The weather was very hot, but the weather was very hot.

Bai Tang and Chen Feng were on night duty tonight.

I just came back from checking the wards and saw the message from Zhang Yi.

"After a dialysis, his condition is much more stable now. His blood potassium and creatinine have dropped, but his glomerular filtration rate is still low.

If this continues, we can only pray for a kidney transplant as soon as possible."

Seeing Bai Tang's reply, Zhang Yi thought for a while and replied:

"Where are his family members? Have they come?"

"No, I heard from the girl that Liu Luo only has a remarried mother, but the other party didn't answer the phone after calling for an afternoon.

Alas, there is nothing we can do. The boy is in a bad condition now, and his family doesn't care.

Just now when we were making rounds, we didn't know where the girl went.

Now there is only more than a thousand yuan left in his account for hospitalization fees. Our director said that if there is no follow-up, he can only be discharged from the hospital."

The hospital is indeed not a place for charity.

Doctors and nurses are also a profession that relies on technology to make a living.

If you can't pay the hospitalization fees, then the doctors in the nephrology department can't do anything.

"Has he registered on the organ transplantation website?"

"I have, but... there are more than 78,000 people in front of him."

"How many?! 78,000?!"

This news made Zhang Yi frown.

More than 78,000 people are waiting in line for kidneys.

How long will Liu Luo have to wait...

Every year, there are 300,000 patients waiting for organ transplants in my country.

But only about 20,000 people actually have a transplant.

Kidney transplants are relatively easy to perform in organ transplants.

Because people have two kidneys, if a family member suffers from renal failure, some relatives or brothers and sisters are willing to donate a kidney to help each other.

And the immune rejection reaction of relatives is also small, and the survival rate is also high.

And some patients with uremia can also maintain their lives by doing dialysis.

The demand for kidneys is not as urgent as that for hearts, lungs, livers and bone marrow.

For transplants like hearts and lungs, it is really not possible to wait for a suitable donor until death.

Heart and lungs are large organs, and even immediate family members cannot donate them.

You can only wait for the stranger with the same blood type, tissue typing, and immune antigen as you in the vast sea of ​​people.

This is as difficult as finding a needle in a haystack!

"Okay, thank you, Dr. Bai."

"You're welcome."

After putting down his phone, Zhang Yi walked back to the dormitory thinking all the way.

In fact, Zhang Yi wanted to help in this matter.

Just give money?

That's not realistic.

I'm not a sucker.

Besides, dialysis doesn't cost much money. The biggest problem is actually the kidney source.

Zhang Yi can now perform kidney transplant surgery.

After experiencing 500 entanglements, Zhang Yi suddenly woke up!

Kaka gave a full score of 100.

Maybe where can I find the kidney source for the surgery.

Liu Luo only has a mother who doesn't care about him.


I remembered the old saying again.

Hemp ropes break at the thinnest part, and misfortunes only come to the unfortunate!


Someone behind him gently patted Zhang Yi on the shoulder.

Zhang Yi shivered with fear.

It was dark, and a handsome guy like Zhang Yi should be careful when walking on the street~

Turning around, it was Zhao Yuting.

"Why did you come to my dormitory?" Zhang Yi asked in surprise.

Zhao Yuting had a ponytail and wore a white dress.

She looked very young and beautiful.

I don't know if she dressed up specially, but she looked a little more beautiful than before.

She slowly lowered her head and said:

"Doctor Zhang, you didn't reply to my message before, so... I took the liberty to come here.

By the way, this is two thousand yuan, please keep it."

As she spoke, Zhao Yuting took out a white envelope from her messenger bag.

The thickness of the envelope was about two thousand yuan.

Zhang Yi was stunned: "Are you here to pay me back?"

"Yes, I sent you a message before but you didn't reply. I was afraid you wouldn't accept the money, so I came here directly."

Zhao Yuting did send messages to Zhang Yi occasionally before.

But Zhang Yi always felt that this little girl might be interested in him.

The age difference between the two was a bit big, and Zhang Yi didn't have any feelings for girls who were too young.

So Zhang Yi didn't reply to the message directly, and Zhao Yuting's thoughts were cut off.

But I didn't expect that she would come to pay the money in person today.

Zhang Yi glanced at the message

He looked at Zhao Yuting again.

"I don't want this money for now. I know your family's situation. It's not easy to earn these two thousand yuan.

I don't need these two thousand yuan anyway. Aren't you going to college soon? Keep this money for your living expenses."

Zhao Yuting frowned slightly, raised her head and said:

"No, my mother also said that she must give you the money. And our subsidy has come down, it's more than 80,000.

In addition, I can also work part-time every summer and winter vacation to earn some living expenses.

So...Dr. Zhang, you can take this money."

After saying that, Zhao Yuting tried to stuff the envelope into Zhang Yi's hand.

But Zhang Yi still didn't take it.

"Is your mother healthy?"

"Hmm? She...she's fine, Doctor Zhang, please accept it."

Looking at Zhao Yuting's insistent look, Zhang Yi sighed softly and said:

"Okay, since you insist so much, I'll accept it. But this money was donated by me out of kindness, so you don't have to pay it back."

Zhao Yuting raised her chin, glanced at Zhang Yi and said quickly:

"No, my mother said that you, Doctor Zhang, have helped us a lot.

If we don't pay back this money, our family will feel bad."

Zhang Yi smiled and said:

"Okay , you are a kind-hearted child who knows how to repay kindness. Go back to school and listen to your mother. "

Zhao Yuting blushed and whispered:

"Doctor Zhao... I... I am not a child. I am already 18 years old."

"Haha, is that so? 18 years old is good. I am the same age as my sister, young and energetic. Okay, it's getting late. You should go back first. Be careful on the road and report to me when you get home."

"I... okay. Then I will leave first?"

"Well, be careful on the road." After saying that, Zhang Yi turned around and prepared to walk towards the dormitory building.

Suddenly, Zhao Yuting stopped Zhang Yi again:

"Doctor Zhang, if I don't understand any medical knowledge in the future, can you reply to my message when I ask you?"

Zhang Yi thought about it and nodded: "Okay."

"Okay! Then~ I will leave first, Doctor Zhang!"

After waving to Zhang Yi, Zhao Yuting ran away with brisk steps.

Zhang Yi turned around and glanced at her slender back, which was excited and excited.

Zhang Yi understood the little girl's thoughts very well.

Could she be so happy just by talking to him for a few words?

Haha, she is really naive.

Shaking his head, Zhang Yi turned around and stepped into the dormitory.

As soon as he entered, he saw a figure hiding behind the door!

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