The old man was lying on the ground with a ruptured spleen.

Zhang Yi quickly walked to the old lady with a ruptured spleen and bleeding.

"Wake up? Can you hear me, old lady?"

The old lady was lying on the ground with her eyes closed in pain.

After hearing Zhang Yi's cry, she slightly opened one eye and wailed in pain:

"Oh... it hurts... my stomach hurts..."

She was still conscious and could answer questions for the time being.

But Zhang Yi estimated that she could only stay awake for fifteen minutes at most!

If the ambulance does not show up after fifteen minutes, or if the bleeding cannot be stopped, the old lady will most likely go into shock!

"Hold on, Auntie. I've called an ambulance! Just hold on!"

Then Zhang Yi walked over to the middle-aged woman who had hit her head.

The human brain is actually very fragile.

Even if you drive at a speed of 20 mph on the road, as long as you fall and hit the back of your head, you will suffer a laceration at the least.

In severe cases, you will suffer from intracranial hematoma, subdural hematoma, skull fracture, intracranial hemorrhage or even death from the fall.

So this is why you must wear a helmet when riding a motorcycle or electric vehicle.

Once you have a head injury, it is very troublesome to treat it.

"Sister? Can you hear me?"

Zhang Yi bent over and squatted beside the woman's ear and shouted.

"Uh... Uh..."

The sister closed her eyes and whimpered twice, but could not answer specific questions.

Zhang Yi took a look at the amount of intracranial hemorrhage. Fortunately, it was not much at the moment, about 5 ml.

Hold on!

As long as the ambulance comes, the medicine will come too!

5 ml of bleeding is considered a small amount of bleeding. Once it exceeds 10 ml, or even reaches 20 or 30 ml, it is dangerous!

Doctors can judge the amount of intracranial bleeding by changes in the pupil.

Generally, when the amount of bleeding exceeds 20 or 30 ml, the pupil diameter will shrink, because the blood compresses the optic nerve.

Once the amount of bleeding is too large, causing increased intracranial pressure or brain herniation, the pupil will slowly dilate.

This is because the optic nerve is under pressure for a long time and cannot be relieved, resulting in oculomotor nerve paralysis, and the pupil will slowly dilate.

At this time, the pupil's light reflex will gradually change from strong to weak.

If it is right-sided intracranial bleeding, the pupil of the right eye will shrink or dilate.

If it is left-sided intracranial bleeding, the pupil of the left eye will shrink or dilate.

Which side of the pupil has a problem with the size of the brain indicates which side has a lesion.

Pupillary reaction is of positioning significance.

If the pupils of both sides change from shrinking to dilating at the same time, and the light reflex gradually disappears, then there is basically no point in rescuing.

This means that the person is almost dead.

The disappearance of pupil light reflex is also one of the conditions for judging whether the patient is dead.


Suddenly, the crying of the little boy with a broken bone next to him became more intense.

Zhang Yi looked up and found that several adults next to him wanted to pick up the child to check the injury.

Zhang Yi hurriedly stepped forward to stop them:

"Don't touch the child! This child's arm is obviously broken, and it has started to swell now! Don't touch him! Be careful not to cause a second injury!"

Everyone looked at Zhang Yi in confusion.

Who is this young handsome guy?

"I'm a doctor, you can listen to my advice!"

Seeing everyone's puzzled eyes, Zhang Yi took the initiative to explain his identity.

Everyone nodded again and again.


There was a doctor at the scene of the car accident!

The savior is here!

"Oh! There's a doctor here! Great! Please help take a look at my son. What should I do if he has a broken bone?"

The family member gently put the child down and asked Zhang Yi anxiously.

Zhang Yi turned his head and looked around.

Outdoors, patients with broken bones cannot be moved at will, because it is easy to cause secondary injuries or secondary fractures.

The fracture site must be fixed with a wooden board before the injured person can be moved.

But there are no wooden boards around!

However... there are wooden sticks under the trees on the boulevard to support the roots!

"Wooden sticks will work too!"

Thinking of this, Zhang Yi ran under the tree and pulled out several wooden sticks.

The child's elbow joint is bent, so when fixing it, don't straighten your hand to fix it.

It should be bent directly to fix it, and the wooden sticks should be attached to the inside and outside of the elbow, and then fixed and suspended with gauze.

This is the most common and safest way to fix elbow fractures.

"Don't be afraid, kid, I'm a doctor, I'm here to help you."

Zhang Yi squatted beside the little boy and said softly.

The child's emotions should also be stabilized at this time, otherwise he will cry if he is too excited.

Struggling during crying can easily cause secondary injury to the fracture.

The child looked at Zhang Yi and continued to sob.

The child's father gently held the boy's other healthy hand and slowly comforted him.

The fracture of his left elbow has caused his elbow to be deformed and gradually swelled.

Then, Zhang Yi looked up and asked the onlookers around him:

"Excuse me, does anyone at the scene have something like a rope, or does any lady have a scarf or something like a scarf? I need it to fix the child's elbow!"

"Scarf? I don't have it..."

"I, I, I! Doctor, do you think this is okay?"

"For fixing? Is clothes okay? I'll tear off this short-sleeved shirt on me."

The onlookers helped one after another.

"Okay! Anything that can fix it is fine!"

Zhang Yi nodded.

On the side, two young men took off their clothes without thinking and tore them into strips.

Doesn't this become a rope?

Then, Zhang Yi gently put the wooden stick on the child's elbow, parallel to the bent arm.

Then he used the clothes of the onlookers to wrap and fix it.

Finally, leaving a distance of 30 centimeters, he hung the rope around the boy's neck.

"Don't move, kid, you will be saved when you go to the hospital later."

This elbow fracture is more serious, but fortunately there is no damage to nerves and blood vessels.

After dealing with this child, Zhang Yi immediately went to the courier boy.

While Zhang Yi was dealing with the child, several passers-by saw that the boy was seriously injured.

The takeaway boy had been lifted from the wheel to an open place.

Zhang Yi was not sure whether there was a secondary fracture.

After carefully scanning the whole body!

Instantly thought it was not good!

The consequence of moving at will is that it is easy to cause secondary injury!

Although Zhang Yi knew that these onlookers were kind-hearted...

But the fractured section was also moved during the moving process!

It happened to be inserted into the popliteal artery and the posterior tibial artery!

The popliteal artery is a branch of the femoral artery, located two centimeters below the posterior capsule of the knee.

The two arteries are very close!

A tibial fracture directly penetrated two blood vessels!

At this time, the delivery boy was sweating profusely from the pain.

He didn't know why, but after being carried out by everyone, he felt that he was in even more pain...

He also gradually felt dizzy!

But he was wearing long pants, and ordinary people couldn't see how badly his calf was injured.

Everyone could only guess that it should have been broken by the wheel.

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