soren, his mouth reaching my panties, runs his fingers down and touches me through them.

It's like nothing I have ever felt before. My hips buck upwards at his touch, instinctive, and driven by the  heavy feelings of lust pounding through my body.

"Mmm, you are so wet, little dove," he groans, his voice sinking to that delightfully erotic caress. He runs his fingers across my soaking panties again, just to tease and I moan.

"You tease," I shoot at him. That only seems to encourage him further.

Carefully he catches my eyes, leans down and, gripping my panties with his teeth, tears them off me....

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