The truth is, the truth is that the truth is not true.

Of course, he was shocked.

Wang Mingjun still felt that...

Zhang Yi...

was pretending to be a tough guy!

What a great phrase, 'Don't be too sure, 99%, do you accept it?'

What the hell is this if not pretending to be a tough guy? !

It shows that people don't pretend to be tough!


Forget it, Zhang Yi is not a righteous man, and he has the confidence to pretend.

He Wang Mingjun doesn't have it!

He can't achieve a 99% success rate in Tetralogy of Fallot surgery!

Zhang Yi then explained the principle of the operation to the family members:

"Surgery for Tetralogy of Fallot is divided into two types: palliative and radical.

This mainly depends on the age and condition. For example, if your child is young, you can do palliative surgery first, and then do a radical treatment when he is three or four years old.

Of course, this requires two operations, which is more traumatic and the child has to suffer more.

Don't worry, I will do a radical treatment for you today, in one go."

The family members nodded gratefully:

"Listen to your doctor, as long as the operation is successful!"

Zhang Yi still reminded:

"Although I said 99%, there is still a 1% failure rate."

"Okay! No problem, I accept it!"

A 99% success rate means that the doctor has good skills and confidence!

As for that 1%...

The young father felt that he should not be so unlucky!

After the explanation, the family members signed the consent form and the risk notification form.

Zhang Yi prepared to go to the operating room for surgery.

Wang Mingjun also rubbed his hands, ready to be Zhang Yi's assistant.

Jiao Yong looked at Wang Mingjun's posture...

Oh, I'm afraid I can only be the second assistant!

In the hospital, the news that Zhang Yi was going to perform a correction of tetralogy of Fallot had almost spread.

Many of Zhang Yi's surgery fans rushed to the operating room!

"Is the master going to perform another operation?! I'm going to grab a seat!"

"Quadruple correction? Oh! Hurry up! I'm going to grab a seat!"

"It's still a newborn! Oh my God, I can't think of how to do this operation, I want to watch it too!"

"Go! Don't compete with me! I want to become Assistant Zhang's last disciple!"

A group of interns and young doctors quickly occupied the monitoring room next to the operating room.

Occupied the best view!

Of course, if possible, they would rather go directly to the operating room to be assistants!


How can interns be allowed to enter the cardiac surgery operation casually?

In the operating room.

Zhang Yi has already put on the surgical gown.

The child was carried to the small operating table.

The temperature of the operating room was also adjusted to the most suitable 23 degrees.

At this temperature, the child will not feel cold and it is not easy to breed bacteria.

Zhang Yi was the main surgeon, Wang Mingjun was the first assistant, and Jiao Yong was the second assistant.

In addition, there was a cardiac surgeon as an assistant.

The nurse counted the instruments, prepared disinfectant and surgical towels.

The anesthesiologist prepared general anesthesia and respiratory induced anesthesia.

The chest and abdomen were disinfected on a large area, and the surgical towels were laid.

The patient's heart blood volume was tested and the blood pumping volume of the extracorporeal circulation machine was adjusted.

After the preparations were completed, Zhang Yi took the scalpel and made a three-centimeter incision above the fifth intercostal space.

Seeing this incision, Wang Mingjun was stunned.

"Zhang Yi... Is this incision too small?"

"No, it's completely enough."

Everyone: "..."


If you say it's enough, then it's enough!

The curved forceps clamped the skin and pulled it apart to expose the ribs.

A very small bone was broken by clamping with a large forceps.

Apply bone wax to the cross section of the rib to stop bleeding.

Insert the catheter of the extracorporeal circulation machine to establish extracorporeal circulation.

Cut the pericardium, find the position of the ventricle, cut the anterior wall of the right ventricle, the wall bundle, and the fibrous diaphragm ring to fully expose the ventricular septal defect.

Ventricular septal defect means that the two ventricles are connected, and the arterial blood and venous blood are mixed together.

You can choose polyester fabric pieces for suturing, which has strong tension and can stretch as the heart grows.

"But be careful when suturing here, be careful to avoid touching the conduction at the lower edge.

You can do it like me, be gentle, and don't press the thread too deep."

Zhang Yi explained while operating.

He knew that the operating room and outside the operating room were full of people watching his operation.

If he talked about more key points, they could avoid these problems in future operations.

After Zhang Yi finished speaking, all the doctors in and outside the operating room nodded frequently as if they were being taught.


This is

Big guy!

Next is pulmonary artery stenosis.

Make a 1cm longitudinal incision, remove excess fiber muscle, and then sew with pericardium to expand the right heart outflow tract.

(The blood from the right heart flows out of the pulmonary artery.)

As long as the pulmonary artery outlet is expanded, the problem of right ventricular hypertrophy can also be solved.

Cross the aorta, sew the cross-over blood vessels back to the top of the left ventricle to correct the blood flow.

In fact, the way of surgery is to correct one by one.

The difficulty lies in the fact that the subjects of the surgery are basically children.

The dose of anesthesia, the doctor's operating skills, and whether there are complications after the operation are actually the key to the success of the operation.

But fortunately, Zhang Yi has practiced many times.

Including this kind of newborns, children aged four or five, and teenagers have all practiced.

So Zhang Yi is full of confidence.

After the correction, the extracorporeal circulation catheter is pulled out.

The child's autonomous heart blood flow is opened.

The next time is to wait!

Wait and observe to see if the child can restore his autonomous heartbeat.

One second,

Two seconds,

Three seconds...

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Although the little heart was covered with scars, it still beat strongly!

In the operating room, everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

The little guy did well!

The operation was also a complete success!

Afterwards, after a careful inspection, he began to suture layer by layer.

"The operation is over."

Putting the needle holder into the curved tray, Zhang Yi said with a relaxed look.

Beside him, everyone looked at Zhang Yi and the child in front of him with an unsatisfied look.

It's over?

This is too smooth!

It's so smooth that it doesn't seem like an operation for tetralogy of Fallot!

At this time, Wang Mingjun turned his head and looked at the time in the operating room.

You don't know until you see it, you'll be shocked when you see it!


It's only one hour and seventeen minutes? !

Excluding the time for opening the chest, closing the chest and starting extracorporeal circulation...

Damn, it took less than 30 minutes to complete the intracardiac operation!

It's really outrageous!

"Oh my God, it's so enjoyable to watch Zhang Yi perform surgery!"

"That's right, his operation is really clean and neat, and there is no extra time wasted."

"Woo woo! I want to worship Zhang Yi as my master, I wonder if he will accept disciples?"

Not only in the operating room, but also outside the operating room, the doctors knelt down to worship.


Accept disciples!

We are all your most loyal disciples!

After the operation, the child was sent to the neonatal intensive care unit for observation.

During this period, the young father was unable to see the child after the successful operation.

However, outside the operating room, several doctors also reported the good news to the child's father.

"Don't worry, the operation was successful!"

The child's father showed an unbelievable expression when he heard it!

He just searched Baidu for the time of the operation, and it said that it would take at least four hours!

How come his son came out so quickly after going in? !

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