When Blood Runs Cold

Chapter 77 - Bite Me (R18)

"Tempted to do to me...?" I ask, under my breath. This time, I do glance around. Quizzically, I survey him up and down, drinking in the beautiful warmth of his eyes, the gentle parting of his lips, and the spread of majestic horns that (once upon a time) I had considered brutal and ugly. Now there isn't a single thing about him which doesn't make my heart melt.

Part of me has difficulty deciphering whether this is the power of the mating link, his vampiric qualities, or more simply, plain and unadulterated love that makes me like putty in his hands. And after a long moment's thought, I decide with an inward sigh that I do not really want to know.

"What are you tempted to do with me, then, Scarlet prince?" I ask louder, playfully now, eyes lowering as I swoon inwards, turning myself fully to face him as I reach up to run a dainty finger over his curled rams horns. The reaction I get from it is certainly not the one I expect from it.

"Ngghh, Serena," Soren groans, his body shuddering beneath me in unequivocal pleasure. I lean back, raising an eyebrow in confusion, waiting a little apprehensively for his answer. Once the quivers of sensual pleasure have subsided, Soren rightens himself on the throne looking down on me with a mixture of amusement and want, and perhaps a tad of underlying embarrassment. The blue fires around him darken.

"Naughty dove," he purrs, shaking off his emotions, "what I want to do is strip you down to that beautiful, milky skin of yours, and fuck you all night, right here, until you are screaming my name. But you touching my horns have only riled me up further," he finishes, voice sinking into a husky, wanton murmur.

"Vampire horns are incredibly sensitive, you know. They aren't like normal horns." He warns with a chiding click of his tongue, tapping an accusing finger on my noes, then swooping in to brush his lips against mine he laughs heartfully as a look of realisation washes over my face.

If I were more sensible, there would be a good chance that I would take that warning- yes, a good angel would know it is in her best interest not to rile up a vampire, much less the prince of them. But as it happens, I am far from sensible, a domineering wild-child angel, bent from breaking so many rules and deaf to the consequences- a girl who thrives on adrenaline and the unsolicited bliss of doing as I please. A smirk spreads on my face as I place my knees either side of him to straddle his lap, pressing my lower abdomen to his slyly as I lean it to press my lips against his, my hand snaking upwards to his horns.

The reaction is instant: Soren caves, groaning under my delicate touch.

Gently, I caress his horns, running my fingers over their poignant curves and the subtle ridges while my other hand plays through his hair, drawing him towards me as I deepen our kiss. My mind has turned reckless again, uncouth and uncaring for this palace of vampires, pinpointed on the edge of desire and lust, and the dazzling creature that is spread out beneath me.

Perhaps if I was a vampire, this is what every day would feel like.

I think that must be a nice thing to feel.

"Aren't you a naughty thing? Tell me, how else do you plan to tease me tonight?" he murmurs between kisses, his body quivering a little under the influence of my hands, giving me all the more reason not to stop my endeavours, every groan, every murmur only adding fuel to my already roaring fire. 

How about you let me ride you, Scarlet Prince? I suggest cheekily in my mind, half expecting him to turn me down as the Prince continues to twist his body against mine, wreathing from the pleasure and the bridled desire to do more to me whilst simultaneously being trapped in a pleasure of his own. I can practically hear the groan in his voice as he replies in my head:

I dare you.

I break our kisses, allowing a strand of salvia to join between our lips as Soren leans back, his eyes hungry and wild, but his face a cold slab of mocking as he gazes down at me through hooded eyes, enchanted by the swirling blue fires that dip in and out around us. I make to place a kiss on his cheek, but he stops me by gently pressing a finger to my lips, which is met by an irate frown.

"Serena," he coos, running a hand absently up and down my thigh, offering me a few upward glances as he trails the motion of his ringed hand, almost shyly, but , I think puzzled to myself, I didn't think Soren had the capability of shyness in him- he is the sort of person who takes what he wants when he wants, no questions asked. Coyness simply didn't apply. Nonetheless, he continues on in the same bashful manner.

"I have a request, for if we continue, I do not believe I will be able to leash in my desires," he sighs his warning, tipping his head back in what might be desperation- or agony. I incline my head in an indication for him to continue. Soren takes an audible breath.

"I want to bite you, Serena. Really, really, badly."

My eyes shoot up.

"Bite me? But didn't you say that a vampire's bite is addictive?" 

Still in silence, Soren reaches up, stroking a finger down my neck as he pushes aside my hair, tilting my head so that my jugular is exposed to him, baiting him with the throb of my neck and the bareness of my skin, his fingers lingering hungrily over the pulsing that lies just below the surface of the skin. He closes his eyes in reconciliation.

"Yes," he breathes slowly, blazon wanton overtaking him now as he sinks his head towards my neck, pressing his cool lips to my skin with enough implication of the extent of his desire to send an ardent shiver shooting through me. "Very. When a vampire tastes blood, we produce a chemical in our saliva that flows into our prey when we bite them, giving them insurmountable pleasure, but also, addiction. It may last a week, or only a day, but in the time that the chemical spreads through the body, the victim will beg to be bitten, consumed by the desire to feel fangs in their neck, to experience that pleasure again. Either we do this now and I bite you, or we wait until I have fed and can dampen my desires." 

He pauses to take a breath that he doesn't need to take, surveying me with long looks, willing me into an answer. 

All at once the emptiness of the throne room seems so much more empty. I shift uncomfortably on his lap, trying to steady the throbbing in my head. He is trying to be diplomatic, reasoning, but underneath it all, under that stone exterior, there is lust bubbling under the surface of his skin, burning with the prospect of fresh blood in his veins- my blood.

I know in this moment I should be sensible, decline from the obvious warnings he is giving me.

And maybe it is the compelling nature of a vampire, or maybe it is my own sheer foolishness, but I lift up my neck for him anyway.

I never really was one to listen to the rules.

"Bite me then," I whisper, feeling that familiar glow of power course through my body, swimming with arousal. Soren grins promptly and snaps his fingers, and at once our clothes are gone, everything except my pendant, bound to my body by some external force- one which I like to call magic.

Instinctively, from the shock of the cold, or perhaps the fearfulness of the empty throne room splayed out behind us, I move my hands to cover myself, but Soren only sighs and draws them tenderly down to my sides.

"I promise you no one is coming in." he assures gently, smoothing his hands down the sides of my body fondly, his cold touch eliciting tremors over my skin. "I have put up barriers and sealed us off. We may do as we please tonight. Besides," he adds with a condescending grin, "Even if anyone did come in here, between you and me they wouldn't live longer enough to remember anything." 

I roll my eyes, but a faint smile begins to play on my face as I let myself sink into him as my mind begins to ease, cold skin pressing firmly up against my body. 

Soren groans as I grind up against his cock, throbbing and hard against me as I smirk, pressing him backwards until his back hits the throne, teasing him against my entrance. Soren raises an eyebrow questioningly, but the shudder that runs through him tells me he is anything but displeased.

"Someone's being a tiger today," he chuckles to himself, resting his head back lazily to survey me through downturned eyes and sooty lashes. Ignoring him, I continue to grind against him, feeling that distinctive pleasure begin to coil in my body, heating up my insides with pure, molten lust. Soren bites his lip as I finally sink down on him, arching my back at the feeling of his length filling me up, twitching inside my wet walls with the very same arousal that intoxicates my own body. A faint groan issues from his lips.

"Well," I say, slowly thrusting my hips up and down on him, just at a leisurely enough place to be a tease, "If you are going to have your fun, then I am going to have mine,"

He offers me a lopsided smile. Then, leaning forward slightly, he hooks his hands tightly around my lower back, drawing me towards him as he presses his lips against the silky skin above my breast, eyes glowing nefariously.

"Indeed, I suppose I cannot argue with that." he murmurs, lips moving downwards, pinging sensations of pleasure through me, the heat of arousal pooling in my core as he flicks out his tongue against my nipple and loosens one hand free from my waist to play with the other. I couldn't stop the moan that slips from my lips even if I wanted to.

Soren certainly knows how to please a woman. 

"Don't you want to bite my neck?" I ask, peering down a little at Soren, eyes half closed from the pleasure of being penetrated while simultaneously having the rest of my body stimulated. Soren takes a moment to glance up from my voluptuous breasts.

"If you were my prey, perhaps. But you are my lover, and there are plenty of other places I would delight in sinking my fangs into," he murmurs, trailing a finger loosely over my nipple in silent indication.

"And where might that be?" I ask, slowing my movements on top of him, curiosity getting the better of me. In answer, his mouth latches on to the top of my breast, running his tongue over the skin to soften it and groaning at the rocketing beat of my heart under pale flesh- as tempting to him as gold is to a dragon. And this is one greedy dragon.

Then, his eyes trained on mine, he sinks his fangs into my breast.

And it is like nothing I have ever felt.

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