The doctor said that the patient was not as good as he thought.

Zhang Yi did not nod or shake his head, but just said:

"It is okay to try to help patients relieve their symptoms and improve their quality of life in the next ten or twenty years.

In the future, I mean in the future, there may be a way to cure it."

"Then I have another question! Why did you ask that person if he took anti-schizophrenia drugs just now? Is this disease related to schizophrenia?"

Zhang Yi glanced at Han Bing.

Doctors in each department basically specialize in one thing.

The reason why this disease is related to the drugs taken by schizophrenia patients is entirely because of dopamine.

"Remember, you have to remember what I told you, okay?"

Han Bing nodded repeatedly: "I know!"

"Most schizophrenia patients are manic. Have you ever been to a mental hospital?"

Han Bing nodded: "Yes! I went to a mental hospital in Shanghai for three days during the summer vacation with my classmates!"

"Then do you feel that many people there walk a little slowly and expressionlessly, like the feeling of zombies?"

Han Bing nodded vigorously: "Yes, yes, yes! I thought it was scary at the time!"

"In fact, it is also because of the medicine. Most manic patients need to take a drug that inhibits dopamine to slow down their excitement.

You also know that dopamine is a stimulant in the human body.

If it is not inhibited, the more excited the mental patient is, the more likely it is to get into trouble.

Not to mention hurting yourself, it is likely to hurt others.

So over time, the side effects of this drug also appeared, just like Just like what you saw when you went to the mental hospital.

Those patients walked back and forth very slowly, and even their eyes were a little sluggish. Some older patients also trembled slightly when they walked. This is the reason.

So young Parkinson's patients like this must ask about their medical history.

If he really has a history of mental illness, then there is a possibility that he took this kind of medicine.

So the reason why he got Parkinson's was revealed.

This is called drug-induced Parkinson's, which can be cured as long as you don't take psychiatric drugs.

But other traumatic, viral infection, hereditary, etc., can only be relieved by taking medicine or surgery. "

After listening to Zhang Yi's explanation, Han Bing looked at Zhang Yi's profile and showed an expression of worshiping the boss~

"Wow... Teacher Zhang... How do you understand psychiatric diseases?"

Zhang Yi glanced at him and threw him a sentence: "Read more books and study more, you can also understand."

Han Bing was instantly full of fighting spirit!

"Okay! I'll read books when I go back! I'll try to be as good as you one day!"

Zhang Yi raised his eyebrows slightly??

As good as me? ?

Haha, then you should wait for the next life.

As soon as the two finished talking, they saw the patient coming back in a hurry.


Zhang Yi looked up and asked, "What's wrong?"

He must not be able to come back so soon after the examination.

So there must be something else.

"Doctor, what examination did you prescribe for me? Why does one item cost 5,800 yuan?! There is another examination that costs more than 800 yuan! Isn't this robbing money?!"

Only then did Zhang Yi know that he came back because of the SPECT and PET examination.

"These two examinations can more accurately find the problem in your brain, and can also help confirm whether your limb tremors are caused by brain lesions.

This machine is one of the most advanced equipment in the field of nuclear medicine.

So it will be relatively more expensive. The charges of our hospital are definitely not exaggerated. They are all set by the Health Bureau.

If you go to Huaxi or Didu for examination, the price will be at least two thousand more."

The patient looked embarrassed.

The stuff is advanced, but... it's really too expensive.

And he specifically asked the doctor there, it seems that this examination is not included in the reimbursement items, so he can only pay for it himself...

This is so annoying...

"Then... can it be less? I... I don't have that much money..."

The man was a little embarrassed.

It cost six or seven thousand for an examination without taking any medicine...

It's really too uncomfortable!

Zhang Yi glanced at him and sighed: "Then don't do the more than five thousand, just do SPECT, okay?"

"Oh! Good! Thank you, doctor, thank you!"

The patient immediately smiled.

An examination of nearly one thousand is acceptable.

A PET of more than five thousand... it's really not something that ordinary people can do.

Looking at the patient's hurried back, Han Bing frowned and asked Zhang Yi incomprehensibly:

"Teacher Zhang, you canceled the PET. What if we don't do a comprehensive examination and miss the diagnosis or misdiagnosis?"

Zhang Yi was not in a hurry and said calmly:

"Without PET, the results of MRI and SPECT can also be seen, and I believe in my own eyes."

Han Bing: ! ! !


Is this the boss? ! !

Say the coolest words in the calmest tone!




Two hours later, the patient's examination report came out.

First, the content of homovanillic acid (HVA) in cerebrospinal fluid decreased.

Cranial MRI showed that the sulci were slightly widened, and the ventricles were not enlarged.

PET was too expensive so I didn't do it. The results of SPECT need to be viewed on a computer.

Generally, the results will appear directly in the patient's medical information after they are released.

After clicking twice on the computer, multi-layer reconstruction imaging appeared in front of Zhang Yi.

The whole picture is similar to 3D, with multiple imaging combinations overlapping and converging into the patient's brain situation.

Although it is not as clear as Zhang Yi's direct use of the naked eye.

But the fact that humans can create such a machine is also another great progress in medicine.

The imaging results are the same as what Zhang Yi saw, with more rays gathered near the thalamus and striatum.

The substantia nigra near the striatum is relatively reduced.

After Zhang Yi looked through the patient's test results, he said to the man:

"Based on the current test results, Parkinson's disease can be basically diagnosed, but it is in the early stage, and the effect of drug treatment is still relatively obvious."

The patient looked at Zhang Yi and wanted to say something, but he hesitated.

Zhang Yi said: "Ask whatever you want to ask. If you don't believe the results of our hospital's examination, you can go to the Provincial Hospital or West China Hospital.

Those large hospitals do have more advanced equipment and can take a closer look at your problem.

Also, you didn't do a PET this time. If you really want to go to the Provincial Hospital or West China Hospital, I still suggest that you do a PET. A more comprehensive examination can allow the doctor to see more clearly, and it is also responsible for yourself."

Zhang Yi told the truth.

Although PET and SPECT are expensive, they are very helpful for epilepsy, early tumors, and brain neurological diseases.

After thinking for a while, the patient asked:

"Doctor, I... I believe you. I have seen you on the news before.

Otherwise, I wouldn't come to the emergency room to see you in broad daylight.

But... But I am just worried that my disease cannot be cured...

Doctor, can you give me a definite answer? Is this disease curable?

Can it be cured by taking medicine? Or must surgery be performed?

If it cannot be cured, then will I... not live long? "

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