After everything was posted, it took less than a minute.

Many comments and private messages immediately appeared in Zhang Yi's backstage.

"Doctor Zhang is such a good person!"

"Fuck, that live broadcast is real? I actually saw this live broadcast room yesterday! I thought it was a scam?"

"The live broadcast room that helped my boyfriend raise money for treatment is actually the one that Doctor Zhang mentioned?!"

"Doctor Zhang is really handsome and kind!"

The comments below the video are all affirmations of Zhang Yi's character.

Of course, there were also a few questioning comments:

"I'm just curious, did you donate money before you helped them post the video? Or did you buy anything from them?"

Zhang Yi was not angry when he saw this comment, and responded generously:

"Our hospital has a charity fund named after me. So far, 20,000 yuan has been donated for hospitalization fees. After that, I will also shop appropriately according to my own needs. Please consume rationally and buy items according to your own needs."

The netizens below left a message:

"Charity fund? Is it Zhang Yi Charity Fund?"

"Oh my god, really! I I really found it. It is indeed called Zhang Yi Charity Foundation! And the destination of the money is clearly marked! "

"Wow, Dr. Zhang is really amazing. He is a doctor who treats patients and saves lives. He also raises money to create a charity fund to help more people in need! It's really amazing!"

"Dr. Zhang, you are my idol~ To express my respect, I just donated ten yuan to Zhang Yi Charity Foundation~ Don't think it's too little."

"Haha, upstairs, I donated more than you, I donated fifty~"

Looking at these comments, Zhang Yi was very pleased.

Although sometimes I feel that human nature is cold and indifferent, there are still the majority of people in this world who are always warm.

Then Zhang Yi opened the foundation and found that the real-time scrolling page of donations was refreshing faster and faster.

All of them were fans of netizens who came here because of his reputation. Some donated one yuan, some donated fifty cents, some donated one hundred, and some local tyrants donated two or three thousand.

Of course, no matter how much money, it is a love from everyone.

The money came in cleanly, and Zhang Yi would ensure that it would go out cleanly.

In less than half an hour, the fund balance turned out to be more than 560,000!

In addition to the 20,000 that had been donated, there were 80,000 more in this half hour!

Zhang Yi was also grateful to these kind-hearted netizens from the bottom of his heart.

On the other side.

In Su Xiaoxiao's live broadcast room.

At around 7 o'clock in the evening, Su Xiaoxiao started live broadcasting and selling goods again.

Liu Luo woke up, but he didn't have the strength to speak, so he could only sit on the bed and watch Su Xiaoxiao explain the product.

Originally, the number of people in the live broadcast room had been hovering around 1,000.

But suddenly, for some reason, the number of people actually started to rise.

Su Xiaoxiao was shocked.

"Huh? This is... what's going on? Why did the number of viewers suddenly rise to 20,000?"

Su Xiaoxiao was overjoyed. Could it be that Douyin Dad gave traffic? !

Otherwise, why would so many people suddenly come to her live broadcast room?

And the trend is still going up!

"Wow... Liu Luo! There are suddenly so many more viewers in our live broadcast room, more than 50,000 people are watching."

Su Xiaoxiao told Liu Luo that there are about 800 to 900 to 1,000 people in her live broadcast room.

She can also sell a few hundred yuan a night.

But the sudden arrival of such a large number of netizens made Liu Luo sit up straight and said:

"What is this...?"

Su Xiaoxiao shook her head, she didn't know!

And the barrage in the live broadcast room was leaving messages:

"Come on! I'm optimistic about you!"

"I came from Dr. Zhang, I was very moved, and I sympathized with the patient's experience. I bought two clothes drying racks as a token of my appreciation."

"It's not easy for Dr. Zhang to come and see, I've bought it."

"It just so happens that I need to buy a thermos, I'll buy it from you."

"You have to thank Dr. Zhang Yi, he helped you to attract traffic to this live broadcast room."

Su Xiaoxiao looked at the barrage, and then she understood why there were so many more people suddenly.

It turned out that it was Dr. Zhang who helped!

"Is it really Dr. Zhang?! Oh, thank you so much, Dr. Zhang!

In fact, Dr. Zhang has really helped us a lot since we were hospitalized until now.

Thank him so much, if it weren't for him, my boyfriend might not wake up.

Thank you everyone for coming to my live broadcast room, thank you

Thank you, all the items that can be purchased can be shipped normally, thank you! "

Su Xiaoxiao's eyes were slightly moist.

Background data showed that the total sales of the five-yuan garbage bag was 78 pieces, and it increased to 1,032 pieces in ten minutes.

The sales of clothes drying racks, thermos kettles, combs, etc. have doubled.

At this moment, Su Xiaoxiao was so excited that she couldn't express it in words. She could only thank these netizens and Zhang Yi who helped them in her heart.

[Ding! Get +100 gratitude points!]

At this moment, Zhang Yi, who had just bought the score of the Women's Volleyball World Championships, was slightly stunned.

Who is still thanking me in the middle of the night?

I thought immediately, it should be Liu Luo and Su Xiaoxiao.

At this time, the number of people in Su Xiaoxiao's live broadcast room should have increased sharply, and the sales should have also increased sharply.

In short, I have done my best.

I hope they can be fine.

Just at this time, the WeChat message rang.

Chen Fang: "I saw your Weibo, my God, your influence, Su Xiaoxiao's live broadcast room has directly reached 100,000 people watching. ”

Zhang Yi: “It’s good to be able to help them.”

Wang Haiqing: “Brother, you are doing well now, and you are doing better and better! You even set up a charity foundation? Wow, you are awesome, please accept my respect!”

Zhang Yi: “You evil creature, why don’t you donate 100 or 80 yuan to do good deeds?”

Wang Haiqing: “Hahaha, 100 or 80 yuan? You think too highly of me. With my regular training salary and frequent hanging out with Cheng Qian, how can I have much money left? Just donate 5 yuan to show your appreciation.”

Zhang Yi smiled and said: “Hold on, we will take the exam next month. As long as we pass the exam, we can become a regular employee, and we can get commissions. If we get commissions, won’t we make more than 10,000 yuan a month?”

Wang Haiqing: “Yes! (Struggle jpg) For the future of Xiaoqian and me! Work hard and strive to get a job in one go!”

Zhang Yi: “Yes! (Struggle jpg)"

Then, Zhang Yi glanced at the messages in the classmates group and the hospital group.

They were basically talking about posting on Weibo to help patients.

Zhang Yi took a look and didn't chat in the group, so he began to watch the women's volleyball game.

Zhang Yi really wanted to go all in on this kind of game.

Unfortunately, no matter how much money he bet, the final profit was only as much as the system reward.

Alas, it's a bit of a pity~!

Two hours later, the game was over.

Zhang Yi's two rewards, a total of 300,000, were quickly credited.

After washing up, Zhang Yi lay on the bed and quickly entered the simulated operating room.

I'm a little tired after reading books for several days in a row, so let's practice surgery today!

"Let's practice liver lobe transplantation first!"

[Okay, please wait!]

The next second, two human models for Zhang Yi to operate appeared in the operating room!

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