What's the situation? !

Why do so many doctors come to perform an operation?

He Biao frowned and asked:

"Dear doctors, what are you doing? Why are you not at work and come here to watch the operation?"

An intern in cardiac surgery glanced at him and said:

"Working? What's the point of working? Is it important for Assistant Zhang to perform surgery? "

"Yes, I always come here to observe and learn from Assistant Zhang's surgery."

"Where are you doctors from? Are you the family members of the patient inside?

If you are the family members, you can rest assured. , Assistant Zhang in our hospital is a big shot, you can rest assured that he will perform the surgery on you!"

"Yes, Assistant Zhang is the treasure of our Tianhe People's Hospital~"

Looking at the observation room Seeing so many doctors' expressions and looks, He Biao began to doubt...

Could it be that Zhang Yi really didn't lie?

Forget it, let's wait and see!

He Biao will definitely treat Zhang Yi as his savior if he can cure his mother. .

But if it is a black-hearted doctor who is swindling and taking kickbacks...

Then he will make Zhang Yi pay for it!

In the operating room.

Midazolam is used to induce anesthesia first, and then the dose is increased for general anesthesia.

The dosage for the elderly and adults is different , need to be reduced.

Soon, the old lady closed her eyes.

Mark the incision and disinfect the large area.

Use the same method as last time to make a 5 cm incision under the xiphoid process, expand it with a expander, and then pull the diaphragm apart , you can vaguely see a corner of the beating heart.

Make another 2 cm incision at the fourth and fifth intercostal spaces.

Pull open the skin and pleura, push aside the organs around the heart, and expose the blocked section of the coronary artery.

Zhang Yi's operation is steady and smooth. .

Just a thoracotomy is enough to beat many doctors by several blocks.

In the operating room, Wang Mingjun's heart couldn't help but thump!

It's a waste of talent for Zhang Yi to stay in the emergency department!

It's best to come to the cardiac surgery department!

This guy is so good at cardiac surgery, why is he waiting for the emergency department?

"Director Wang, put the camera in the fourth intercostal space." Zhang Yi reminded Wang Mingjun while preparing to graft the blood vessels.

Wang Mingjun was thinking about something I was a little distracted.

Zhang Yi blushed when he was reminded.

"Okay... okay!"

Zhang Yi was the lead surgeon for this operation, and Wang Mingjun and Lu Jing were his assistants.

Wang Mingjun hadn't been an assistant for many years. The time has not yet come to terms with it.

The camera zoomed in, and everyone could see clearly what the infarcted segment of the heart was like.

"Fortunately, although the infarcted segment of this person is necrotic, there is no ventricular aneurysm."

After seeing clearly, Wang Mingjun whispered

Ventricular aneurysm is a common complication of myocardial infarction.

Mr. Qin had it before, but this old lady is fine, her symptoms are milder than Mr. Qin's, and she only needs vascular grafting.

Of course, Wang Mingjun was still looking forward to the blood vessel grafting under the beating heart.

At least he couldn't complete the operation himself.

So he could only be a student in the operating room and see how Zhang Yi operated.

Soon , Zhang Yi freed a section of the small saphenous vein.

After washing with saline, put it on a sterile tray for later use.

In fact, simple bypass surgery has become more and more mature in recent years.

The difficulty is getting lower and lower.

But in the case of heart failure The operation under beating condition is a completely different level of difficulty.

Under everyone's nervous gaze, Zhang Yi checked the blood vessels in the sterile tray again.

Then he took the hemostatic forceps and inserted it into the fifth intercostal space to clamp it. The left main trunk of the coronary artery was clamped.

Immediately after clamping, the grafting and suturing of the blood vessels began.

A small incision was made in the left circumflex branch below the left main trunk.

The blood vessels of the coronary artery are very small. The thickest part of the main trunk from top to bottom is 3 Millimeters, the thinnest part is less than 1 millimeter.

In addition, the heart was still beating, so the difficulty can be imagined.

The entire operating room, including everyone in the observation room next to it, was sweating for Zhang Yi.

Zhang Yi clamped the blood vessel of the small saphenous vein with his left hand and grafted the blood vessel into The incision of the left circumflex branch.

The suture thread enters from the fifth intercostal space, and after the first needle is put on, the needle is clamped and then taken out from the fifth intercostal space.

Repeat this process, holding the blood vessel with the left hand throughout the process, and only the right hand is operating.

Although In this way, Zhang Yi's hands did not shake at all when operating on a blood vessel that was only 2 mm thick.

So steady!

"Oh my God! I'm so curious about how Assistant Zhang trained his hands? How can he be so steady?"

" I'll watch this technique ten times a hundred times

You may not be able to learn it..."

"That's amazing! Assistant Zhang is my idol!"

In the observation room, the interns were watching the operation and flattering each other.

Several family members didn't understand any professional terms.

But at this time... watching her mother being 'cut open', the female family member named Lai Yun couldn't help sobbing softly.

Several male family members also had sweat in their palms.

Watching your mother undergo surgery in person, it's not a pleasant feeling for anyone.

So Dr. Zhang... please! Please make it a success!

In the operating room.

No one dared to breathe.

All they could hear was the regular heartbeat on the ECG monitor and the collision of instruments when Zhang Yi switched operating tools from time to time.

"Wipe the lens."

"Oh, okay! ”

The grafting of the left circumflex artery is completed.

Then the other end is grafted using the same method.

Bypass surgery means the same thing as the name of the surgery.

A vascular pathway is re-established on both sides of the obstructed necrotic segment.

It functions like a bridge.

The clamping time of the left main trunk cannot be too long, so Zhang Yi tried to speed up while proceeding steadily.

The process of suturing the blood vessels while the heart is beating was extremely difficult.

But three minutes later, Zhang Yi succeeded in the grafting.

"I will open the blood vessels first, and then apply a set of contrast agent to see if the blood vessels have resumed blood supply."

"Okay, okay..."

Wang Mingjun nodded repeatedly.

After opening the blood vessels, Zhang Yi saw that the blood flow had passed through the new blood vessels at the first time.

Blood and nutrients are continuously delivered to the myocardium.

Very good, the operation was successful~!

On the side, Wang Mingjun injected the contrast agent and took a look at the contrast imaging device.

The blocked segment has indeed resumed blood supply.

"Great, the operation was successful! ”

“Wow… I have witnessed a heart-beating bypass surgery with my own eyes, and I have benefited a lot!”

“Thank you, Dr. Zhang, we have learned a lot.”

In the operating room, several attending doctors in the cardiac surgery department looked at Zhang Yi with admiration.

Zhang Yi waved his hand politely.

The vascular access was successfully restored, and the next step was to close the chest.

“Count the equipment and prepare to close the chest.”


Five minutes later, the operation was officially over.

The entire operating room and the observation room next to it burst into warm applause.

Although this was Zhang Yi’s second heart-beating bypass surgery.

But this was the first case of Tianhe People’s Hospital!

If this news were released, wouldn’t Tianhe People’s Hospital be popular throughout Yunnan Province??

The reputation would be directly improved by several levels!

“Thank you, you are polite. "

Zhang Yi looked at the people around him and thanked them one by one.

The old lady was sent to the ICU after the chest was closed and a drainage tube was placed.

She was too old and had to wait until the critical period was over before she could be transferred to the general ward.

When Zhang Yi walked out of the operating room, he found that the family members had been waiting at the door with serious faces.

When the family member named He Biao saw Zhang Yi coming out, he took a big step forward and shook Zhang Yi's hand and said:

"Doctor Zhang...I...I...I thank you!"

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