The egg was cut open and then sutured.

Zhang Yi picked up the egg!


Turn it upside down!

That's right, turn it upside down!

Turn the egg that was cut and sutured upside down on the table!

Let the sutured incision be subjected to the 'torture' of gravity mercilessly~

Deng Wei was shocked!

He opened his mouth in shock!

Is this guy going to violate Newton's law? ! !

In the shocked eyes of everyone, the egg was turned upside down.

Xiao Zhiwen, who was sutured next to him, also forgot to do his own movements! !

Why is this guy turning the egg upside down? ! !

Isn't he afraid that the egg liquid will flow out? ? ?

One second, two seconds, three seconds...

After three seconds, everyone understood what Zhang Yi was going to do!

He turned it upside down on purpose!

He wanted everyone to see that the egg would not flow out even if it was upside down!

To show his superb suturing skills!

To show that the suturing was tight without leaving any gaps!

"The egg... really didn't flow out!"

"Fuck! I really saw the world today!"

"Master! This is a real master!"

"Oh my god! The suturing is so good?? The egg didn't flow out even when it was upside down?!?"

In the operating room, everyone was not calm!

They all started to talk.

Everyone wanted to lie down in front of Zhang Yi's operating table to watch.

Qian Zhenggang coughed twice and controlled the scene:

"Ahem! Everyone be quiet! Zhang Yi finished first, but Dr. Xiao Zhiwen has not finished yet, let's wait.

After Dr. Xiao Zhiwen finishes, everyone will have the opportunity to come forward and observe.

Then the 99 doctors will vote again."

After Qian Zhenggang said this, everyone quieted down.

But there were still many doctors whispering.

Many of them were doctors from small hospitals, and it was the first time they had seen a doctor with such superb suturing skills.

How could you prevent the inverted egg liquid from flowing out? ?

How tight must the suturing be!

Thinking of this, many young doctors who came to listen to the class looked at Zhang Yi with admiration.

Big brother!

We really want to learn suturing from you!


Xiao Zhiwen tried his best to suppress the shock and panic in his heart.

Turning his head to look at the two egg shells on his operating table...

For a while, he felt mixed emotions.

He felt that... Zhang Yi's suturing was really better than his!

He was reluctant to admit it in the first round, but now.

He had to admit it even if he didn't want to!

The egg had been upside down for so long, but no egg liquid had flowed out.

If he were to do it, it would not be the same.

He believed that his suturing was not good enough to be watertight!

However, the game was not over yet!

Even though he was impressed by Zhang Yi's suturing skills, he had to work hard to complete his suturing until the last moment.

Xiao Zhiwen was also very fast.

Although it was difficult to thread the needle through the eggshell, he tried his best to ensure that the strength was used in the right place, so that the eggshell would not break easily when the needle was inserted.

It took about fifteen minutes.

Xiao Zhiwen also finished all the operations in the third round.

"I've finished it too."

Qian Zhenggang walked up to him and took a look. It was indeed completed.

Although... the suturing was not very good.

But at least he tried his best to complete this operation, which is worthy of recognition.

"Okay, now that both of them have finished, everyone can come and observe slowly.

Ten minutes, after ten minutes, please make a decision for the doctors who were assigned to the table tennis.

The white ball means it will be thrown to Zhang Yi.

The yellow ball means it will be thrown to Xiao Zhiwen.

Please make a decision after careful observation."

As soon as Qian Zheng finished speaking, the people in the operating room gathered around him.

Of course, most people rushed to Zhang Yi's side.

Only a few who didn't squeeze in were squeezed to Xiao Zhiwen's side.

To be honest, Xiao Zhiwen's eggshell suturing operation was already carefully observed by everyone in the fifteen minutes they waited for him.

Only he hasn't finished yet, but everyone is waiting for him.

So at this moment, everyone wants to see Zhang Yi's shell membrane suturing.

So what kind of suturing of the soft shell membrane plus the flowing egg liquid can prevent the egg from flowing out even if it is turned upside down? !

At this moment, the egg has been put upright by Zhang Yi.

The doctors who gathered around him all leaned over the table to look at the small egg whose incision was only 1 cm in diameter.

"Wow... Awesome!"

"Wow... the suture is really good! Big Boss!"

"Doctor Zhang, can you teach us how to suture?"

Every doctor who has seen it praised Zhang Yi.

Although there is an incision in the shell membrane, Zhang Yi's strict and symmetrical suture makes it impossible to find a gap.

The distance between each knot is as if it has been measured with a ruler!

Neat and tidy!

Only with this exact neatness can the tension between the shell membranes be the same.

If one side is tight and the other side is loose, the egg liquid will flow out instantly after it is turned upside down.


This man is really a master!

Everyone gave Zhang Yi a thumbs up in admiration!

After ten minutes, the observation time ended.

"Time is up! Now please let the doctor with the ping-pong ball make a decision!

I repeat, the white ball represents Zhang Yi, and the yellow ball represents Xiao Zhiwen.

Okay, now please put the balls in your hands in front of the corresponding operating table in turn."

As soon as Qian Zhenggang finished speaking, almost without hesitation, all the doctors with ping-pong balls threw the balls into the box on Zhang Yi's operating table.

Xiao Zhiwen, watching this scene, naturally felt bad.

He grew up in a wealthy family and had excellent grades.

Whether in school or in the hospital, he has always been called a genius, a rising star in the future of the medical field, and a hope...

But until today, he deeply felt what it meant that there are people beyond people and there are heavens beyond heavens.

Before today, he thought he was already very good.

He thought his strength was already the best among the younger generation.

But unexpectedly, he lost to a young doctor from Tianhe City Hospital...

Xiao Zhiwen looked at the work card on Zhang Yi's chest:

Assistant to the director, resident trainee.

Oh my god!

He is actually a resident intern! !

In an instant, Xiao Zhiwen lost all his confidence!

The pride he had since childhood was crushed by the three words "resident intern".

He lost!

But he lost with conviction!

The shell membrane, an operation that seems difficult to complete, he completed it so well.

Xiao Zhiwen was really convinced!

Soon, the voting ended.

All the white balls in the hands of the 99 doctors disappeared, and all were put into the box in front of Zhang Yi's operating table.

And Xiao Zhiwen didn't have a single yellow ball.

The result is obvious.

"Then I will announce the result next. The number of votes in Zhang Yi's box is 99, and the number of votes in Xiao Zhiwen's box is... 0!

So in this third game, Zhang Yi won.

So, this friendly suture operation match between Tianhe People's Hospital and West China Hospital has ended.

Tianhe Hospital defeated West China Hospital with a result of one draw and two wins!"

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