The competition begins!

Zhang Yi followed the previous method.

First, pry open the eggshell on the top little by little.

Then use the smallest knife to cut the shell membrane.

Then sew it.

Zhang Yi's hand speed is very fast, and the onlookers outside the window are all staring!

So this guy sews the shell membrane like this?

On the other side, Li Pengfei's speed is relatively slow.

However, although he can't see the situation inside, Li Pengfei's seriousness is no less than Zhang Yi.

The stipulated time is twenty minutes.

Li Pengfei is a little worried, afraid that he can't finish it within twenty minutes.

So he observes Zhang Yi while operating.

It turns out that this guy is like a cheat, how can he be so fast? !

Damn it!

Can't lose!

Li Pengfei, you can't lose!

Li Pengfei gritted his teeth and operated the small egg in front of him nervously.

His method was the same as Zhang Yi's, and he also carefully cracked the eggshell from the top.

Then he sewed the shell membrane on the top.

Zhou Qihong couldn't help but be curious when watching the two people's operation, and walked in front of them and wandered around.

Then he smiled and nodded with satisfaction.

No matter who wins, it will actually benefit Zhou Qihong.

If Li Pengfei wins, it proves that the strength of West China Hospital is still there.

If Zhang Yi wins, he will be poached with an annual salary of 250,000, and he will become a doctor of West China, right?

Best of both worlds!

The only worry is that Zhou Qihong is afraid that Jin Zhenglun and Xu Chang will compete with him for people.

When you are trying to steal someone else's business, you should also worry about other hospitals stealing your business, right?

On the operating table, Zhang Yi chose 4-0 sutures.

Thin, but not the thinnest.

The thinnest sutures take more time to sew.

Too thick is not so smooth to operate, so according to experience, 4-0 is the most suitable.

Li Pengfei chose 6-0, the thinnest one.

He was slower than Zhang Yi, and he chose the thinnest suture, which made him even slower.

In the eyes of the crowd, Zhang Yi and Li Pengfei's operation techniques are very similar, but Zhang Yi is more comfortable than Li Pengfei.

One needle in and one needle out, very coherent.

Watching Zhang Yi's operation is like watching the birth of a work of art.

Watching Li Pengfei's operation is like watching a normal doctor's suture operation.

The former is extremely ornamental and practical.

The latter should only be practical.

Five minutes later, Zhang Yi put down the needle holder.

"Dean Zhou, I'm done."

As soon as these words came out, the crowd in the operating room and outside couldn't help but be amazed.

This guy is too fast!

How come it takes so little time?

It's abnormal!

"Okay... OK, wait a moment, and we'll judge together after Li Pengfei finishes." Zhou Qihong said after a slight surprise.

On the side, Li Pengfei's hands couldn't help but tremble slightly.

Damn, it was over in a few minutes?

Shouldn't such a thin shell membrane be handled more carefully?

He moved so fast, can he finish it? ?

Although he was panicking, Li Pengfei still encouraged himself in his heart.

Steady, Li Pengfei!

You can't lose your composure!

Anyway, if you finish within 20 minutes, you will pass. If you are more serious and careful, you will definitely beat Zhang Yi.

Li Pengfei, who has been gifted since childhood, has a strong learning ability. After obtaining his doctorate, he immediately passed the examination for attending physician.

After waiting for another two years, he can directly apply for the examination for associate senior professor.

In addition, during the two years working at West China Hospital, he also published two academic papers!

With such achievements and such experience, how could Li Pengfei, who is only 31 years old, be willing to lose?

Especially losing to a doctor who graduated from a bachelor's degree.

How could Li Pengfei get over this in his heart?

So, Li Pengfei immediately abandoned the distracting thoughts in his heart and completed the remaining sutures without distraction.

Zhang Yi stood beside the operating table, not panicking, waiting slowly.

However, several leaders next to him seemed to be unable to bear it, and they stretched their necks to look at Zhang Yi's operating table.

Finally, seven minutes later, Li Pengfei let out a long sigh and put down the needle holder.

"Dean Zhou, I'm done too."

Although it was seven minutes and twenty-four seconds slower than Zhang Yi.

But this was already very fast for Li Pengfei.

It's all Zhang Yi's fault!

Zhou Qihong glanced at Li Pengfei, not knowing if there was a hint of disappointment in his eyes, and said


"Okay, the two doctors have finished suturing. Zhang Yi took 5 minutes and 2 seconds, and Li Pengfei took 12 minutes and 26 seconds.

Next, several of our leaders will check it out first, and then make their own choices.

Then, 55 of the doctors watching outside have the right to vote, and the doctors with voting rights can come in and watch in turn.

Of course, you must make a fair choice and not cheat each other."

Although there are doctors from other hospitals who came to attend the meeting, the majority are still from West China Hospital.

So Zhou Qihong's words are also to let the doctors in our hospital be fair.

You can't deliberately choose Li Pengfei just because he is from our hospital.

Make your choice truthfully and objectively.

The doctors outside the window all nodded: "I understand, President Zhou."

Zhou Qihong then turned to look at the row of leaders:

"Everyone, let's check one by one?"

Jin Zhenglun immediately walked to Zhang Yi's side impatiently and stretched his head into the small eggshell to look inside.

The next second, he saw Jin Zhenglun exclaiming in amazement, giving a thumbs up and saying excitedly:

"Zhang Yi, your suture is really amazing. I was amazed by your suture in the operating room before. I didn't expect that you would bring me such a big shock and surprise again today!"

Zhang Yi smiled modestly and said, "Thank you, President Jin."

Zhou Qihong knew that the old guy must have something else in mind when he saw Jin Zhenglun's eyes.

He immediately walked up to observe it once, and at a glance, he understood why Jin Zhenglun was surprised and excited just now!

This neat and tidy suture was completed in five minutes? ?

It's incredible!

Seeing Zhou Qihong so surprised, several other department heads nearby also hurried over.

After seeing this, Tian Xiaofeng, director of hepatobiliary surgery, asked:

"You...did you practice this suture by yourself? How long did it take?!"

Zhang Yi replied:

"I practiced it at school, and then I practiced it slowly after work."

When Tian Xiaofeng heard it, he exclaimed:

"Talent, talent! You can practice this suture technique so perfectly in such a short time, it must be talent!"

Several other department heads also nodded frequently:

"Indeed, not only is it talented, but this talent is not low!"

After appreciating Zhang Yi's operation, the leaders turned to Li Pengfei's operating table next to them.

As a result, several people frowned!

Li Pengfei was also panicked...

What's going on?

Why are these directors frowning?

Is it... am I really bad? ?

But Li Pengfei believes that his suture is definitely one of the best in West China Hospital.

It can't be so bad that these directors frowned, right? !

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