The doctor said that the water quality was not good.

When Zhang Yi heard this, he immediately threw on his slippers and rushed to the hospital.


Aren't you going back to Farah?

You're back in just a few hours? ?


And they said our water is not clean.

Every country has its own unique features.

Why don't you do more travel guides when you come to travel? Just because of the water quality, you take it out of context and say that our doctors are not good?


I get angry just thinking about it.

Of course.

As a doctor, Zhang Yi still has medical ethics.

No matter how angry he is, he still has to see a doctor.

We can't let foreigners think that we Chinese are stingy!

In the emergency department.

Zhao She heard the clacking sound of slippers from a distance.

"Wow, Zhang Yi... You really came at this late hour!"

Zhao She looked at Zhang Yi with admiration, with dark circles under his eyes.

Zhang Yi asked directly: "Where are those foreigners?"

"They are lying there. The woman has a fever of 40℃. The examination has just been done and the results will be out soon."

"Have you done the fecal examination and ELISA?"

"The fecal examination was not done. The woman was fainted and could not be examined."

Zhang Yi nodded and went to the emergency room to take a look.

Sure enough, the woman's bile duct dilatation was more obvious.

It means that her inflammation has worsened. Zhao She prescribed ceftriaxone on the infusion stand to reduce inflammation.

In this state, you still think our medical technology is not good enough and want to fly back to France? ?



The woman's husband smiled when he saw Zhang Yi:

"Hello, doctor. Thank you for bothering you to come and treat us at this late hour."

Zhang Yi had no expression on his face. He glanced at the woman on the bed and said:

"Are you not going back to Faraday?"

The foreigner shrugged: "I have already refunded the ticket. I didn't agree when she wanted to leave the hospital in the afternoon. She was in so much pain that I was worried that she wouldn't be able to get off the plane."

This foreigner was much more talkative than his wife.

Just at this time, the test results came out.

Zhao She showed the list to Zhang Yi.

Routine blood test,

White blood cells: 46×10^9/L (4-10×10^9/L)

Eosinophils: 8%×10^9/L (0.5%-5%×10^9/L)

Elevated eosinophils are common in some blood diseases, such as chronic myeloid leukemia, multiple myeloma, eosinophilic leukemia, lymphoma, etc.

Of course, the most typical is parasitic infection, which can also cause an increase in eosinophils.

Ultrasound: obvious dilation of the bile duct.

CT: thickening of the bile duct wall and enhancement around the bile duct.

ELISA: positive.

After looking at the results, although there is no fecal examination to see the worm eggs, the increase in eosinophils plus the positive ELISA test can basically confirm the diagnosis.

"Mr. Max, your wife is indeed infected with parasites. The infected parasites are called liver flukes. They enter the human body through drinking raw water and eating raw food and parasitize in the liver, thus triggering a series of inflammatory reactions."

The foreigner nodded and asked:

"When can my wife be cured?"

"First, reduce the fever and take anti-inflammatory treatment. Wait until tomorrow morning to check the body temperature, and then take anthelmintics as soon as possible. Check the feces again after three months to see if there are any worm eggs in the feces.

If there are none, it means she is completely cured. If there are, she must continue to take medicine."

The foreigner named Max understood and thanked Zhang Yi directly.

Afterwards, Zhang Yi told the foreigner a lot of medication matters and the specific location of the canteen and the fee-charging and medicine-changing service in the hospital in French.

By the way, he also asked him to download a software that can translate French into Chinese on his mobile phone.

This is much more convenient for them.

After making the arrangements, Zhang Yi left the hospital.

When I came to work the next morning, the foreign woman's fever had gone down to 37.5. In addition to medication, the nurse also helped with physical cooling all night.

Otherwise, her fever would not have gone down so quickly.

In the morning, when a group of doctors came to the foreigner's bed during rounds, the family was eating breakfast by the bed.

They had steamed buns, fried dough sticks, soy milk and steamed dumplings.

It was a standard Chinese breakfast. The family of four ate very delicious breakfast except for the foreign woman who didn't eat much because of illness.

Seeing a group of doctors coming, Max was suddenly stunned and asked quickly:

"What's wrong, doctor? Why are you all here?"

Zhang Yi, the translator, quickly explained:

"Our doctors are doing rounds. Our medical system here is very good.

Doctors have to check the patient's condition every morning, noon and night. Don't worry, just eat. "

"Wow~ You can do this here? ! It's great!" Max praised while eating a bun.

On the bed, the foreign woman looked a little guilty. She looked at Zhang Yi and said:

"Doctor, I'm so sorry. I didn't mean what I said yesterday... It's just because I never got sick from drinking water in Farah, but I got sick from drinking water in just a few months in China.

I was so angry yesterday that I said bad things about you.

Now I know that you are actually very good, and the nurse who took care of me last night was also very good.

You are also much faster in seeing a doctor than in Farah. In short, thank you very much. "

Zhang Yi raised his eyebrows, huh??

You still know that we are good?


You have vision and insight~!

Zhang Yi translated the original words to the doctors in the department.

Everyone nodded and said:

"It's okay. Foreign friends don't understand our country's food culture. I understand. Just be careful not to drink raw water in the future. The culture of each country is different. We should try our best to respect each other."

Zhang Yi translated it to the foreigners again.

Max picked up a steamed dumpling and said:

"You are right! We will pay attention to it in the future, but I have to praise your dumplings in China!

I haven't eaten dumplings with this flavor in Farah, so delicious!"

Zhang Yi explained:

"This is a steamed dumpling, it should be corn stuffing. We have many other flavors of dumplings in China. You are welcome to taste them. "

"Haha, OK! After my wife is discharged from the hospital, we will slow down our travels, walk, see and eat! We will try to taste all the delicacies in China within half a year! "

Everyone couldn't help laughing.

Half a year??

Hahaha, Zhang Yi couldn't help laughing.

Our country is vast, and we want to eat all the delicacies in half a year??

That's impossible.

At noon, the foreign woman was much better because of the infusion and medication.

For this kind of liver fluke disease, anthelmintics, such as praziquantel or albendazole, a broad-spectrum anthelmintic, plus anti-inflammatory treatment, generally get better quickly.

Timely treatment is not a big problem.

If it is delayed to the later stage, jaundice, cirrhosis, and even liver cancer are all possible.

After the emergency department admitted a foreign patient, the news that Zhang Yi could speak French spread throughout the hospital again.

Everyone in the hospital group was discussing it.

Cardiology Li Qing: "Excuse me! Is there anything else that Zhang Yi can't do? ? ! ! ”

He Biao from Shennei: “I can’t even speak English fluently, but Assistant Zhang can already communicate with others in French? ? ”

Chen Fang from the Emergency Department: “How can I ever reach your level? !”

Huang Meiying, Deputy Director of Obstetrics and Gynecology: “Because of Zhang Yi in the Emergency Department, Director Lu is almost smiling like a flower, right? ? ”

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