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Netizen Zhao Rusi, when will you marry me, left a message:

"I was so moved by what the old man and the child said in the video!

I also heard that all the cleft lip and palate surgeries were actually performed by Dr. Zhang alone, because other doctors They can't do it for free, they will charge a certain amount of surgery fee.

But if Zhang Yi does it, he won't charge a penny, so the whole surgery and hospitalization cost will be lower.

The money saved can help more children The surgery is underway!

Dr. Zhang is indeed a rare good doctor. How many people in the entire medical community would transfer the red envelopes that could have been quietly pocketed to charity funds?

Zhang Yi should be the only one who is so pure! Dear brothers, , should such a good doctor really go to jail? ? ! "

Netizen Red Star Entertainment No. 001 left a message:

"Everyone! I betrayed! I am actually a water army! But I was really moved by what Dr. Zhang did, Dr. Zhang Sorry! Those comments we posted before advocating that Zhang Yi go to jail were actually bought by someone behind the scenes to influence public opinion! ”

Netizen Laoyou071 commented:

“I am also a troll! I also betrayed! Oh my god… I just can’t bear to criticize such a good person like Dr. Zhang! I feel like I have done something unjust to criticize him. It's the same as the case of...

Although the Internet trolls are supposed to be emotionless machines, and they only do things for money.

But... we have been hacking for so long since last night, so we should have completed the task given by the sponsor, right?

Hehe, I will join Zhang Yi's fan club from now on! Become Dr. Zhang's number one fan! "

Netizen Zhang Yi's future girlfriend left a message:

"I was so moved after reading the comments. I really didn't trust the wrong person!

Dr. Zhang is like this A low-key and sincere person!

When he spoke on Weibo to help Liu Luo, the patient, I clicked on it and donated 50 yuan to the charity fund.

Now I think my donation was right!

I can help those people for free. Children from poor areas undergo cleft lip and palate surgery...

Really... Dr. Zhang is so kind..."

The tone of the comments has completely changed.

Even the paid trolls that Lu Gao bought changed their minds.

What is this?

This is the charm!

If Zhang Yi's personal behavior hadn't moved these netizens, would the comment section be like this now?

Definitely No.

Everything is attributed to every little thing and every good deed Zhang Yi did before.

After gathering little by little, they became Zhang Yi's strong backing.

Only sincerity is the most touching. This statement is not true at all. It's true.

After Zhang Yi helped those patients from the bottom of his heart, they were also willing to help Zhang Yi from the bottom of their hearts.

I spared no effort to save you, and you were willing to do everything to help me.

This is to exchange sincerity for sincerity .

It is a rare and precious feeling in the world!

At this moment, Tianhe People's Hospital.

Zhang Yi just sent off several leaders from the Health Bureau and sat down on a chair to rest.

Suddenly, he saw Chen Fang running over with a mobile phone!

"Zhang Yi! Xiaohua and her grandfather actually spoke up for you! Look!"

"Ah? Xiaohua?? Didn't they go back to the countryside? How can they post videos without smartphones?"

Zhang Yi was surprised She opened her eyes and then looked at Chen Fang's phone.

In the video, Xiaohua was sleepy, but you could still see that the little girl's eyes were red. Did she cry?

Xiaohua's grandfather was sitting Next to her, she was still hunched over, wearing a thick sweater with holes on the corners, and her black cloth shoes were covered with a lot of mud that was almost dried.

There was an iron hoe leaning against the mottled wooden door at the back.

Video starts But both grandfather and grandson didn't know how to start.

After waiting for a while, Xiaohua's grandfather mustered up the courage to say, "I am the villager of Group 6, Bigou Village, Huishou Township, Changxing County, Tianhe City. My name is Wang Youzhi..."The video is not long, but every word is from the heart of this old man.

He had told Zhang Yi before that he had seen a lot of worldly things in his life.

But Zhang Yi was the only person he had ever seen who was willing to give them a chance to be together. The two paid for the surgery, and even gave them a good doctor for free.

Zhang Yi's sincerity touched them, and their sincerity also touched Zhang Yi.

After watching the video, Zhang Yi's eyes were wet, and he returned the phone to Chen Fang.

Chen Fang looked at him, and when he saw that Zhang Yi didn't say anything, he didn't say anything either.

He just silently

Chen Fang breathed a sigh of relief and was envious.

He envied Zhang Yi for being such a good doctor, and for making the patients he had saved stand up and help him when he was in trouble.

This is really not something that every doctor can do!


As a doctor, he really needs to learn from Zhang Yi.

After calming down for a while, Zhang Yi shrugged and said:

"They don't have a mobile phone, how did they shoot this video? Could it be villagers from the same village?"

Chen Fang nodded: "Yes, it was villagers from the same village who helped shoot it and then posted it online. Now the news is all about this, and everyone knows that you perform free surgery on children with cleft lip and palate.

Now the wind direction on the Internet has changed, and no one says you should be sentenced and imprisoned.

The funny thing is that even those water army rebelled, haha, they were hired to discredit you, but now they are helping you.

Everyone now thinks you are a good person, and they all think that even if you rescued people without a license, it was because you wanted to save them. Human life, and the surgeries were performed with the presence of senior doctors.

So now everyone thinks that you don't need to be punished.

Although it is not advisable to go into the operating room without a license, everyone thinks that you should vigorously promote the establishment of a public welfare fund to perform surgery on children with cleft lip and palate. "

Zhang Yi sighed and said:

"Hey, this time I really have to thank these patients who helped me, thank them for speaking for me, thank them for believing in me."

"Indeed, but it can't be said that it's all because of them, it's still because of you, you reap what you sow, you treat patients sincerely, and patients will help you sincerely like now."


The people from the Health Bureau left the hospital after the investigation in the morning.

Then the announcement was issued at noon.

Zhang Yi's license was registered in Tianhe City, so the announcement was issued by the Tianhe City Health Bureau.

The general content is that Zhang Yi's behavior cannot constitute the crime of practicing medicine without a license, but it is not recommended that all young doctors should take the initiative to perform surgery, and they should still go to the operating table after sufficient experience.

Zhang Yi is a complete exception, a perfect example of combining operation and theoretical knowledge.

I hope young doctors will not follow suit.

As for the fine, there is none.

Because Qian Zhenggang came forward to personally admit that Zhang Yi had the operation after he and his family agreed, there is no reason to fine him.

Now the matter is settled.

At the hospital gate, the reporters who had just left in the morning came back to wait after lunch.

The task given by the higher-ups this time is to interview Zhang Yi himself!

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