When Did I Become Invincible?

Chapter 967: When did you become so talkative?

Chen Pingan walked out of his sister-in-law's room, ready to find the Chaos Pearl spirit body.

But at this time, the Chaos Pearl spirit body suddenly came out of the void, and when he saw him, he seemed impatient to say: "Chen Pingan, I have something to look for you!"

"I just happened to be looking for you." Chen Pingan smiled and said, "You talk first!"

He is also playing a scheming. If there is something for the Chaos Orb Spirit Body to do, then that's fine. Let the Chaos Orb Spirit Body say it first. If he can help the Chaos Orb Spirit Body to complete it, he will ask him to check it out. Her memory is logical, and it is not easy to be rejected.

The Chaos Pearl Spirit Body is also rude, and said directly: "That's it, after you sent me just now, I went to the heart of the world and instilled the source that I collected not long ago into the heart of the Chaos Pearl world. When I poured all the sources into the Chaos Orb, I discovered a great secret!"

Chen Pingan's eyes lit up.

And this kind of thing?

"What secret?"

He is interested.

The Chaos Pearl spirit body looked around, then pulled Chen Ping'an into the room, closed the door, and whispered mysteriously: "Actually, I was not born when the Hongmeng Realm first opened!"

Chen Ping'an's expression suddenly became strange.

No way......

The Chaos Pearl spirit body frowned and said, "To tell you the truth, at first I thought I was born between heaven and earth when Hongmeng first opened. After all, the origin in my body has the beginning of Hongmeng. The special energy when it is on. And the reason why I say two words is because after I lost too much of my origin, I lost some of my memory, and I can't remember the past. But just now..."

Chen Ping'an saw the Chaos Pearl Spirit Body's long talk, but he didn't mention the main point, and directly added to him: "Because I added some origins just now, remember how I was born?"

The Chaos Orb Spirit Body nodded like pounding garlic: "That's right!"

Chen Pingan: "..."

It was exactly as he thought.

That dark blue light group must be the Chaos Orb.

However, there was one thing he couldn't understand.

Why did the Chaos Pearl just discover his identity when he discovered this great secret!

This is too much of a coincidence.

Or, in fact, there are some special things in the source of the Chaos Pearl spirit body in the secret realm of experience, so that the Chaos Pearl can awaken some memories after absorbing it?


"Those strange rules!" Chen Ping'an was enlightened.

He remembered that after he removed the stone statue, the Taoist texture on the stone statue disappeared.

Maybe it's hidden in the source.

The chaotic bead spirit body absorbed the origin of the stone statue, then, those Taoist textures may still be in the source, and now the chaos pearl has recovered the origin with some special Taoist textures, so it has awakened some memories.

It's no coincidence, it's an event that had to happen.

After Chen Ping'an listened to what Chaos Pearl said, he tried to say, "Can I see your memory?"

When he finished speaking, Chen Ping'an had already planned to ask Chaos Pearl to make a request.

If he can be satisfied, try to be satisfied, provided that he does not go overboard with his sister-in-law.

It's just that he hadn't said the last sentence. At this time, the Chaos Pearl Spirit Body nodded directly and said, "Of course!"

Chen Pingan: [?_??]

What the hell!

Talking so well? !

The Chaos Pearl spirit body looked at Chen Ping'an and frowned, "What's wrong?"

Chen Ping'an quickly showed a kind smile and said, "No, I found you more beautiful, and I was stunned for a while."

The Chaos Pearl Spirit Body touched his cheek and said smugly: "Really? I seem to have discovered this too, hehe!"

hmm, you'll be happy...

"Okay, stop talking nonsense, ahem, stop talking about gossip, we should have a purpose, or study what's going on!" Chen Ping'an's face became serious, as if saying that I was coming, it would be very painful , you hold back a little bit.

The Chaos Pearl Spirit Body nodded and let Chen Ping'an check his memory.

Chen Pingan got started smoothly and began to check the memories of Chaos Beads.

He was too lazy to look at the memories of Chaos Bead during this period, and jumped directly to the memories of her birth.

Chen Pingan discovered that the original memory of the Chaos Pearl was also in a cave!

That cave has that kind of strange Taoism, and this picture appeared for a while, everything was dark, and then the Chaos Orb appeared somewhere in Hongmeng Realm!

That's right, directly somewhere in the Hongmeng world.

Moreover, it encountered danger as soon as it appeared in the Hongmeng world.

Some ancient beasts discovered its existence and began to pursue it.

At that time, when it was just born, it was extremely weak and could only escape for its life. Most of the original source was lost when it was running for life.

In the end, he was scratched by a turbulent void and went to other places before he came down safely.

It has been hiding in that void for many years...

These experiences can be described as suffocating.

Chen Ping'an stopped, having finished reading the memories of the Chaos Pearl spirit body.

The Chaos Pearl spirit body looked at Chen Ping'an and said seriously: "Where is the cave? When I arrived in the Hongmeng Realm, the Hongmeng Realm already existed, and there were actually ancient beasts in the Hongmeng Realm! After escaping such a long way, just Haven't seen a single person! Back then, it was still the world of ancient beasts?"

Chen Ping'an discovered this, the Chaos Pearl has been on the run for a long time and has been chased by ancient beasts, but it seems that the entire Hongmeng world is an ancient beast.

At that time, there was no human race?

This Hongmeng Realm is not like a world, but more like a prison.

Prison of ancient beasts!

Chen Pingan said: "Anyway, you are definitely not born when Hongmeng first opened. I don't know what happened, and your situation is similar to that of kitchen knives."

The Chaos Pearl Spirit Body was stunned when he heard it: "Are they similar to kitchen knives?"

Chen Ping'an nodded, and informed the Chaos Pearl spirit body about the kitchen knives and other artifacts.

After listening, the Chaos Pearl Spirit Body was dumbfounded.

An old man who put these light clusters into the Hongmeng world?

In the end, they all gathered in your yard?

Wait, if you say that, what happened to the stone statues in the secret realm, when the kitchen knives didn't change shape at all!

Could it be that someone knows that kitchen knives will transform into that shape in the future? !

In other words, before the light clusters, they actually all had specific appearances? !

Chen Pingan had thought of this for a long time, so he felt that the identity of kitchen knives was not simple.

And he is the owner of all their utensils, and his identity is even more fascinating!

"I have to slowly explore what's going on. Don't think about it now. I think I still have to deal with the ancient beasts first."

He felt that it was up to the black ball to unlock the ultimate secret.

Now that the black ball has not changed, it is time to come.

It's just that Chen Ping'an just finished saying this, but the Chaos Pearl Spirit Body said: "Chen Ping'an, there is one more thing I haven't said yet."

Chen Pingan said: "You said."

Chaos Pearl Spirit Body said: "Actually, I have a very strong feeling that some of my memories seem to have not come out! That is to say, the memory in the cave is not the first memory. I want to find the earlier memory. , I think it should be to find more origins!"

Hearing this, Chen Ping'an was startled.


If this is true, then my **** can't fight my life to find it for you?

Chen Ping'an looked at the Chaos Pearl spirit body, and after a while, he began to doubt it.

Did the Chaos Pearl Spirit Body see that he really wanted to solve the mystery, so he used this to trick him, so that he couldn't wait to help her find the source?

The Chaos Pearl Spirit Body looked at Chen Ping'an's somewhat suspicious appearance, and said directly: "I really didn't lie to you! I lied to you as a puppy!"

Chen Pingan fell into deep thought.

At this moment, Fan Yixuan suddenly pushed the door from outside the room and entered.

"Brother-in-law, otherwise, I can show you the memory, and I won't beat you anymore, but you have to help me..." Fan Yixuan stopped speaking after seeing the Chaos Pearl spirit body, as if the student wanted to I went to the head teacher's house to make a small report, saying that I was in a puppy love at the same table, and God's mother found out that the head teacher was the girlfriend of the same table, and the voice stopped instantly.

Chen Pingan glanced at his sister-in-law and said directly: "No, I'm not interested in reading your memories now, unless you beat me up, I won't read it!"

"Ah?!!" Fan Yixuan suspected that she had heard it wrong.

Chen Pingan said: "Since it doesn't work, then you can go back."

After he finished speaking, he pushed Fan Yixuan out of the house, as if it was my turn to dislike you.

Fan Yixuan watched Chen Ping'an turn back to the room with a very ruthless look, and even directly locked the door and stood outside the room.

Damn, in just a short while, the world has changed? !

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