The doctor said that the child was a doctor.

"Doctor trouble?" Zhang Yi remembered.

Yu Jian was probably an eyewitness to the incident he was talking about.

He was probably talking about the allergic child that Zhang Yi encountered when he went to the clinic.

"I know about this. I knew about it before I took my leave. I was the one who saved the child."

"Really? Oh my God, you don't know. The family asked for three million in compensation!

They said they wanted to pay for the child's medical and mental damages from now until he was 70 years old.

They said they were worried that the wrong medicine would cause the child to be disabled for life, and that it would affect the physical or intellectual development.

Anyway, they gave a bunch of examples."

Zhang Yi was also shocked: "What? Three million?? This is too outrageous, right? Just go and rob it."

He thought they wanted 200,000 or 300,000 yuan.

200,000 or 300,000 yuan is understandable.

Three million?

It's really a lion's mouth!

"Isn't it? After the health administration department came to make an assessment, it seemed that the impact was not very big, and the child has now recovered and been discharged from the hospital.

If compensation is required, it will be at most a little over 100,000 yuan.

The family members disagreed as soon as they heard it, saying that the health department and the hospital were in cahoots.

They did not recognize the amount of compensation and said they would sue again.

President Qian seemed to say that he was willing to give more, after all, it was the hospital's fault first.

As a result, the family members asked for 3 million yuan, and said that they had consulted seriously.

If the hospital does not give them, they will not only sue but also make trouble at the door every day, making it impossible for the hospital to open for business."

Yu Jian was also angry and helpless when talking about this.

Under normal circumstances, if a fourth-level medical accident occurs, the compensation is basically not much money.

Because the impact is minimal, some may not even get 10,000 yuan.

The 100,000 yuan awarded by the health department is entirely because the other party is a minor and has a worse metabolic function than an adult.

But penicillin is generally very low in toxicity and can be metabolized in a few hours.

At the slowest, it will be completely metabolized out of the body in 2-3 days.

The 100,000 yuan judgment also includes the child's annual physical examination from now until the age of 18 and all other expenses.

This is a reasonable appraisal result.

But the family members are not satisfied.

"There is no way. If the family members want to sue, they can only sue. The maximum amount of the lawsuit is estimated to be this amount."

"That's right, the family members just want to extort money. Three million, they really think too much!"

The three of them ate and chatted.

Until the next morning, when Zhang Yi went to work, he saw the people Yu Jian said holding banners at the door and shouting:

"The black-hearted hospital gave the wrong fluid, and the child may have lifelong sequelae!

The black-hearted hospital refused to compensate, who will guarantee the child's health?"

Zhang Yi frowned slightly. These people are good at making jokes, right?

However, the banner was still effective.

There were many patients in the morning, and when they saw the banners, everyone naturally gathered around.

Seeing the crowd, the family member squeezed out a few tears.

He cried and complained, winning the sympathy of the old men and women.

The old men and women also blamed the hospital.

"Hey, they are not willing to compensate for the wrong infusion? Is this hospital so shady?"

"No way? I remember that a doctor in this hospital saved a person and was on the news. I thought this hospital was also very good.

I didn't expect that all hospitals are the same, they are all scams!

Humph, I won't see a doctor here, I'll go to the second hospital next door!"

"Yes, yes, this wrong infusion and the wrong name are simply fatal and low-level mistakes, and they are not willing to pay!

This hospital is really bad, a black-hearted capitalist, I will never come here to see a doctor in the future.

Anyway, there are so many good hospitals in Tianhe City, and this one is not bad."

"That's right, let's go, let's not see a doctor here, let's go to the second hospital!"

It's not certain if there are any actors among the crowd.

Anyway, once someone started talking, others immediately followed suit.

Many old men and women also planned to go to other hospitals for treatment.

Zhang Yi saw that the situation was getting worse and worse.

What if the family members continued to make trouble like this?

It would definitely have an impact on the hospital in the long run.

But think about it, calling the police can't do anything.

First, there was no fight, and second, it didn't affect the normal operation of the hospital.

Thinking about it, Zhang Yi called the security room and asked them to come quickly.

Then Zhang Yi took the lead and walked in front of the family members.

Among the family members, Zhang Yi recognized the boy's mother.

The boy's mother also recognized Zhang Yi!

That day when her son was receiving an IV in the outpatient clinic, a handsome doctor came. How could she not recognize him?

"Family members, please stop making trouble here, okay? You can take legal action or seek other judicial approval.

But if you spread rumors at the hospital gate like this, our hospital has the right to investigate."

When the boy's mother heard this, she immediately wiped the tears from her face, then pointed at Zhang Yi and cursed:

"You are still looking for responsibility?! You still have the nerve to look for our responsibility?!

It was because of you irresponsible doctors and nurses that my son almost died of anaphylactic shock!

You don't even pay compensation! Everyone, tell me, is there justice and law?"

"That's right, you should pay compensation. The child almost got into trouble, and the hospital must pay compensation."

"Hurry up and compensate them. It's a bad influence on your hospital to keep making trouble at the gate."

Zhang Yi glanced at the onlookers.

It is estimated that there are indeed a few people who are paid to do things.

There are also a few young men among the family members, who don't look like serious family members.

It seems that this family is determined to extort the 3 million.

After thinking for a while, Zhang Yi said to everyone:

"Everyone, our hospital director originally planned to compensate 200,000, but the family disagreed and wanted 3 million in compensation.

You can go to the health department to ask.

See what the compensation ratio is for a level 4 medical accident.

Level 4 medical accident is the lightest level of medical accident.

The responsibility is indeed on the hospital, and the hospital did not escape.

The final appraisal result of the Ministry of Health is that we should compensate the family 100,000, but our director kindly added 100,000.

The total compensation is 200,000, but the family thinks 200,000 is too little.

To be honest, it is really a big deal to compensate 200,000 for the lightest level of medical accident. It is a lot.

But the family members asked us for a whopping compensation of 3 million.

The hospital couldn't give it, so they made a scene here.

Do you think the family members did the right thing?

Our hospital has never shirked responsibility. Even if the family members say they don't believe in the determination of the health department, they can still go through the litigation process again.

As long as it is reasonable and legal, our hospital will cooperate.

And family members, anaphylactic shock is indeed very dangerous, but it is not an incurable disease. Our hospital has already done rescue work, and your son has been cured and discharged smoothly, right?

We should pay 200,000 yuan in compensation, but a whopping compensation of 3 million? Sorry, we can't give it!"

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