The only thing Zhang Yi didn't understand about Liu Zifei was why she had changed so much in the few years from college to graduation.

He remembered that Liu Zifei used to be a simple, straightforward, and thick-skinned little girl.

I don't know how she became like this.


As the saying goes, people will always change.

However, I hope that Liu Zifei will not bother me again after this time.

The fate is over, and a good horse will not turn back.

Besides, he and Lu Gao are a perfect match~

In the meeting room, Zhang Yi came in at the right time.

Seeing Zhang Yi sitting in, Chen Fang said with a half-smile:

"Hey, you are so playful, isn't that girl the girlfriend of your college classmate? Why did you come to me?"

"She is my ex-girlfriend, she keeps pestering me, it's so annoying." Zhang Yi just said a few words to clear up the right and wrong inside.

"Huh?" Chen Fang was surprised, just like a wild civet jumping up and down in a melon field.

"...Okay, but think about it, you are so outstanding now, she must want to come back to you, you have a bright future, whoever follows you will be happy!"

"I won't agree, I'll focus on my career first, and the relationship will come naturally in the future."

Chen Fang glanced at Zhang Yi's profile.

I couldn't help but sigh in my heart!

How could there be such a person!

He is handsome, good at medicine, down-to-earth, and rarely smokes or drinks!

He is simply a perfect husband!

My cousin is really bad at judging people.

If she had been able to have a longer-term vision, she might have become Zhang Yi's brother-in-law now.

Wouldn't that be a great honor for her!

Chen Fang turned her eyes to the front, thinking about whether she had other distant cousins ​​or something.

Zhang Yi's wealth cannot be lost to outsiders~!

After a while, the meeting began.

The host of the exchange meeting was Zhou Qihong, the dean of West China Hospital.

The content of the meeting was a special topic on reproductive health and infertility.

It took two hours to finish.

During this period, Lu Gao and Liu Zifei did not come back.

I guess Lu Gao was also very angry at this time, so how could he have the heart to enter the meeting room again.

To be honest, although Lu Gao looked a little ordinary, he was a rich second-generation after all.

He bought a bag for Liu Zifei and arranged a job for her.

He actually wanted to make peace with me behind her back?

Tsk tsk, she is really greedy.

I guess Lu Gao should break up with her now.

It's her own fault.

"We were late today because of something.

All doctors attending the meeting can go to the cafeteria of West China for lunch with their membership cards.

In the afternoon, there will be a simple suture technique exchange in our hospital.

Those who are interested can go to the practice building next door to watch.

So, today's meeting ends here."

After Zhou Qihong finished speaking, there was a burst of applause from the audience.

It was already 12:30 p.m.

Because Director Hu's matter delayed us, everyone naturally took their membership cards to the cafeteria of West China for lunch after Zhou Qihong said this.

"Let's go and try it. It's free anyway. The cafeteria of such a big hospital like West China can't be worse than ours, right?"

Chen Fang looked at the membership card in his hand and said.

Zhang Yi was dragged to the cafeteria by Chen Fang.

There were several fans who wanted to take photos with him.

Even when eating, these people sat around Zhang Yi.

Not to mention, Zhang Yi was a little uncomfortable. It was really uncomfortable to be watched all the time.

For a moment, he could actually feel a little bit like those stars? ?

Of course, those little fans just sat quietly beside Zhang Yi and did not disturb him, so Zhang Yi and Chen Fang did not say anything.

After lunch, Zhang Yi did not delay and went directly to the practice building.

There are four floors in this building.

The first floor is the classroom for dissection, and the basement is for cadaver teachers.

The second to fourth floors are classrooms for some interns and young doctors to do ordinary operations.

Since he is here for this competition today, Zhang Yi will not back down.

Not convinced, right?

Then I will beat you again today and make you completely convinced.

It is obviously noon at this time, and it is the lunch break time for many medical staff.

But the doctors at West China Hospital heard that Zhang Yi

I want to compete with Li Pengfei from their hospital again.

I would rather skip my nap and come to see this excitement!

There are many doctors from our hospital who have come downstairs in the entire practice building.

Some of them are still wearing white coats and rushing over.

"Hurry up, hurry up, it's about to start!"

"No! Why are you panicking!"

"I'm so excited, Li Pengfei is a doctor who was introduced to our hospital as a high-end talent two years ago! I'm really curious about the result of the duel between these two people~"

"Haha, do you want to make a bet? Just bet a hundred dollars."

The doctors walking to the practice building discussed as they walked.

"Okay, I bet on Li Pengfei to win!"

"Li Pengfei is a first-class doctor in terms of both operation and knowledge. It is impossible for him to lose to Zhang Yi, right?

Hey, but think about it... Xiao Zhiwen is not bad, but he still lost. How should I choose..."

"I don't care. I hope Li Pengfei can win our hospital. I also bet on Li Pengfei."

"I have great confidence in our West China Hospital! I also choose Li Pengfei!"

"I think Zhang Yi is very powerful. In the morning, Li Pengfei said that Director Hu had lupus erythematosus, but he turned out to be allergic.

Well... I think I have to choose Zhang Yi. Although I also hope that Li Pengfei can win, I have to respect the facts."

Among several doctors in white coats, seven out of ten chose Li Pengfei.

Only three people chose to bet on Zhang Yi to win.

This group of people happened to be heard when they passed by Chen Fang.

He ran to Zhang Yi and said:

"Zhang Yi, those doctors are actually starting to bet!

Very few bet on you to win, most of them bet on the one from West China Hospital to win!

But it doesn't matter, come on! I'm optimistic about you, your suture is the best and no one dares to say you're second~!"

Zhang Yi was not afraid: "It's normal, these doctors have never seen my suture, and they all hope that Li Pengfei will win face for West China, so they hope I lose.

It's okay, we'll see the truth when we go on stage."

Third floor, in the operating room.

After Zhang Yi walked in, he leaned in the corner and waited for Dean Zhou and others.

There were many people in the operating room, and Zhang Yi was relatively low-key. After he came in, he leaned on a chair in the corner to rest, so no one noticed him.

Suddenly, a burst of booing sounded in the entire operating room.

"Li Pengfei, we are counting on you today!"

"Here comes Li Pengfei, here comes Li Pengfei!"

"Doctor Li, you are a top expert personally appointed by President Zhou. I heard from Xiao Zhiwen that Zhang Yi's suture skills are very good. You must not take it lightly!"

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