The doctor said that the patient was not going to have an operation.

"It's not an operation, but a family member asked me to go to the provincial hospital to see a child with heart disease, saying that the deformity is very serious."

Lv Jing nodded:

"Okay, you go first, and let me know on WeChat when you need a few days."

"Okay, thank you Director Lu!"

After that, Zhang Yi packed up and prepared to call a car to Baoshan.

Behind him, colleagues from the emergency department cast envious glances and asked:

"Assistant Zhang, are you doing Feidao again? How much money can you make this time?"

Zhang Yi shook his head: "It's not Feidao, it's not certain, they just asked me to take a look."

"Oh, don't you have to pay me for asking you to take a look?"

"I don't know, I heard it's a very serious deformity, I'll take a look first."

After that, Zhang Yi left.

Looking at Zhang Yi's back as he walked away, several people in the emergency department shook their heads:

"Hiss~! No wonder Zhang Yi often treats us, I guess in addition to his higher salary than us, he can also make a lot of money from Feidao!"

"That's right, I envy him, this is the benefit of a technical boss..."


Baoshan, in front of the provincial hospital.

Zhang Yi called He Biao as soon as he got off the car.

Five minutes later, downstairs of the first inpatient department, Zhang Yi saw He Biao walking over with a middle-aged man about his age.

There were two young men and women next to them.

"Doctor Zhang! Hello, this is the family member of the child with heart disease I told you about."

Zhang Yi glanced at the three people, stretched out his hand and shook it, as a greeting.

However, there was a flash of surprise in the eyes of the three family members.

"This Doctor Zhang... so... so young?" The younger woman among the family members said with a smile.

Zhang Yi did not deny it: "I am 25 this year, almost 26."

"What?! So young!"

It was already 8:30 in the evening, and the first floor of the inpatient department was empty, and there were not many people.

The family member's voice directly echoed the entire first floor.

He Biao was a little embarrassed and said:

"Don't look at Doctor Zhang's young age. I had the same reaction as you at that time. You will know when you go to the ward first."

Mr. Wang hesitated for a moment, nodded and said:

"Okay, let's go up first."

Several people entered the elevator and came to the cardiac surgery department.

As soon as they came in, there was a commotion at the nurse station.

"Ah! Here he comes! Doctor Zhang is here!"

"So handsome, is he this handsome in person?"

"Hurry up and inform the other sisters, Doctor Zhang is here!"

In the doctor's office, after hearing this discussion, the doctors came out one after another.

Several doctors have not yet left work, just to wait for Zhang Yi to come.

Including Mai Xiaofeng, they all want to see how Zhang Yi will solve the child's problem.

After greeting several doctors in the cardiac surgery department, the group entered the VIP ward.

In the room, a little girl with a purple face was plugged into a ventilator and wearing an oxygen mask.

The tubes connected to various instruments on her body connected her entire chest and abdomen.

There was slight edema in both feet, which was caused by heart disease.

Mr. Wang glanced at Zhang Yi, walked to the bedside and said:

"Doctor Zhang, this is my granddaughter, can you please help take a look? Whether there is a result or not, don't worry, we will reimburse you for the consultation fee."

Zhang Yi waved his hand and said, "It's not a big deal, let me see your granddaughter first."

Money can be put aside for now, such a young child must be saved first.

Zhang Yi approached and pretended to check the girl.

But during this time, Zhang Yi's eyes were always fixed on the girl's heart.

It is indeed a very serious deformity, tetralogy of Fallot!

Aortic co-saddle, ventricular septal defect, pulmonary artery stenosis, right ventricular hypertrophy.

Several deformities are all on this little heart.

However, the ventricular septal defect should have been repaired, the range of the defect has become smaller, and there are traces of artificial intervention.

The disadvantage is that as the child grows up, this repair has to be done again.


One very strange thing is...

How could this child's mitral valve...

While Zhang Yi was observing, Mai Xiaofeng also took the initiative to introduce:

"Doctor Zhang, this child's deformity is a very serious heart deformity. After the ventricular septum repair, hypoxia recurred.

Before, considering that the child was too young, only the ventricular septum repair was performed. Normally, it should be controlled until the child is a little older, and then the full repair can be performed when the child is five or six years old.

Unfortunately, this child's condition

The case is special. He was hospitalized again only eleven months after the operation.

I have all the medical records of this child here. You can take a look first. "

Mai Xiaofeng saw Zhang Yi staring at the child with a serious face.

This kind of heart disease is useless for children.

It is better to look at the examination list directly.

Zhang Yi then set his sights on the medical records handed over.

After flipping through it for a long time, he asked:

"Tetralogy of Fallot is indeed a very serious deformity, but... can I ask what medicine this child takes?"

"Medication? Cardiotonic drugs are used to increase myocardial contractility, as well as aminophylline, and the diuretic dexamethasone. "

Zhang Yi secretly said in his heart that it was not good.

This cardiotonic drug is the most unusable!

"Has the hemodynamics been measured? What is the pressure difference between the two ventricles when ejecting blood?" Zhang Yi asked again.

Mai Xiaofeng frowned: "This... I didn't measure it. The main reason is that I didn't do this test because tetralogy of Fallot has been diagnosed. "

Zhang Yi shook his head: "Let's do one first."

On the side, the family members and He Bin were confused.

What pressure difference? What power?

What disease did his granddaughter have?

"Doctor, what happened to my granddaughter?" Mr. Wang asked impatiently.

Zhang Yi glanced at Mr. Wang, although he already knew what the problem was.

But he still said: "When the results of the blood flow dynamics test come out, I will probably know the specific problem.

Maybe tetralogy of Fallot is indeed the trigger, but it may not be the real fatal one. "

When Zhang Yi said this, everyone present showed a shocked expression.

Including the increasing number of doctors and nurses from provincial hospitals gathered outside the door.

"Wow, Zhang Yi is so handsome! Oh my God! I want to take a few more photos as my phone background!"

"Although, the fatal cause of tetralogy of Fallot is not tetralogy of Fallot... Isn't this contradictory? It's already tetralogy, four deformities together can play mahjong, isn't this a fatal cause? "

"Yes, Zhang Yi's medical skills are still okay, right? How can you say such a thing?"

"Don't rush to question it, just wait and see!"

Inside the house, Mai Xiaofeng couldn't even understand what Zhang Yi meant for a while.

"Isn't tetralogy of Fallot the main problem for this child?"

Zhang Yi nodded: "Yes, it is the main problem, but not the most important. Maybe after the repair surgery of tetralogy of Fallot, new problems may arise.

After I looked at the test results, I suspected that this child was very similar to a patient I met before.

The symptoms of that patient are similar to the current child's situation. The only difference is that the patient did not have tetralogy of Fallot, but this child did. "

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