The old man was so angry that he was not happy.

Zhao Quan looked up and found that it was Zhang Yi who was asking him a question, and immediately smiled:

"Assistant Zhang, just ask whatever you want, why are you so polite."

"Well... did a patient with cleft lip and palate come to your ENT department for hospitalization this morning? Or come to the outpatient clinic for treatment?"

Zhao Quan paused while picking up the food, and said with surprise:

"Well?? How did you know? I happened to be in the outpatient clinic today, and there was really a little girl with cleft lip and palate who came to see a doctor!"

"But I guess they can't do the operation." Zhao Quan said while shaking his head.

"Why can't it be done? The technology of this operation in our hospital should be very mature now, right?"

"It's not a question of whether the technology is mature or not, it's that the girl's grandfather has no money. He said he only has 5,000 yuan, and asked me if the surgery fee can be cheaper. I said our hospital charges normally and there is no way to make it cheaper."

"Then the grandfather and grandson went outside the clinic to discuss it. I persuaded them twice, but I don't know whether they will have the surgery or not."

"Ah, the girl is also quite pitiful. Her eyes are really beautiful, but it's a pity that she is born with Facial defects. By the way, Assistant Zhang, how did you know about this? "

Zhang Yi said while eating:

"The two grandfathers and grandsons came to the hospital to ask last night, and they looked very pitiful, so I was quite impressed. "

Zhao Quan nodded: "I see."

After thinking for a while, Zhang Yi still felt compassion and said:

"Doctor Zhao, if the grandfather and grandson come to the hospital to see you again in the afternoon, you can tell them that the hospital has waived the surgery fee for them."

"What?!" Zhao Quan was shocked and dropped his chopsticks!

Although Zhang Yi is the new boss in the hospital!


But he hasn't reached the point where he can freely control the hospital's money, right??

This surgery costs at least 10,000 yuan.

Who will pay for the waived money?

Could it be... Zhang Yi paid for it himself??

Thinking of this, Zhao Quan looked at Zhang Yi with respect in an instant!

The boss is indeed a boss. His courage and vision are simply not comparable to Zhao Quan's.

Looking at Zhao Quan's face that switched three expressions in one second, Zhang Yi hurriedly explained:

"Doctor Zhao, don't you get me wrong? Doesn't the hospital have a foundation named after me? There are almost three million in it.

The original purpose of these funds was to help more poor patients and children.

Especially for children with cleft lip and palate, they are born with defects. Many parents will abandon their children as soon as they are born when they see that their children are sick.

These children are also innocent, and they don't want to get sick.

So I think it's okay to use this money to help them make up for their surgery fees."

After listening to this, Zhao Quan was stunned for a long time.

Yes, he had heard about that foundation earlier.

I heard that almost all the people who donated money to it were Zhang Yi's patients and fans.

After Zhao Quan stared at Zhang Yi for a while, he slowly clapped his hands!

Pa pa pa!

At 12:30, there were not many people eating in the cafeteria.

But the few medical staff who heard the noise all looked towards Zhang Yi.

"Assistant Zhang... your broad mind... I, Zhao Quan, really admire you."

Not only Zhao Quan, but also the entire hospital, the entire Yun Province, and even the entire China.

How many doctors can establish a public welfare fund with their own strength and use the money in it on the cutting edge? ?

How many? ? !

Zhang Yi must be one of them.

One of the few.

At this moment, Zhao Quan really admired Zhang Yi from the bottom of his heart.

"Okay! I'll go and explain it to the grandfather and grandson after dinner, so they don't have to worry about the surgery.

By the way, I think the girl is eight years and two months old. Normally, she should have had the surgery before she was eight years old.

At her age, I'm afraid she won't recover very well after the surgery."

Zhang Yi said very easily:

"It's okay, I can be the main surgeon."

Zhao Quan:...


Is Assistant Zhang's 'claws' going to extend to the ENT and plastic surgery departments? !

"Haha, okay, okay, I'll tell them about it when I get back."

After dinner, Zhao Quan went back to the door of the ENT clinic and looked around, only to find that the grandfather and grandson were gone?

"No way? Are they gone?"

Zhao Quan picked up his phone and sent a message to Zhang Yi:

"The grandfather and grandson

They seem to have passed away..."

Zhang Yi replied: "No one left? They passed away so soon?"

Zhao Quan: "I guess they decided not to do the surgery because of the money issue? "

Seeing this news, Zhang Yi also sighed slightly.

Alas, if the girl doesn't have surgery, she will be too old.

Patients with cleft lip and palate should normally be able to have surgery three months after birth.

This girl has been delayed until now, and can't be delayed any longer.

After thinking about it, Zhang Yi put his mobile phone in his bag and planned to go out and look for it.

What if the grandfather and grandson did not leave, but were eating outside?

Sure enough!

Zhang Yi looked around outside and saw the grandfather and grandson.

Still at the flower bed yesterday.

The grandfather and grandson were sitting by the flower bed eating a box lunch.

It's just that the two of them ate one portion, and the plastic box contained half white rice, half green vegetables, and some fried eggs with tomatoes.

Two people only ate one portion??

Is it enough?

Zhang Yi slowly approached and heard the old man say to the girl:

"Xiaohuaer, you eat first, and if you can't finish it, give it to grandpa. ”

Xiaohua shook her head and pushed the food to him:

“Xiaohua is not hungry, Grandpa eats first.”

“Grandpa is not hungry either, Xiaohua, eat quickly, it won’t taste good if it gets cold. ”

“Xiaohua is not hungry either, Xiaohua wants grandpa to eat first…”

The grandfather and grandson pushed each other back and forth.


Zhang Yi couldn’t stand it anymore!

Turned around and bought another lunch box at the restaurant in front of the hospital.

When Zhang Yi handed the lunch box to the grandfather and grandson, the grandfather and grandson were still shirking each other.

You let me eat first, I let you eat first.

No one was willing to eat a bite of food.

In fact, the economic development of Yunnan Province is not good in the whole of China.

Especially Tianhe City is still a very ordinary second- and third-tier city in Yunnan Province.

Many counties around Tianhe are poor counties.

Especially the towns in the poor counties, some of which are still in the mountains.

The economic situation can be imagined.

So there are many people like this grandfather and grandson in the counties and districts around Tianhe.

Zhang Yi put the lunch box in front of them.

“Eat, I bought it for you. "

The grandfather and grandson looked up at the same time.

A flash of surprise flashed in their eyes.

The old man was a little embarrassed and asked with a smile:

"Doctor... this lunch box is not needed, one bowl is enough for the two of us."

Zhang Yi forced the lunch box into the old man's hand and said:

"Eat quickly, uncle, it's just a bowl of rice, it's nothing to me."

"Also, you don't have to worry about your granddaughter's surgery fee, the hospital can give you all for free."



I'm really sorry, today's news made me feel like my mouth and brain were fed shit... I've been holding it in until now to finish writing, oh! Sigh...! By the way, the following plot is a plot to enhance the protagonist's personality, not a saintly one...

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