The family members lowered their heads in shame.

Zhang Yi sighed again and asked:

"Besides, your child doesn't cough? Why take cough syrup?

And you only need to take one of ibuprofen and acetaminophen granules for children, there is no need to take all of them.

Your child's fever is not 40°, so there is no need to take so many."

The child's mother lowered her head in regret:

"I... I was afraid that the doctor over there would not prescribe medicine, so I said the child's condition was a little serious... I didn't expect... I actually hurt the child.

I... I just wanted the child to reduce the fever as soon as possible..."

The child's mother shed tears as she spoke.

She really regretted it, if she had taken less medicine.

Or just tell the doctor over there the real situation, maybe he won't prescribe so many medicines.


It's all my fault.

I should have listened to this doctor earlier, and I would have taken ibuprofen for a few days and it would have been fine...

Zhang Yi also shook his head helplessly and sighed:

"Forget it, it has already happened, there is no point in regretting it, I will prescribe you some infusion medicine to adjust the electrolytes in the child's body, and also some diuretics to reduce edema.

Don't worry, fortunately you came to the hospital in time, and it is not yet time for dialysis.

Just infuse some fluids and stay in the hospital for two days and you will be fine."

"Okay, okay, thank you, doctor... Thank you!"

The family members stood up and thanked him repeatedly.

Zhang Yi waved his hand and said it was okay.

He also told the couple not to take medicine randomly or mix medicines next time they encounter such a situation.

That will only harm the child, not save the child.

The family members also nodded repeatedly to guarantee.

He said that he would come to Zhang Yi for treatment when he was sick in the future, and would follow the doctor's advice on medication.

After the family members left, Gao Han complained with a crooked mouth:

"I looked down on you, Teacher Zhang, before, you deserve it now!"

Zhang Yi glanced at him and said:

"Do what you should do, don't make sarcastic remarks here, the child is the one who suffers from the family members' fault in the end, the child doesn't deserve it at all."

Gao Han pursed his lips: "Oh..."

"You two go and pay attention to the child, and take the child's temperature every fifteen minutes.

As long as the fever subsides, you can see the rash. Tell me when the rash appears."



The two followers walked out of the office together.

After a while, Shen Lingyue came back to report:

"Teacher Zhang, the child's temperature is now 37.5°."

Zhang Yi nodded: "Very good, it's almost gone, let the nurse cool it down physically."


Another half an hour later: "37.4°."

Another half an hour later: "37.2°."

Another half an hour later: "Teacher Zhang, the child's fever has subsided! 36.8°!"

Zhang Yi went over to take a look, and it was indeed gone.

And there were small red marks around the neck. It seems that when it drops to 36.5°, the rash should all come out.

And after taking the medicine, the child's condition has improved, and he looks energetic.

Ten o'clock in the evening.

When Zhang Yi was about to get off work, the child's body was covered with rashes.

Zhang Yi pointed at the rash on the child and said:

"See? This disease is a fever rash, a self-limiting disease, different from the common cold fever.

Next time if you encounter this situation, remember to observe whether the child is in good spirits.

If the fever is above 38.5 and the child is still in good spirits, don't be too nervous, just take some antipyretics appropriately.

If the fever is severe and the child is not in good spirits, rush to the hospital."

As soon as the family saw the rash, they completely understood what Zhang Yi meant by this disease.


What the doctor said is true!

How can he diagnose this disease that will have symptoms in the future? ?

Tsk tsk!

What a miracle doctor!

"Thank you, Dr. Zhang. I'm so sorry for offending you that night. I apologize to you."

The child's father said sincerely.

Zhang Yi didn't take it seriously and said:

"It's okay, I understand your feelings as a parent, it's just that the way you handled it was wrong. Just remember it next time and follow the doctor's orders.

Don't look at me as young, you can find a lot of my glorious deeds by searching on the Internet~!"

The two family members were stunned, and then nodded.

After telling the night doctor a few words, Zhang Yi and his two apprentices went off work.

The couple actually took out their mobile phones to search.

On Baidu and various

I searched for the name ‘Zhang Yi’ on all kinds of short video software.

Sure enough, a lot of news popped up when I searched for it!

It’s all about saving people’s lives!

There are those who stop the bleeding with bare hands, and there are those who perform cardiopulmonary resuscitation!

"Wow! This doctor turns out to be so powerful??!"

Immediately, the two people's faces showed expressions of worshiping the boss!

Ding ding~!

Zhang Yi successfully gained two new fans~!

On Zhang Yi's side, the three masters and apprentices had just walked out of the hospital door.

Next to him, Gao Han's stomach rumbled.

Zhang Yi rolled his eyes at him: "Didn't you eat enough at night?"

Gao Han was a little embarrassed: "Men, they consume quickly and get hungry quickly."

At this time, Zhang Yi also felt a little hungry, and turned to look at Shen Lingyue: "Are you hungry? How about we go have some midnight snacks before going back?"

Shen Lingyue glanced at the two of them and nodded: "Okay."

Afterwards, the three masters and apprentices found a barbecue restaurant not far from the hospital and ordered barbecue.

The two interns were not paid, and Zhang Yi was still a master, so Zhang Yi would definitely treat them.

While eating, Gao Han looked at Zhang Yi and suddenly said:

"Hey, we are about to be transferred to another department, so we can't bear to go to the emergency room..."

Zhang Yi said while chewing mutton skewers:

"There is nothing to be reluctant about. Now is the time to learn your skills. It won't hurt you to switch to more departments and see the market.

Moreover, the emergency department is so busy that many people want to transfer away, but you actually want to stay. "

"Isn't this because my teaching teacher is awesome! Doctors in other departments are not as good as you."

After following Zhang Yi for almost a month, Gao Han had a clear understanding of many conditions in this hospital.

The entire hospital, even Dean Qian, was polite in front of Zhang Yi.

Zhang Yi is simply the second boss after the dean.

After following Zhang Yi, interns from other departments were extremely envious.

So now he doesn't want to change subjects at all, he just wants to learn skills from Zhang Yi.

Zhang Yi took a bunch of lamb kidneys and handed them to Gao Han and said:

"Yes, you are very eloquent, but you still have to be transferred to another department. However, if you can stay in the hospital in a year, I will see if your operation has improved.

If you make any progress, I can consider letting you continue to follow me. "

"Really?!" Gao Han's eyes lit up.

Even Shen Lingyue next to him listened seriously.

Who doesn’t want to follow the giant Buddha Zhang Yi? ?

Zhang Yi nodded: "Really."

Gao Han immediately shouted happily: "Okay! Wait, Teacher Zhang, I will study hard and promise to stay in the hospital!"

On the side, Shen Lingyue asked weakly:

"Teacher Zhang...then...what about me?"

"Same, treat everyone equally. If you are also excellent, I can consider it."

Shen Lingyue smiled brightly, hehe~! That’s great~!

Have goals and motivation!

The three masters and apprentices had a great time.

City Hospital Emergency Department.

At one o'clock in the middle of the night, Zhang Yi and the others were actually not very busy in the second half of the night after they left.

But a patient with severe diarrhea suddenly came.

It is said that he ate raw seafood and a lot of it.

I started having diarrhea in the afternoon, but I never came to the hospital due to work reasons.

It got serious in the middle of the night. I had a bowel movement every half an hour, and then I was sent to the hospital by my colleagues after having diarrhea and vomiting.

When I came to the hospital, my whole face was pale, and I could hardly stand upright while holding my stomach.

And there are symptoms of shortness of breath or even difficulty breathing!

I checked my electrolytes and found a serious imbalance!

The blood potassium is as low as 2.8mmol/L!

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