The doctor in the clinic was stunned.

Chen Fang asked:

"What's wrong? Why can't you get it in?"

The nurse said in a crying voice:

"I don't know, I feel it's too hard so I can't get it in."

Zhang Yi sighed helplessly while sitting on the chair:

"Okay, I know, I'll go over and take a look."


The nurse looked at Zhang Yi as if she was a savior and then walked out first.

"Teacher Chen, you continue to see the patient, I'll go check the situation first."

Then, Zhang Yi turned around and looked at the two followers:

"You two follow me."

The three masters and apprentices quickly came to the emergency treatment room.

The paralyzed female patient was already lying on the bed in the middle of the treatment room.

She was lying on her side, revealing her buttocks with pressure sores.

A little yellow liquid could be seen around her anus.

The smell in the air was a little hard to describe.

Zhang Yi tightened his mask, put on gloves, walked to the bedside and said to the nurse:

"Give me the enema tube."

The nurse immediately changed a clean enema bag and handed it to him.

The enema liquid is basically diluted soapy water with a water temperature of about 35°.

You can also use salt water or warm water directly.

For patients with constipation, adding a little lubricating glycerin to the soapy water will have a better effect.

Zhang Yi took the tube and inserted it into the patient's anus.

After inserting it, open the valve of the pipe, and the soapy water can be continuously poured into the intestines like an infusion.

But there is a problem!

The tube can't go in! !

Oh my God.

What did this woman eat to make her shit so hard? ?

The blocked tube can't go in!

Zhang Yi used a lot of effort to barely get it in seven or eight centimeters.

For normal enema, the tube should be inserted 10-15 centimeters inward so that the liquid can enter the intestines and fully dilute the feces for discharge.

But the resistance of this patient was very obvious after the tube entered seven or eight centimeters.

Zhang Yi continued to exert force and asked the patient:

"Does your stomach hurt?"

The patient nodded: "A little, but not particularly painful, doctor... Is it because I haven't had a bowel movement for too long... So the stool is too dry?"

"Yes, you will feel like defecating soon after the liquid is poured in, but you have to be patient. It's best to wait about ten minutes to let it fully dilute before going to the toilet, so the effect will be much better."

The patient gritted his teeth and nodded: "Okay, I'll try my best."

On the side, the family members could only watch.

After all, he couldn't help with this thing.

After a while, Zhang Yi saw that the distance of the tube was almost right, and then he started to open the valve to release soapy water.

Gao Han was taller than Zhang Yi, so he held the enema bag. After a while, all 500 milliliters of liquid were poured into him.

Immediately, the patient felt the urge to defecate!

"Oh, doctor... I want to go to the toilet."

"No, hold it in for a while!"

"No... I feel uncomfortable, my stomach hurts..."

It happened in a flash!

Zhang Yi hurriedly asked the family to bring a bedpan.

Sometimes the patient really can't hold it in, and if he can't hold it in, he can only defecate.

Fortunately, the family reacted quickly and immediately carried the patient to the wheelchair.

The middle of the wheelchair can be opened, and then the bedpan can be placed underneath to defecate...


The patient just defecate like this...

The doctors and nurses in the entire treatment room frowned into an eight-shaped frown...

In an instant, the smell of the entire treatment rushed straight to everyone's head.

Zhang Yi signaled to the nurse: "Hurry up... turn on the ventilation system."

The nurse ran to turn on the ventilation while retching.

Shen Lingyue believed that she had never seen such a weird scene since she was a child, and she couldn't help but started to retch.

Heaven, earth!

What did I do wrong to treat me like this! !

You can kill me directly...

But why do you have to stink me to death like this...


In the clinic, two female staff members were the first to give up.

Gao Hanqiang suppressed his nausea, looked at him a few more times, and then said with a breath:

"Teacher Zhang, this person has some blood in his stool."

Zhang Yi wore two layers of masks, and felt better than them, but only better.

"There is indeed some blood in the stool, which may be caused by inflammation. Let's do this. Wait until the patient has finished defecating, and then fill a bag of saline to clear it."

The nurse was slightly stunned, and then nodded painfully.

The family members and patients were also a little embarrassed.

"I'm sorry, doctor... I couldn't stand the pain in my stomach... so I couldn't hold it in."

"It's okay, I understand. When the family members come, you can take her to the toilet nearby and flush her."

The family members nodded repeatedly: "I'll do it, I'll do it. Don't worry, it's just that this room stinks. I'm sorry."

Zhang Yi waved his hand, then turned and walked out of the disposal room.

For a moment, fresh air rushed in.

Zhang Yi and his two little followers immediately took off their masks and took a few deep breaths.


It turns out that the air with some disinfectant smells so good~!

Zhang Yi turned to look at a follower who was retching, holding his breath and blushing, and said:

"What? You can't stand it? Can't you stand the smell?"

The two of them were stunned and shook their heads:

"I can't...bear it..."

"If you can bear it, go in and stay for one more minute!"

Gao Han: ╥﹏╥

Shen Lingyue: ╥﹏╥


The two of them almost cried.

Zhang Yi smiled innocently and said:

“This is a hospital, there are all kinds of patients, you can meet all kinds of people.

Remember, you are doctors, no matter how bad you are, you still have to be treated, you know?

I also admitted a patient with fascial necrosis before, and the smell was even worse than this, rotten and smelly!

Didn’t I still perform surgery in the operating room for several hours before coming out?

This is professional ethics, understand? "


Teacher Zhang, everything you said is right, as long as you don't let us in!

The next second...

"Go ahead, go in and watch the nurse pour another saline solution, and then pay attention to see if the patient still has a lot of blood in his stool."

After saying that, Zhang Yi left.

Only two followers were left standing at the door as if they were petrified!

ah! !

Teacher Zhang!

You can't leave us like this! !

Woo woo woo...

In the consulting room, seeing Zhang Yi come back with a smile on his face and the two attendants behind him still missing, Chen Fang asked curiously:

"What did you do? Are you so happy doing the enema? Where are the two apprentices?"

Zhang Yi smiled and said: "Haha, I'm still irrigating. There is some blood in the stool. I asked them to clear it again with salt water."

"Are you happy just like this?" Chen Fang didn't understand.

Zhang Yi smiled and waved his hand.

He laughed because he thought it was so fun to tease these two little followers.

Of course, Zhang Yi was not entirely teasing them.

Although the smell is stinky, as a doctor, no matter how stinky it is, you have to endure it.

It’s also good to exercise more.

In the consulting room, Zhang Yi and Chen Fang continued their consultation.

Twenty minutes later, Gao Han and Shen Lingyue came back.

There was a smell when I entered the consulting room, and it felt like their white coats were stained with a stink.

Zhang Yi quickly asked them to change into a new white coat before coming back.

After returning, I heard Gao Han report:

"Teacher Zhang, the patient had a big bowel movement. I don't know the exact number of grams, but the bloody stool was not obvious when the salt water was poured in for the second time. Basically, all the stool was water."

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