What's going on? ! !

Hasn't the surgery started yet? ?

Why are they all so active!

It's only half past eight!

Qian Zhenggang approached, coughed twice deliberately and scolded:

"Ahem! What's wrong with you? Aren't you all crowded here??"

Everyone answered: "President Qian, we are indeed not working. We are all resting today."

Qian Zhenggang: ...


There is no reason to drive them away now!

After thinking about it, Qian Zhenggang didn't fight for a seat with these young people.

When the surgery starts, he can just go in and watch it!

Nine o'clock.

The old lady was sent to the laminar flow operating room No. 2.

Before entering the operating room, a PET intracranial scan was performed.

At this time, all the PET data has been transferred to the computer in the operating room.

To put it simply, stereotactic surgery is to use the principle of stereotactic positioning of a point in space.

First, find the intracranial lesion, that is, the coordinates of the target point in the cranial cavity.

First determine its precise position, and then use a stereotactic instrument to introduce the cell knife and device dedicated to stereotactic surgery into the skull to reach the target point, and then perform micro-electrode damage to the target point of the lesion.

With the continuous development of technology, machines alone can now accurately locate the lesion coordinates within 1 mm.

In addition to treating Parkinson's disease, stereotactic surgery can also be used to treat cystic craniopharyngiomas, brain puncture biopsies, etc. that are not suitable for major surgery.

The micro-electrode cell knife can also be replaced with a γ-knife or an X-knife to treat some intracranial tumors.

In short, as long as this operation is successful, the neurosurgery department of Tianhe People's Hospital will have a qualitative leap!

Qian Zhenggang put on his surgical gown and stood silently in the corner, imagining the bright future of the hospital.

At this moment, on the operating table.

The old lady was lying on her back, and her hair was shaved clean.

The computer was still calculating the target coordinates, and the anesthesiologist gave her anesthesia first.

General anesthesia, then a ventilator, and then a stereotactic head frame for the old lady.

This frame is an iron frame fixed on the entire head and face. There is also a semicircular curved ruler just above the frame to measure the coordinate distance.

Zhang Yi glanced at the computer next to the operating table and complained in his heart: Why hasn't this thing given the coordinates yet? ?

Forget it, he will calculate it himself first.

In Zhang Yi's sight, the abnormal nerve nucleus is very clear.

So he can know the exact coordinates of the target without calculation.

"4mm behind PC, 5mm above the AC-PC line, and 14mm away from the AC-PC line."

As soon as Zhang Yi said this, everyone in the operating room was stunned!

"Give me the pen, I'll mark the coordinates first."

Zhang Yi said as if no one was around.

After he finished speaking, he waited for several seconds but no one handed him a pen.

When Zhang Yi looked up, he found that everyone in the operating room was staring at him in a daze.

"Assistant Zhang, how did you get such accurate coordinates?!"

Tong Lijun pointed to the value given by the computer next to him while speaking.

It turned out that the computer gave the specific coordinates as soon as Zhang Yi finished speaking.

It said:

4mm behind the PC, 4mm above the AC-PC line, 14mm to the side of the AC-PC line!!

Everyone was stunned and shocked!

I knock!!

The AC-PC line is only 1mm off!!

Is Zhang Yi so accurate? ?

Could he have calculated it by himself just by looking at the PET results? ? !

And the error is only 1mm!!

Oh my god!

The entire operating room, including the doctors watching nearby, looked at Zhang Yi as if he was looking at a ghost!

It was so scary!

I really don’t know whether Zhang Yi has good eyesight, good math, or something else…

Zhang Yi looked at the direction of Tong Lijun’s gaze and glanced at the computer.

He said in a light tone:

“Not bad, only one millimeter off.”

Tong Lijun was shocked: “You still call this good? Zhang Yi, you are already amazing! You calculated the truly accurate coordinates with only 1 millimeter off!”

Han Bing also echoed: “That’s right, Master, you are too modest!”

Zhang Yi smiled and said nothing.

Hum, I’m not talking about myself~

I’m talking about the machine. This machine is really good, and the error is completely within 1 millimeter.

It seems that modern technology is really getting more and more advanced.


, the coordinates are out, let's drill the holes. "

Stereotactic surgery is also considered minimally invasive.

The wound is small, the recovery is fast, and it does not have much impact on the patient's cardiopulmonary function.

Conventional scalp incision, skull drilling, dura mater and cerebral cortex incision.

Fully expose the abnormal nerve nucleus.

Check and fix the head frame again to confirm the target coordinates.

Zhang Yi: "Prepare to introduce microelectrodes for neuroelectrophysiological monitoring, and control the temperature at 80℃ first."

"Okay, the temperature is 80℃." Tong Lijun repeated.

Zhang Yi: "Okay, the first electrical stimulation will verify the target position."


Electrical stimulation means that before the actual damage begins, the abnormal nerve nucleus should be stimulated with electric current to see if the coordinates are accurate.

Soon, the electrode display screen showed the coordinates again:

4mm behind the PC, 5mm above the AC-PC line, and 14mm away from the AC-PC line.

At this time, everyone showed a shocked and puzzled expression again.

"Huh? How come the coordinates this time are exactly the same as the ones you calculated, Zhang Yi? "

Zhang Yi said half-jokingly:

"Is it possible that the coordinates I gave are correct?"



Everyone in the operating room began to gasp again!!

I knock!

If this were said by someone else, everyone would probably roll their eyes at him.


This was said by Zhang Yi!

For a moment, none of them could refute it!

The female doctors watching in the monitoring room next to them shouted in their hearts:

Wow~ Zhang Yi talks so wildly! I like it~!

Many interns were also in the monitoring room.

Including Gao Han and Shen Lingyue.

At this time, Gao Han stared at the situation in the operating room and said:

"Hey! If we hadn't changed departments, maybe we could still be Zhang's assistants in there! "

Shen Lingyue also said with a little regret:

"Yes, what a pity..."

There were many interns around who stared at Han Bing's figure and said angrily:

"Damn, Han Bing is so lucky that he was assigned to the emergency department?

And he can also intern with Zhang Yi! He is really lucky!"

"That's right, it's a waste of such a good teacher like Zhang Yi!"

In the operating room.

Han Bing wanted to sneeze for no reason, but he looked at Zhang Yi and forced the sneeze back.

Zhang Yi was the main surgeon in this operation, so the final target coordinate position was determined by him.

Zhang Yi must choose the coordinates he gave.

Because his is the most correct.

"Introduce current, 80-85℃ is fine, and the time starts from 60 seconds. "

"Okay. "

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