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"West China Hospital?"

"Yes, the vice president of West China Hospital personally sent me an invitation letter, specifically inviting you to attend their West China Medical Exchange Conference."

Zhang Yi was slightly surprised:

"Specially inviting me?? Could it be that after Xiao Zhiwen lost last time, they went back to discuss and wanted to take this opportunity to win back? "

Qian Zhenggang nodded thoughtfully:

"I think so, Huaxi Hospital, which is so big, lost If we give it to them, they will definitely not accept it. "

"It's okay, let's go, I'm not afraid."

Qian Zhenggang looked at Zhang Yi's confident look, and he also felt a little proud~

It's great for the master to be in his own hospital~

"Time is Next Sunday, if you go then, I will arrange for someone to go with you. "

"Okay, thank you Dean Qian."

After the conversation, Zhang Yi left the Dean's office.

Coincidentally, the phone also received a call The message notification sound.

When he opened it, he found that it was a message from Deng Wei of West China Hospital.

"Doctor Zhang, our hospital will hold a simple medical exchange meeting next Sunday.

Many people from the whole Chengdu Province, Shanghai, and Beijing will come to attend. Young and promising medical talent.

The dean of our hospital also sincerely invites you to attend the meeting. I wonder if Dr. Zhang is free? "

Zhang Yi replied:

"Hello, Professor Deng, the dean of our hospital has informed me that next Sunday I will go. "

Next Sunday, it will be almost a month since I last went home.

I can go home again while I attend the exchange meeting at West China Hospital.

"Okay, Dr. Zhang, West China Hospital welcomes you!"

"Okay Thank you, Professor Deng. "

After a few simple polite words, Zhang Yi put away his phone.

Today it was his and Chen Fang's turn to sit in the emergency clinic. When they first arrived at the clinic, Chen Fang was already seeing the second patient. .

Although Zhang Yi was promoted to assistant director, he had not yet taken the examination, so he still had to ask Chen Fang to sign.

"Dry and bitter mouth, right? Do you drink a lot of water?"

Chen Fang glanced at Zhang Yi and continued to ask questions.

The patient was a man in his forties, slightly thin.

Zhang Yi glanced up and down and found The patient's gastric mucosa was red, swollen and congested, and there were two ulcers.

It seemed that he was suffering from stomach problems.

"I just drink a lot of water and often want to drink water." The patient replied.

"It's mainly stomach pain, right? Is it after eating or after eating?" "Hmm... after eating, I often feel heartburn after eating." The patient said, holding his stomach. When asked this question, Chen Fang also considered it as a stomach problem. .

"How about this, I'll write you a gastroscopy order first. You didn't eat or drink water this morning, did you?"

The patient shook his head: "No... I came to the hospital because of the pain. I also guessed that there was something wrong with my stomach. So I came here without eating or drinking. "

"That's fine, let's do a gastroscopy to see what's going on inside.

And do a Helicobacter pylori screening by the way.

Helicobacter pylori is a common cause of many stomach diseases.

But based on the data you provided I guess the symptoms may be gastric ulcer.

Only gastric ulcer will cause stomach pain after eating.

For duodenal ulcer, the pain will not start until the food is digested from the stomach and passes through the duodenum.

This time point is about the next Before eating, the pain time of the two diseases is different.

If you start to feel pain half an hour or an hour after eating, it is probably a gastric ulcer. ”

“Ah? Then...then doctor, can this gastric ulcer be treated? Is it cured?"

The patient looked worried.

Chen Fang comforted him:

"Don't worry, gastric ulcer is not a serious disease. You can get a checkup to find out the cause and then take the right medicine to cure it.

However, gastric disease is not something that can be contracted overnight, nor can it be cured overnight.

Gastric disease In traditional Chinese medicine, this thing needs to be nurtured.

If you stay up late for a long time and eat spicy food, your stomach will definitely not be able to bear it and will go on strike, just like you are now.

So in the future, remember not to eat spicy food, eat more light food to nourish your stomach , it will get better slowly later. ”

The patient stood up and nodded to Chen Fang:

“Okay, thank you doctor, I will go check it out first.”


After the patient left the clinic, Chen Fang asked: "How is it? Do you think it's a gastric ulcer?"

Zhang Yi nodded:

"Most likely, we Chinese don't use serving chopsticks when eating, and it's very common to be infected with Helicobacter pylori, so there are naturally more gastric diseases."

Calling number ,Next person.

The door of the clinic was opened, and a young man appeared.

He was probably in his twenties.

There was also a beautiful girl of the same age beside him.

The girl carefully helped him into the clinic.

"What's wrong? This is the number of the emergency internal medicine department."

Chen Fang looked at the young man and said.

The young man's face was dark and his whole face was a little swollen.

From his complexion, it seemed that the situation was not very good.

Zhang Yi glanced up and down, and immediately, there was a hint of surprise in his eyes.

Such a young man actually...

"Doctor... I always feel chest tightness, nausea, and diarrhea..."

The young man was helped to sit on the chair and described his condition.

When Chen Fang heard it, he consciously considered the digestive tract disease.

"Does your stomach hurt?" Chen Fang asked.

"Stomachache? My stomach feels fine, but I feel uncomfortable all over... and I feel like I can't breathe."

"Can't breathe?"

This made Chen Fang a little confused.

Sometimes he felt nauseous and wanted to vomit, and sometimes he had diarrhea and couldn't breathe.

Although he looked sick, he was nauseous, vomited, had diarrhea, and couldn't breathe?

Chen Fang looked at Zhang Yi.

Boss, why don't you ask him.

Zhang Yi took over the conversation and asked:

"Besides these, do you feel dizzy?"

"Sometimes I feel a little dizzy."

Zhang Yi turned his gaze to Chen Fang: "Teacher Chen, how about measuring his body temperature and blood pressure first?"

Chen Fang nodded and began to measure the blood pressure of the young man.

The girl who came with the patient was very worried and asked:

"Doctor, what's wrong with him? Nothing will happen, right?"

Chen Fang saw that the patient was so young and thought that he would not have any serious illness, so he replied:

"Don't worry, we will know the result after we finish the examination. Besides, he is so young, generally there is no big problem."

After saying this, Chen Fang saw Zhang Yi winking at him.

Chen Fang immediately realized that he might have said the wrong thing...

Looking at Zhang Yi's eyes, could it be that this person is very serious? ?

"Well, family members, let me ask how long has his current symptoms lasted? When did he start to feel nauseous, vomit and short of breath?"

The girl thought for a while and said:

"The nausea and vomiting may have started half a year ago? We went for a check-up at that time, and did a gastroscopy, but nothing was found."

Chen Fang was stunned: "No problem with the gastroscopy?"


That's strange, nausea and vomiting, but the gastroscopy showed no problem.

Then it shouldn't be a stomach problem.

Chen Fang frowned and thought for a while, then looked at Zhang Yi again.

Although Zhang Yi's expression was calm, there was still a hint of surprise and worry in his eyes.

Could it be that Zhang Yi already had a result in his mind? ?

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