After a while of chatting, Chen Fang drove Zhang Yi to the door of the hospital dormitory after dinner.

Zhang Yi currently lives alone in the dormitory.

But a group of interns will come next month.

It is estimated that there will be more people in the dormitory by then.

He is used to living alone, and it is a bit inconvenient for others to come.

It seems that he has to go out and find a house.

There is no need to buy one, but rent one.


In August, the hot summer scorched the earth.

But the temperature in the hospital seemed to have entered autumn.

Zhang Yi shivered with cold as soon as he entered the office.

"Who turned the air conditioner so low? I can't stand it as a grown man."

Zhang Yi complained as he walked to the door and took a look!

Who the hell turned it to 16°!

In the middle of summer, you're afraid of freezing people to death, right?

Zhang Yi turned the air conditioner to 22°.

"Assistant Zhang, there are a few family members at the door looking for you."

Suddenly, the nurse walked in and said.

"Looking for me?"

Zhang Yi looked out the door as he spoke.

Three men and one woman, the youngest looked to be in his early 50s, and the oldest was almost 70 years old.

Looking at their clothes and overall temperament, they didn't seem like ordinary people.

"Hello, are you looking for me?" Zhang Yi asked as he walked to the door.

Several family members looked Zhang Yi up and down and asked:

"You are... Zhang Yi?"

"Yes, I am. What do you want to talk to me about?"

After looking at each other, several family members took out a thick stack of medical records from their briefcases and said:

"This is my mother's medical record at the Imperial Capital Ping An Hospital. I... I would like to ask you to take a look.

I heard from Director Wang that you are quite knowledgeable in coronary artery bypass surgery.

So... we thought of coming here to let you take a look at the case. If it is possible, we can do the surgery right away."

"Ping An Hospital? Director Wang? Did Director Wang Xiaomian introduce you here?"

Zhang Yi asked while taking the medical records.

Director Wang of Ping An Hospital, there should be no one else except Wang Xiaomian, right?

"Yes, yes, that's him. My mother is 93 years old this year, and she has diabetes and high blood lipids.

She was diagnosed with coronary heart disease at Ping An Hospital, and she had to undergo a bypass surgery.

But the risk is too great, and we really can't bear to see our mother die on the operating table.

Although she is already 93, we, as her children, still want to treat her.

We hope she can live to be a hundred years old...

That's why Director Wang told us that there is a doctor named Zhang Yi in Tianhe People's Hospital who can do this operation.

And the success rate is close to 100%!

So...that's why we rushed here, I hope we didn't disturb you?"

The speaker was the oldest family member among them.

He was about 70 years old, with gray hair on his temples, but he still spoke clearly, and his words were full of respect for Zhang Yi.

Although Zhang Yi was old enough to be his grandson.

But this family member still used "you" as a respectful address.

This made Zhang Yi have some good feelings towards these family members.

"Don't worry, sit inside for a while, I'll take a look at the medical records first.

Has the patient been diagnosed with coronary heart disease at Ping An Hospital? Are there any other underlying diseases besides hyperlipidemia and diabetes?"

Zhang Yi asked as he led several family members into the office.

Several family members shook their heads:

"We don't know about this, can you take a look at the medical records first?"


In the office, Zhang Yi was looking through the medical records carefully.

Although the three older family members felt that Zhang Yi was still a little too young.

But he is a doctor after all, so he should be respected.

The youngest family member was a man in his fifties.

He was wearing a Patek Philippe worth more than 500,000 yuan on his wrist, and the purse in his hand was worth at least 100,000 yuan.

After he saw Zhang Yi for the first time, he kept holding his mouth and rolling his eyes.

Can such a young doctor cure my mother?


It would be best if he could cure her, but if he couldn' will suffer!

Of course, Zhang Yi didn't expect the psychological activities of these family members.

After looking at it for a while, he raised his head and said to several people:

"Family, your mother's condition is indeed coronary heart disease, and there is a necrotic segment. A bypass surgery must be performed as soon as possible.

This operation cannot be said to be 100%, but there is a 99% success rate."

The oldest family member immediately smiled and said:

"That's great! Then...

…Then when can we have the surgery? ”

“The surgery can be done at any time, the sooner the better.”

“That’s great! Laiyun, go and arrange to bring mom in!”

Hearing what Zhang Yi said, the older family member hurriedly said to the only woman.

“Okay! I’ll go right away.”

When they heard that the surgery could be done, several family members were very excited.

“Hey… I’m finally relieved. Thank you, Dr. Zhang. We are originally from Yunnan Province, and we went to the capital for medical treatment.

I didn’t expect the doctor in the capital to ask us to return to Yunnan Province to Tianhe to find you.

After going around in circles for so long, I didn’t expect the doctor who saved people to be here!

It’s really a coincidence that I can’t say!”

Zhang Yi also smiled calmly and said:

“It’s also fortunate that Director Wang knows me. There are too few people in China who can do this surgery.

Mainly because the patient is old, has many underlying diseases, and has high risks.

It’s best not to open the chest during surgery. This alone is something that many doctors can’t handle.

So I'll tell you first, your mother's surgery method is to complete the operation without opening the sternum and without stopping the heart.

The operation is very difficult. Of course, I will definitely do my best to complete the operation. "

"Yes, yes, Dr. Zhang, you'd better do your best. My mother's life is not easy.

It's really hard for a woman to raise four of us brothers and sisters in the war and famine era.

Now my brothers and sisters have finally made money and become rich, and this era is so good.

We really don't want my mother to leave."

"Don't worry, I have also treated a similar patient before. He is a veteran and is about the same age as your mother. In the end, the operation was successful. "

"Really? Oh... That's really a blessing! "

As he was talking, an old lady with gray hair was pushed in from the emergency room.

Zhang Yi approached and saw that the situation was very similar to that of Mr. Qin last time.

It was just that the old lady was wearing an oxygen mask and did not look very energetic.

"How about this, you should go to the hospital first and go to the cardiac surgery department, and then I will arrange the operation as soon as possible."

Zhang Yi made arrangements while checking the old lady's physical condition.

"Okay, okay, we will go to the hospital right away."

The older man nodded immediately, holding the black leather bag with money and was about to go to the cashier's office.

Suddenly, the family member who had been silent and rolling his eyes spoke up.

"Wait a minute, brother! Don't rush to get hospitalized, I have a question to ask this doctor!"

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