The doctor was very surprised.

"This... this is..."

"Oh my god... he is an intern?!"

"He moves so fast!"

"I can't believe it! He actually measured the size of the mechanical valve with his naked eyes! He didn't even use a ruler!"

"It's incredible! This is really an intern in our hospital... Oh no, a resident doctor?! Could it be a big guy from a higher-level hospital who came to teach?!"

"Look! The mechanical valve he sutured is perfectly connected to the atrium and ventricle!"

Looking at Zhang Yi's operation, several people around him gave a series of shocking exclamations!

I can't believe that an intern who just stayed in the hospital is so amazing? !

Watching Zhang Yi perform this operation is more beneficial than watching Jiao Yong perform a hundred operations!

Zhang Yi, after suturing the mechanical valve, checked the operation of the mechanical valve. After confirming that it was correct, he began to sew the pericardium, remove the circulator, and close the chest.

Artificial valve replacement can choose biological valves and mechanical valves.

The former is made of blood vessels and valves from pigs or cows. No anticoagulants are required after surgery. The disadvantage is that the life span is short and it needs to be replaced every five or ten years.

This material is more suitable for people over 60 years old. Basically, only one replacement is needed after surgery to maintain the remaining life span.

The latter is an artificial valve made of metal and some pyrolytic carbon synthetic materials. Anticoagulants need to be taken for a long time after surgery, otherwise thrombosis is easy to form at the valve.

However, valves made of this material are very durable and suitable for young patients. Basically, they do not need to be replaced for decades.

Considering the girl's young age and the family's financial situation, the mechanical valve is the most suitable.

At this time, Jiao Yong had notified Wang Mingjun, who was on his way to the operating room.

The two family members in front of them were squatting on the ground crying. They could not accept what Jiao Yong had just said.

"No, no... Doctor, please save my daughter! She is only eight years old! You can't just give up on her!" The girl's mother cried out hoarsely.

She couldn't imagine the pain and danger her daughter faced in the operating room...

If possible, she would rather take the knife herself, and she didn't want her daughter to suffer this pain...

"I'm really sorry, the situation in the operating room is inherently dangerous, and not all operations are foolproof."

"But don't worry, I have notified our director of cardiac surgery, Wang Mingjun, who has worked in the Imperial Capital Cardiothoracic Surgery Hospital and has a lot of..."

Jiao Yong was halfway through his words when he saw an instrument nurse in the operating room running out in a panic!

"Doctor Jiao, please go to the operating room and take a look! That intern named Zhang Yi... Oh no, the resident doctor named Zhang Yi actually completed the operation alone! And... the operation was successful!"

The nurse said breathlessly.

When Jiao Yong heard this, his eyebrows twisted into an eight shape.

"What?! That Zhang Yi?! He actually dared..." Realizing that the family members were still around, Jiao Yong quickly apologized to the family members: "Sorry, I will go in and check the situation right now!"

"Wait! What you just meant is that my daughter's operation has been successful, right?" The family members ignored Jiao Yong and looked at the nurse and asked.

The nurse nodded nervously: "Yes...!"

"Woo woo... That's great! That's great!" The girl's mother broke down and cried.

The father breathed a sigh of relief, and two lines of unspeakable tears silently flowed from the corners of his eyes.

Then he seemed to remember something, and said to his wife excitedly:

"I know the doctor named Zhang Yi. He is the young man who just explained the cause of this disease to us!"

"So his name is Zhang Yi! Woohoo... Thank him so much!"

In the operating room, Zhang Yi was completing the last step of closing the chest, and the system prompt sounded in his ears:

[Ding! Gratitude points +40! ]


The operation is not finished yet and the patient has not been pushed out yet. Who is thanking me?

On the other side, Jiao Yong strode in. You can see how angry he is at this moment by looking at his walking posture!

This intern who doesn't know the rules!

How dare he operate the knife in the operating room without authorization? !

"Do you know that you..."

"Okay, the suture is completed, the operation is over."

Just as Jiao Yong was about to curse, Zhang Yi had just finished the last stitch.

Looking at the neat wound on the little girl's chest without a single gap, Jiao Yong suddenly fell silent.


This doesn't look like a suture done by a resident doctor who just finished his internship!

And he hasn't even taken the medical qualification exam yet!


How did he suture so perfectly? !

That's right, the first time he saw the wound, the word "perfect" came to Jiao Yong's mind.

The residents who followed him, and those doctors who had been in cardiac surgery for several years, didn't suture as beautifully and safely as Zhang Yi!


It's really amazing!

At this time, Jiao Yong silently swallowed the curse in his heart.


How could he, an unlicensed doctor, do such a reckless and reckless thing? !

"Zhang Yi, go out and apologize to the family first. What you did today was too dangerous. Even if the patient's operation is successful, that... that's just luck!"

"What if it fails? This is a life!"

Jiao Yong still couldn't help it, pointing at Zhang Yi's nose and scolding him.

The two assistants and anesthesiologists who were watching on the side couldn't help but speak for Zhang Yi:

"That... Doctor Jiao, Zhang Yi was not lucky. His operation really shocked me. I have never seen such a person!"

"Yes, Zhang Yi is so awesome! I... I don't think we can find another person like him in our cardiac surgery department!"

Faced with the assistant's plea, Jiao Yong frowned.

What's wrong with you? Why are you speaking for Zhang Yi? !

Just at this time, another person came into the operating room.

This person was Wang Mingjun, the director of cardiac surgery.

As soon as he came in, he heard someone inside saying which unlicensed doctor had completed an artificial valve replacement operation without authorization? !


It's ridiculous!

"What's going on?" Wang Mingjun's full-throated voice sounded in the operating room.

When Jiao Yong saw Director Wang coming, he quickly told him the whole story.

When Wang Mingjun heard it, he immediately said in a stern voice: "Do you know what the consequences will be if the operation fails?!"

"Director Wang, don't be angry first. I only do it when I can guarantee success." Zhang Yi explained.

But Wang Mingjun didn't believe it.

A young man who doesn't even have a medical license can guarantee the success of the operation?

Even Jiao Yong is not sure about the operation, can you do it?

After a pause, Wang Mingjun made his decision: "You are in the emergency department, right? You can pack up and leave now! I'll go and tell Director He later!"

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