The first time, the second time.

"Everyone, be quiet."

Qian Zhenggang cleared his throat, and the people around him quieted down and waited for his next words.

"The game is divided into three rounds, two wins out of three.

The sutures, needle holders, sterile cotton swabs, hand sanitizer, etc. that you will use are all prepared for you on the cart next to your operating table.

So how to score?

I will tell you now.

In the first round, the two contestants will score each other.

1-10 points are used as a reference. You can give 1 point or 10 points. It's up to you.

But I still remind you that you must score according to the actual results."

In the second round, Professor Deng and I will score.

It is also 1-10 points. The one with the higher total score wins.

The third round will be decided by everyone on the scene.

There are two types of ping-pong balls outside the door, white and yellow. The receptionist will randomly ask 99 doctors to vote.

Choosing a white ping-pong ball means voting for Zhang Yi, and choosing a yellow ping-pong ball means voting for Xiao Zhiwen. "

"Damn, we still have the right to choose? ? "

"Haha, the Municipal Hospital is so fun, I love it here."

"I want to vote! I want to vote!"

"Let me do it, I want to exercise my rights as a spectator~"

"Okay, the rules have been announced. Next, let's get the things needed for the game."

As soon as Qian Zheng finished speaking, two nurses came in from outside the door, carrying square plates covered with sterile cloth.

Put the square plates on two operating tables respectively.

"Ready, then the game...start now! ”

At the command.

A battle of honor between the Municipal Hospital and West China Hospital kicked off~

In the work group of the Municipal Hospital.

Everyone was already in a frenzy.

How could they still have the heart to work.

The genius of their own hospital and the top students of West China Hospital compete with each other??

After this heavy news came out, who could still have the heart to work?

Everyone was just chatting about gossip.

Obstetrics and Gynecology Wang Yu: "Damn! Just now, Dean Qian said that we who are watching also have the opportunity to vote!"

Anesthesia Huang Xiaohu: "Dean Qian is playing a big game, actually letting them compete in sewing eggs!"

Cardiac Jiao Yong: "What? Is it true? Sewing eggs? How to sew eggs?"

Kidney Bai Tang: "Hahaha, it's so strange, I really want to go and see it! It's a pity that I'm on duty and can't leave."

Orthopedics Lu Zhiyuan: "What? ! Sewing eggs? ! Oh, I'll go and see it as soon as I'm done! @Obstetrics and Gynecology Wang Yu, are you competing in the No. 3 operating room? "

Obstetrics and Gynecology Wang Yu: "Yes, yes, No. 3, but you are a little late now. There are so many people. There is no room for people to stand in the operating room. There are people outside the door."

The news quickly spread throughout the hospital.

Even many doctors who were still on vacation heard about it.

Lv Jing heard about it just after the operation.

He asked with a black question mark face:

"What? ? ? Competition? What competition? Isn't Professor Huaxi coming to give a lecture today? Why is there another competition?"

"Director Lu, you don't know..."

Chen Fang explained the cause and effect to Lu Jing in a few words.

After listening, Lu Jing said with a relaxed look:

"Competing with Zhang Yi in suturing? Haha, if it is Professor Deng competing with Zhang Yi, I might feel a little nervous.

After all, he is a professor at Huaxi and has much more experience than Zhang Yi.

It turns out that Professor Deng's apprentice is competing with Zhang Yi?

Haha, I'm not arrogant. Zhang Yi's skills are unmatched among his peers who are about five years older or younger. "

With a smile, Lu Jing turned and walked out of the emergency room.

Chen Fang hurriedly called him:

"Wait, Director Lu, where are you going?"

"To watch the game~"

"Then I'll go with you?"

Chen Fang also wanted to watch, but unfortunately the emergency room couldn't spare time...

Lu Jing hurriedly waved his hand:

"No, go back to work!"

After saying that, he left without looking back.

Leaving Chen Fang standing there, sighing:

"Ah... Such a wonderful game, I can't actually be there in person... It's so sad! "

In the operating room.

The first competition is to sew tendons.

Tendons are composed of longitudinal fiber bundles, connected together by loose connective tissue between bundles.

It is part of the muscle.

Although his strength can definitely crush the opponent.

But Zhang Yi was not in a hurry to sew, nor was he in a hurry to start.

Instead, he observed Xiao Zhiwen to see what kind of sew method he used.

Zhang Yi used the same method to suture.

On the side, seeing Zhang Yi had not moved, he was still observing Xiao Zhiwen's movements.

This made Deng Wei more certain of an idea.

That is, the talents of Tianhe City Hospital, which Qian Zhenggang was proud of, were not as good as he said.

What is Huaxi?

Do you really think you can compare with Huaxi Hospital?


It's really worth it to make this trip today~

The teaching fee is 20,000 more!

Just thinking happily.

Everyone saw Zhang Yi start to operate.

After observing Xiao Zhiwen for a while, Zhang Yi confirmed the method he used.

It is the 8-shaped suture method.

One of the most common tendon suture methods.

Okay, then he will also use the 8-shaped suture method.

Let everyone see what is a real teaching-level tendon suture.

Wash hands, wear gloves, disinfect, check whether the tendon is broken, whether the nerve is damaged, inflammation, etc.

Although it is just a very ordinary piece of beef~

However, we have to follow the operation process step by step.

After the observation, start suturing.

The 8-shaped suture method can withstand greater tension, making the tendon not easy to tear off.

It is more suitable for suturing the flat and wide tendons with the same thickness at both ends.

Looking at the beef in front of me, it should be the part of the leg.

It is indeed a relatively flat and wide shape.

It seems that Xiao Zhiwen will still choose this one.

Thread the needle, fit, pull apart and overlap.

Zhang Yi started suturing!

At the scene, some doctors in our hospital even took out their mobile phones to start filming Zhang Yi's techniques!

Because only they know.

Zhang Yi is a real boss!

As time passed, the operating room, which had some discussions just now.

Gradually became silent!

The whole operating room was so quiet that it seemed that a needle drop could be heard clearly.

The reason is simple.

Because Zhang Yi showed off~!

Threading the needle, fitting, pulling apart, crossing...

A perfect operation stunned everyone!

The needle in his hand seemed not to be a needle.

It was water!

It was water that could flow with his hand!

Wherever Zhang Yi told it to go, the water would go!

Qian Zhenggang was also shocked!

Before... Zhang Yi's suture didn't seem so good?

How come it's only been two or three months, and he's become so good?

It seems that this kid must have practiced hard on weekdays?

Hmm! Give him a chicken leg at night~!

Swish, swish, swish!

Zhang Yi's hands were as fast as the wind.

"I'm done."

Zhang Yi said, putting down the needle holder.

On the side, Xiao Zhiwen looked at Zhang Yi in disbelief.

Damn, how can he be so fast?

It must be a mess!

Xiao Zhiwen had to suppress his panic and quickly sutured the tendon in front of him.

In fact, from the perspective of others, the result of this round should be quite obvious.

Even many doctors from other hospitals were shocked by Zhang Yi's operation just now.

It's not that Xiao Zhiwen is not strong.

On the contrary, Xiao Zhiwen is also very good.

But the problem is that Zhang Yi next to him is stronger and more powerful than him!

So Xiao Zhiwen seems very ordinary.

"Okay, I've done it too!"

Both of them finished.

It was only half a minute difference.

Zhang Yi looked at Xiao Zhiwen next to him and thought that he was worthy of being a top student of West China.

He really has some skills.

With his speed, ordinary doctors would need two or three minutes to catch up.

As a result, Xiao Zhiwen caught up in half a minute.


Not bad~

"Okay, now you two have finished, then observe each other and give your scores.

Here is paper and pen, give it to me after you write the scores."

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