After the meeting, it was time to get off work.

Everyone in the emergency department dispersed.

Because something went wrong with potassium supplementation in the emergency department, the entire hospital was particularly nervous about the patients who were receiving potassium transfusions.

Every department requires that patients who are receiving potassium supplementation be taken care of diligently.

It is important to explain to the patients the consequences of supplementing potassium too quickly.

After this incident, the staff in the hospital also paid more attention.

Five days later, Dean Qian received a new batch of equipment from General Manager Wang.

The hospital naturally cannot afford expensive things, such as CT machines, MRI machines, etc.

A lot of cheap ones were bought, such as the latest CPR model for training, and a bedside color Doppler ultrasound machine with clearer imaging, etc.

In short, some of the equipment was replaced, so that the interns can also have newer equipment for training.

The next morning.

Gao Han and Shen Lingyue transferred to another department, and the emergency department just happened to transfer another intern.

He and Gao Han are from the same school, both are master's students.

Before Lu Jing opened his mouth to assign a teaching teacher, the intern looked at Zhang Yi eagerly and said:

"Director Lu! Can I...can I follow Teacher Zhang Yi?"

The intern was also a young man, and he had heard of the name of Zhang Yi for a long time!

Now that he can be assigned to the emergency department, he must find Zhang Yi as his teacher first!

Seeing the intern's positive attitude, Lu Jing nodded and said:

"Okay, since you are so proactive, then you can follow Teacher Zhang, but let me make it clear first, Teacher Zhang's requirements are very strict."

The intern nodded repeatedly:

"I understand! I will work hard!"

After that, the intern ran to Zhang Yi with an admiring look.

"Your name is..."

"My name is Teacher Zhang Han Bing!"

Zhang Yi:? ? ?

Zhang Yi glanced at him and said: "Your nickname is not Ashe, right?"

Han Bin was stunned? ?

Then he laughed out loud: "Haha... Teacher Zhang... So you also play Summoner's Rift!"


"Haha, then we can play together occasionally!"

Han Bing tried to get close to Zhang Yi.

Thinking that Zhang Yi could teach him more skills in the future.

In the morning, Zhang Yi took Han Bing to familiarize himself with the emergency department, and then went to the emergency clinic for consultation.

Zhang Yi now has a certificate, so he can sit in a separate clinic and sign his own name.


It’s just right to have a certificate~

Sometimes Zhang Yi is used to signing Chen Fang’s name, and he almost signs his own name as Chen Fang.

After tidying up the clinic, he introduced the location of the items in the clinic to Han Bing, and then started calling the number.

The first patient who came in was a migrant worker.

He limped when he came in.

Zhang Yi took a look at his two feet.

He frowned immediately.

Oh my god, he came to the hospital only when his legs were so swollen? ?

"Uncle, what's wrong with your legs?"

The migrant worker limped in and sat on the chair opposite the desk.

"Doctor, my leg hurts... Please help me."

"I know there's something wrong with your leg, so I'm asking you what's wrong."

The migrant worker had a dark complexion, frowned slightly, and said with a painful expression while lifting up his trouser leg:

"At the beginning of the month, I was working on a construction site and accidentally scratched my leg. I didn't pay attention at the time. So I wiped it with white wine as a disinfectant.

I didn't expect it to get more and more painful and swollen.

Today, I can't go to work because of the pain, so I came to the hospital to see a doctor."

The trouser leg was lifted up.

What came into view was a right calf that was twice as swollen as his normal left calf.

The skin around the wound was white, and there was a clear white fluid in the middle.

The outer circle was obviously red and swollen.

Han Bing couldn't help but take two steps back when he saw the wound.

Oh my god, this is a bit disgusting!

Zhang Yi turned his head and rolled his eyes at him, warning him with his eyes: You can't stand it? ?

Han Bing shrugged quickly: No, no, I can bear it!

"Go get gloves, iodine and cotton swabs." Zhang Yi ordered.

The wound on the leg is already oozing white pus, which means there may be more inside.

This is a typical infection caused by not treating the wound properly.

But fortunately, it has not yet infected the whole body, which is really fortunate!

Han Bing brought the things over soon.

Zhang Yi put on gloves and pressed around the wound while asking the migrant worker:

"How many days have you had this wound? What caused it?"

"Well... about ten days? I can't remember the exact date. But I know I was smashing the cement floor, and the cement slag suddenly splashed up after it was smashed.

It just happened to splash on my leg, and I pulled up my trouser legs because I felt hot at the time."

Zhang Yi felt a little relieved. It seems that it is probably not tetanus infection.

If it is tetanus, Zhang Yi may not be able to help...

"When did the pain start? When did it start to swell?"

"It started to hurt a week ago, and after two days of pain, I felt that the right leg was a little different from the left... Ouch! Be gentle, doctor!"

The migrant worker suddenly grimaced in pain.

That was because Zhang Yi was squeezing white pus around the wound with a cotton swab.

Although the uncle was in pain, the cotton swab was still ineffective.

Nothing can be squeezed out.

"Forget it, take him to the treatment room, and cut and drain it."

"Uncle, let me tell you something. You have to squeeze out the pus first. You have to make a small cut to make the wound bigger so that the pus can come out, okay?

In addition, you need to draw blood to check what kind of bacterial infection it is, and then you have to give you an IV.

You may need to stay in our emergency room for two days for observation before you can be discharged."

"Ah? You still have to stay in the hospital? How much will it cost?"

"In this case... do you want anesthesia for the incision and drainage?"

The migrant worker gritted his teeth and shook his head and said, "No... no anesthesia! Just squeeze it out like this, I'm not afraid of pain!"

Zhang Yi glanced at the migrant worker, he was a ruthless man!

"Okay, that's about a thousand, at most two thousand."

When the migrant worker heard this, he kept muttering: "Two thousand... so expensive..."

Zhang Yi explained: "Uncle, your leg is full of pus. You must cut it open and drain it quickly, otherwise it will definitely cost more than two thousand if it spreads to the whole body."

The migrant worker had no choice but to nod.

Then the patient went to pay the fee and went to the treatment room.

Because the uncle was reluctant to pay, he didn't use anesthesia, so as soon as Zhang Yi made a small cut with the knife, a scream came from the treatment room!

"Ah! Ah!"

"Bear it, uncle, look at your leg, the pus is oozing out as soon as I opened it."

The migrant worker gritted his teeth and looked at his leg, and couldn't help but turn his head away.

"Han Bing, bring gauze and wipe the pus!"

Han Bing ran to get gauze with a painful look on his face.

He thought to himself: Oh my God, are these the patients admitted to the emergency department every day? ! Isn't there a difficult case for me to study? !


It's my birthday today, I went out for dinner, so I came back a little late. I have another chapter to finish as soon as possible, sorry, thank you everyone~!

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