The old man was very happy, but he was not very happy.

Zhang Yi's words really surprised Qian Zhenggang.

He actually asked him to try to train more young doctors?

He is really far-sighted.

He knows to consider the future of the hospital.


Could it be...

Qian Zhenggang looked up at Zhang Yi while thinking.

Could it be that this guy is planning to train more talents for the hospital before he leaves?

In this way, the overall strength of the hospital will be greatly improved after he leaves?

In just a few seconds, Qian Zhenggang thought a lot in his mind.

Finally, he sighed in relief and said:

"Okay, what you said is indeed beneficial to the hospital. I will discuss it with Dean Huo.

If the decision is made, I will inform you.

You are right. Our hospital has not purchased some advanced equipment for many years.

Young doctors, especially so many surgeons, need practice to train them slowly."

"Dean Qian, you can understand my thoughts. Then I will leave first. I will go back to rest after the night shift."

Qian Zhenggang smiled and stood up and said:

"Okay, then you go back to sleep first. If the equipment is approved, you must remember to supervise and see if the equipment is OK."

Zhang Yi nodded: "Okay, no problem."

After that, Zhang Yi left the dean's office.

In the office, Qian Zhenggang looked at the door with a teacup in his hand and was stunned for a while.

After a long while, he spoke quietly:

"Forget it, Zhang Yi is right. We should train more talents in the hospital. If Zhang Yi really resigns to work in better hospitals in the future, then Tianhe will not be without successors."


Early the next morning, Zhang Yi saw the message posted by the assistant to the dean in the hospital group.

It said that the hospital was going to replace new equipment, and mainly replace the training molds for regular trainees and interns.

For example, the cardiopulmonary resuscitation model used for training.

This model is a human model made of rubber, and there are measuring devices in the heart and lungs of the model.

When medical staff are doing cardiopulmonary resuscitation training, if the compression depth is not in place, the instrument connected next to it will show that the rescue failed.

If the air is not blown enough during artificial respiration, it will also show that the air volume is insufficient, which is also regarded as a rescue failure.

In the past, the mold used for practice in the hospital was a rubber dummy, the kind without electricity.

Although it is a little stricter after the replacement, it is definitely a good thing for medical staff to improve their strength.

There is another instrument, which is an operating device similar to a 3D gesture sensor.

After connecting to the host screen and selecting the surgical mode, the doctor can start the operation by looking at the image on the screen.

This machine is relatively expensive, and it is estimated that the hospital cannot buy too many.

But it is better to buy than not to buy.

After the message was released in the group, Qian Zhenggang came to the emergency department again soon to find Zhang Yi.

"Zhang Yi, have you read the message in the group? Dean Huo has agreed and approved 200,000 yuan to replace the equipment.

It's not much money, but it's better to have it than not to have it."

200,000 yuan?

Only 200,000 yuan? ?

Zhang Yi thought that this 200,000 yuan probably couldn't buy a few machines and molds, right?

The electric molds are more than 1,000 yuan each.

Oh, forget it.

It's better to have it than not to have it.

"That's good. Although the money is not much, the hospital can take its time. It's better to take this step of training than not to take any step at all."

After Qian Zhenggang left, Chen Fang limped over, holding his waist:

"Hey? Zhang Yi? So it was you who suggested changing the new equipment?"

Zhang Yi nodded: "Yes, what's wrong?"

Chen Fang reached out and patted Zhang Yi's shoulder: "Not bad! Awesome, you can even give the dean such a suggestion to spend money? Can you help me out when you can?"

Zhang Yi looked at Chen Fang: "What? How busy?"

"Help me talk to the dean about the salary increase~"

Zhang Yi:...

"I can't help you with this, Teacher Chen."

After Zhang Yi finished speaking, he took two steps forward and suddenly looked back at Chen Fang's waist and asked:

"By the way, Teacher Chen, what happened to your waist so early in the morning?"

Chen Fang waved his hands helplessly:

"Don't mention it, you won't understand even if I tell you, it's made by humans."

Zhang Yi:...

"By the way, didn't you say you would give me maca? Where is the thing?" Chen Fang suddenly thought of this.

It's been more than half a month since I said it, but I haven't seen a shadow.

Zhang Yi slapped his forehead: "Oh, sorry, sorry, I forgot

, place your order now, the kind that will be delivered tomorrow, I guarantee you drink it tomorrow and you will win the day after tomorrow! "

Behind him, Shen Lingyue walked in with two checklists and looked at the two of them in confusion.

"Teacher Zhang, what is Maca? Is it dessert?"

Zhang Yi looked back, and after two seconds of embarrassment, he took the checklist from her hand and said:

"It's nothing. This patient has uterine fibroids, but it's still very small and doesn't require surgery. Go and explain to the patient and ask her to come to the hospital for check-ups every half month."


"Remember, you have to explain clearly why you don't want surgery."

Shen Lingyue nodded: "I know."

Watching Shen Lingyue walk away, Zhang Yi returned to his seat and quickly placed an order for ten packs of Tibetan Maca.

The weather in September is hot with a hint of coolness.

There is no suffocating feeling like being wrapped in a spider web as soon as you go out in July or August.

On the morning of the 15th, Zhang Yizheng received a call from Colonel Qin while he was at work.

"Doctor Zhang, the military parade will start next week. You must remember to come to the Imperial Capital two days in advance to prepare."

When Zhang Yi heard this, was the military parade about to begin? !

So cool!

"Okay, okay, no problem, Colonel Qin!"

On the other end of the phone, Colonel Qin was also very polite:

"Please remember to call me in advance when the time comes. I have to invite you, Dr. Zhang, to have a casual meal with me."

"You're welcome, you're welcome. I'm already grateful for the pass you gave me for the military parade. I don't need to eat."

The two talked politely on the phone for a while before hanging up.

Then Zhang Yi took out the pass that was placed in the locked drawer and waved it in front of Chen:

"Hey, Teacher Chen, I can go to the military parade next week! Haha~~"

Chen Fang narrowed his eyes slightly and said with a bit of yin and yang:

"Hmph, I'm not envious~!"

"Haha, are you really not envious??"

"I'm not envious!" He tilted his head and said sternly.


Zhang Yi smiled happily, and Gao Han said straightforwardly:

"Teacher Zhang... I'm envious! Can you only go alone? Can you bring more people?"

Zhang Yi put away his smile: "You definitely can't bring more with you. Only one person can enter with one pass."

"Wow... I'm so envious..." Gao Han thought for a while and then said: "Can Teacher Zhang sell this thing? I'll pay... 20,000! Can I buy you this pass?"

Zhang Yi rolled his eyes at him.

Who do you look down on?

You want to buy a spectator ticket for my military parade for 20,000 yuan? ?


"Go away, I won't sell such an important thing for RMB 100,000."

On the side, Shen Lingyue also walked over curiously.

After seeing the military parade pass in Zhang Yi's hand, she was obviously stunned.

Teacher Zhang... can also go to the military parade?

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