The patient was lying on the ground, and the patient was lying on the ground.

"Yiwu, yiwu, yiwu"

Soon, the ambulance stopped at the door of the emergency room.

A bald old man in his seventies was carried down from the car.

On the stretcher, the emergency doctor kept giving the patient cardiopulmonary resuscitation.

"The family said that the patient had a history of coronary heart disease, had thrombolysis five years ago, and had been taking medicine.

Today, he suddenly had chest pain and fell to the ground unconscious. When we went there, we found that the carotid artery pulsation had disappeared, and we immediately performed cardiopulmonary resuscitation.

Now the rescue has been going on for almost thirteen minutes!"

In Zhang Yi's sight, the old man did not have vascular embolism.

That should be sudden cardiac death, commonly known as sudden death of coronary heart disease in the elderly.

Several people quickly pushed the old man into the emergency room.

As a result, the man had ventricular fibrillation as soon as he entered the emergency room!

Ventricular fibrillation refers to the rapid, irregular, and uncoordinated tremor of the ventricular muscle.

The consequence is that the heart cannot pump blood, the heart sounds and pulse disappear, and the blood perfusion of the heart, brain and other organs and surrounding tissues stops.

It is the main cause of sudden death from cardiac arrest.

Outdoors, simple cardiac arrest can be rescued through cardiopulmonary resuscitation.

But once ventricular fibrillation occurs, a defibrillator must be used.

Electrode defibrillation can instantly restore ventricular fibrillation to calm.

Otherwise, ventricular fibrillation is difficult to recover by human pressure alone.

On the patient's ECG monitor, the heartbeat ripple P wave disappeared and the QRS wave lost its normal shape, just like a messy line.

Without Zhang Yi saying anything, the nurse next to him immediately brought the electrode defibrillator over.

Lift the patient's chest clothes and apply conductive gel on the electrocoagulation plate.

"One-way wave defibrillation, 360 joules, ready."

Beside the bed, Zhang Yi held up the electrocoagulation board and said.

"Okay, one-way wave defibrillation 360 joules is ready."


The old man lying on the bed was instantly shocked by the electric shock and bounced off the bed!

Bounced up and then fell down.

After the electrode, cardiopulmonary resuscitation is needed again.

"Do an endotracheal intubation and ventilator-assisted ventilation."

Zhang Yi gave instructions while rescuing.


After pressing less than ten times, everyone found that the electrocardiogram was still a mess of ripples.

This means that the first defibrillation was not successful.

"Come again! One-way wave 360 ​​joules!"

"Okay, 360 joules is ready!"


The old man's chest was bounced up again.

After the electric shock, the heart will instantly return to a stable state.

At this time, cardiopulmonary resuscitation must be performed again to restore the heart to normal beating.

While doing CPR, Zhang Yi gave another oral doctor's order:

"1 mg of epinephrine intravenously!"


After the epinephrine was injected, the heart rate and blood pressure rose slightly.

But in less than a minute, the tangled waves appeared again!

Defibrillate again!

Still 360 joules!


The sound of electric shock defibrillation rang out in the emergency room.

Although the other patients stared at it intently, no one dared to disturb it.

Because this was saving lives.

After the third defibrillation, it finally worked.

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

If this defibrillation can't solve the problem, then there is no hope.

Continue cardiac compression.

"50 mg of lidocaine is injected intravenously!"


Three minutes later...

"Another injection of epinephrine, and another 5% sodium bicarbonate is dripped intravenously."


Three minutes later...

Zhang Yi let go, and the patient's blood pressure rose to 80/47mmhg.

He shone a flashlight on the pupil, and the light reflex was restored but a little slow.

He looked at the patient's heart again, and it had completely recovered to an autonomous heartbeat.

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

The rescue was successful!

The total rescue time was 23 minutes.

To be honest, this time is a bit long.

Especially for a 73-year-old man.

Zhang Yi walked outside the rescue room and explained the patient's condition to the family.

"Don't worry, the rescue was successful and the process went smoothly.

However, considering his history of coronary heart disease, the possibility of another cardiac arrest or sudden myocardial infarction cannot be ruled out.

I suggest that you arrange hospitalization as soon as possible.

In addition, the rescue took a total of 23 minutes.

Relatively speaking, it is relatively long. His other organs and brain are prone to damage if they are ischemic and hypoxic for a long time.

So, we can't be sure of the exact time of waking up."

The family members did not blame Zhang Yi

, just said with a face full of fear:

"It's okay, thank you! As long as my dad can live, thank you!"

Fortunately, the family members are relatively reasonable.

Some patients took a long time to rescue, although their heartbeat and breathing were finally restored.

But the patient's consciousness has not recovered for a long time, and some family members will also make trouble with the doctor.

Saying that the rescue is useless and asking for compensation.

There are even some patients who have been successfully rescued but have not woken up.

Then they have become vegetative.

Of course, this old man is really in good health.

After two hours of rescue, he woke up before the internal medicine department admitted him to the hospital.

When the nurse notified Zhang Yi, Zhang Yi was stunned for a moment.

This old man woke up so early?

He immediately took a flashlight and went to the rescue room.

The pupils, pulse, and heart were all checked.

The person is indeed awake.

And there are no other problems.

But the first words the old man said...

Shocked several family members around him!

"Who are you? Why are you in my room? Make way, I need to get up and squat."

The family members were originally very happy that the old man woke up.

But when he spoke, they were scared and took two steps back.

What the hell is going on? !

How can he speak the Rong dialect after waking up? !

How scary!

"Doctor... what... what's going on..." The family member asked tremblingly while pulling Zhang Yi's sleeve.

Zhang Yi looked at them and asked:

"What's wrong? Isn't it good that he can speak after waking up? He said he wants to go to the toilet, so help him quickly."

But the family member next to him shook his head like a rattle and said:

"No, no, no! My dad is not from Rong Province, he doesn't speak the Rong dialect at all!"


Now Zhang Yi also frowned.

Although he is not from Chengdu, he speaks the dialect very standardly.

Even Mous can speak it? ?

Beside him, the other doctors and nurses were also confused.

Then, the old man wanted to pull out the infusion tube on his body, and said as he stood up:

"What is this! Cuifen? Cuifen, where are you? Come here quickly!"

"Qi Mazi left me here alone, and I will deal with you, a bitch!"

"Hey, hey! Uncle, you can't pull out the tube!" The nurse stepped forward to stop the old man.

Unexpectedly, the old man was quite strong and pushed the nurse away.

Everyone was confused.

What's wrong with this person?

Doesn't he know that this is a hospital?

On the side, the family members said with a shocked look:

"Oh my God... Cuifen... Cuifen is my grandmother's name! She died a long time ago! She has been dead for many years! My father... Why did he suddenly call my grandmother's name?"

For a moment, goose bumps instantly crawled over these family members.

The old man is 73 years old, and his mother has been dead for many years.

There are no other women named Cuifen around him.

Could it be that this old man is sleepwalking?

Suddenly, one of the family members said with a scared face:

"No way... Could it be that it is not Dad who wakes up... but... but Grandpa?!"

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