The old man was so excited that he couldn't sleep.

Who is this person who is so excited that he can't sleep? ?

It must be Lu Gao!

He was the one who reported all the cases, and he was just waiting to see Zhang Yi's downfall. How could he sleep?

At this moment, he was reading the news while looking for connections to buy water army and marketing accounts to drive a wave of wind.

These water army and marketing accounts usually make money from these.

Who cares if he is right or not, just take the money and do the job.

Even the water army groups have unified the rhetoric of attacking Zhang Yi:

"Punish Zhang Yi severely and let him go to jail!"

"No way, no way? Someone has washed this kind of person??"

"You can't practice medicine without a license! Who cares if he is a senior doctor or a junior doctor!"

So, late at night, these comments that are similar to the wind direction appeared under the hot searches about Zhang Yi.

Originally, the hot search of this topic had dropped to the top 20, but as a result, the water army entered the scene and pulled it back to the top 10.

Seeing that the wind direction gradually changed, more and more voices called for Zhang Yi to be punished.

Lu Gao's face showed an indescribable excitement!

"Zhang Yi, Zhang Yi, I wonder how you can be a doctor this time!"

After saying that, Lu Gao was in a good mood and opened a bottle of red wine to drink.

After drinking, he put down his phone and fell asleep peacefully.

At night, Lu Gao even had a good dream.

I dreamed that Zhang Yi not only had his medical license revoked, but also went to jail!

In the dream, Lu Gao couldn't stop laughing at this scene.

At one o'clock in the middle of the night, Liu Luo and Su Xiaoxiao couldn't get through to Zhang Yi on the phone, so they had to decide to speak up for Zhang Yi online.

Especially seeing some messages that suddenly appeared in the middle of the night suggesting that Zhang Yi go to jail.

"Why are there so many people suddenly opposing Dr. Zhang? Why didn't they oppose when he was saving people?! But now they are opposing?!" Su Xiaoxiao said angrily while looking at the phone screen.

Liu Luo patted her shoulder to comfort her:

"These messages suddenly appeared, and someone must have organized them. I guess they want to take this opportunity to send Dr. Zhang to jail.

So... no matter what, we must help, no matter how small the power is, we must help!"

"Well! Let's record a video. Although I am not a big anchor now, fortunately Dr. Zhang helped me before, which increased my account to more than 200,000 followers.

Now, it's time for us to help him!"

After that, the two sat on the sofa at home and started recording with the mobile phone they usually use for live broadcast.

Liu Luo:

"Hello everyone, my name is Liu Luo, the young man who jumped into the river in Tianhe City and made the news some time ago.

Tell everyone how I was repeatedly abandoned and then rescued by Dr. Zhang again..."

In the video, Liu Luo told his life story bit by bit.

After being diagnosed with uremia, he was devastated, and then his biological mother ignored him, and he was abandoned like garbage.

Under the heavy blow, he had the idea of ​​committing suicide!

"Fortunately... Fortunately, it was Dr. Zhang who saved me. I believe everyone has seen the news. At that time, Dr. Zhang ignored the dissuasion of the people around him and insisted on rescuing me who had been rescuing for more than half an hour.

Normally, if CPR is useless after half an hour, it can almost be concluded that the person has drowned.

But... only Dr. Zhang did not give up on me!

After my heartbeat was restored, I lay in the hospital for nearly three days before I woke up.

After waking up, I felt like I was reborn. I realized that people should not die for unworthy people and things, but should live for worthy people.

I want to say that Dr. Zhang did not have a license when he saved me, but just because he did not have a license, should all his efforts and contributions be erased??

Just because he did not have a license, you Should we say that he is irresponsible and does not care about the life and health of patients?

If Dr. Zhang is really such a person, he would have given up when he found that my heartbeat had not recovered after more than half an hour of rescue.

But he didn't!

It is his persistence that has made me what I am today.

It is because of his persistence that I can now sit here and fight for the future with my girlfriend, and sit here to record this video.

It is because of this that I, a patient with uremia, can see the hope of living again!

So I hope everyone believes in Dr. Zhang, he is really not the kind of person you say he is!

Moreover, those surgical videos on the Internet were originally attended by senior doctors, and they were not in the category of practicing medicine without a license.

I hope everyone will be rational! !


I want to say that I think that it is not necessary to have a license to be a doctor.

Only those who have good medical skills, noble medical ethics, and will not give up easily even if there is a slight chance can be called doctors! "

After recording the video, Liu Luo and Su Xiaoxiao's eyes were slightly red.

Because in their hearts, Zhang Yi is really a good doctor.

If it weren't for Zhang Yi, they would have been separated by now.

So, the desire to help Zhang Yi is also very sincere.

After the recording, Su Xiaoxiao edited the title: I want to speak for Dr. Zhang Yi!

Then click to publish.

When publishing, it also brought Douyin's hot topic #Zhang Yi practiced medicine without a license.

Things that are usually on the hot search on Weibo will also follow on Douyin.

So Su Xiaoxiao wants to use this topic to let everyone see , Dr. Zhang is really a good doctor!

As soon as the video was released, someone immediately liked and commented on their video.

Some people followed to support Zhang Yi, while others said that they deliberately spoke for Zhang Yi.

In short, the comment area is still mixed.

At two o'clock in the middle of the night.

An account called "I am Zhao Yuting" on Weibo posted a blog post.

In a short period of time, it attracted the attention of many netizens again, because she also brought all the hot search topics of Zhang Yi when she posted it.

"I want to say something for Dr. Zhang Yi. I am not dragging my feet, and I have not received money from Dr. Zhang.

I am just an ordinary patient family member who has been helped by Dr. Zhang.

My name is Zhao Yuting. When I met Dr. Zhang, I had just turned 18 years old, and it was also when my mother was diagnosed with cancer in the hospital.

My father is a policeman, but he died when I was very young.

Later, my family has always relied on my mother to make a living to support me and my sister.

Until the end of May, when my mother was diagnosed with gastric cancer, I felt like the sky had fallen.

At that moment, I thought even my mother was going to leave me...

Our family had no money. My sister and I were in high school and college respectively.

The burden was heavy. My mother and we had to work part-time during summer and winter vacations to make ends meet.

So we were so embarrassed that we couldn't even afford the hospitalization fee.

It was Dr. Zhang who voluntarily paid 2,000 yuan for our hospitalization fee, and we were able to stay in the hospital successfully.

Later, it was Dr. Zhang who helped us set up the Shuidichou charity donation, and my mother successfully underwent surgery.

The surgery was also performed by Dr. Zhang, but it was done very well. Although my mother had half of her stomach removed, she is still alive and well now.

And the follow-up examination did not find any metastasis of cancer cells.

All this is thanks to Dr. Zhang's efforts. I did not become a real orphan from a single-parent family. "

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