What's going on?

Why is this patient a little different? !

Why can Zhang Yi see all the bones and blood vessels in his body? !

Zhang Yi was confused!

He blinked hard, thinking that he was seeing things.

Unexpectedly, when he opened his eyes again, it was still the same scene!

Could it be...

Zhang Yi understood instantly!

Did he have a golden finger? !

But he didn't have time to get excited.

Because Zhang Yi saw that the patient in front of him had a closed fracture of the right femur (right thigh bone)!

And the fracture end also pierced the femoral artery in the thigh!

This is dangerous!

As we all know, the femoral artery is a very important artery in the human body.

The pressure inside the artery is higher than that in the vein. Once it ruptures and bleeds, the pressure inside the blood vessel will cause the blood to spray out in a jet-like shape.

Under extremely high pressure, blood can spray more than two meters!

So it is conceivable that a large amount of blood is lost in this very short period of time. If the bleeding is not stopped in time, the mortality rate is very high!

Seeing the patient showing a series of symptoms of blood loss such as night sweats, rapid breathing, and pale complexion, Zhang Yi knew that the weird scene in front of him was indeed true.

At this time, the emergency doctor carried the patient into the emergency room and said:

"This man was hit by a motorcycle going against the flow. When we arrived at the scene to rescue him, he could still speak and respond. But he suddenly died just now. About a minute ago, his heart rate and breathing increased, and his blood pressure also dropped!"

Chen Fang frowned and asked, "Are there any other injuries? Have you checked for fractures or pneumothorax?"

The emergency doctor shook his head: "No, we checked when we first arrived at the scene, and he said there was nothing wrong, just that his knee was scratched a little."

Zhang Yi glanced at the emergency doctor and frowned.

So, the emergency doctor didn't check the patient's closed fracture before getting on the car?

There is a clear difference between closed fractures and open fractures.

A closed fracture means that the skin or mucous membrane at the fracture site is intact and not connected to the outside world, so this type of fracture will not cause infection due to external contamination. Except for the patient's self-report and instrument examination, it is not easy to be discovered.

But an open fracture is connected to the outside world, that is, after the fracture, the fracture surface pierces the skin and is exposed to the air.

This kind of fracture can easily infect the patient due to the wound being exposed to the outside world, and the doctor can find it at the first time.

After thinking for a while, Zhang Yi understood the problem of this patient now.

First of all, the car accident caused a closed fracture of the femur, and it was a closed oblique fracture.

According to the time, it should be that the fracture surface punctured the artery after the patient got on the ambulance!

Therefore, the current femoral artery bleeding was caused!

It has to be said that this is a very rare case!

For a while, Zhang Yi thought that this patient was a little too unlucky?

Before Chen Fang could speak, Zhang Yi asked directly:

"Before getting on the car, the patient could clearly answer your questions, but now he suddenly has symptoms similar to blood loss.

That can only mean two things. One is that you did not check carefully before getting on the car.

The second is that the symptoms the patient is experiencing now are caused by an accident during the ambulance.

I would like to ask if the road was very bumpy while the ambulance was driving?

Or was there any big fluctuation that caused the patient to have this situation?"

The emergency doctor looked at Zhang Yi, whose work badge was still an intern, in surprise.

Faced with the questioning of an intern, the emergency doctor was a little unhappy.

But after thinking about it carefully, he thought it was really the case.

The emergency doctor nodded and said:

"It's possible to say what you said... I remember that at the intersection of Yuhong Road, a child was crossing the road, and the driver braked at that time.

The car did shake violently, but we didn't find anything abnormal when we observed the patient.

How can you conclude that the patient's blood loss and shock were caused by that brake?"

An emergency doctor with many years of emergency experience will definitely not admit that he did not check properly or had an accident during the rescue.

Zhang Yi didn't have time to explain. He quickly pressed the patient's right thigh with both hands and turned to Chen Fang and said:

"Teacher Chen, quickly bring the tourniquet and the things that Reboa needs! The patient is in great danger! He may go into shock at any time!"

Chen Fang was a little confused by Zhang Yi's sudden nervousness and excitement.

What's wrong with Zhang Yi today?

Isn't he usually the intern who follows him and takes notes silently?

Why did he suddenly give him advice today?

You know, even if he is the best among the interns, he is just an intern after all!

Where does he get the courage to command his instructor? !

"Zhang Yi, you..."

While everyone was surprised...

Suddenly, an unusually loud voice sounded behind him:

"How do you know that this patient is about to go into hemorrhagic shock? What if he has closed pneumothorax or just traffic accident stress?"

Everyone turned around and looked at him, showing surprised expressions!

Chen Fang naturally recognized the man in front of him!

He is the vice president of Tianhe First People's Hospital!

Qian Zhenggang!

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