The money is not a problem!

What a great sentence!

The doctors next to him were so envious that their eyes almost popped out!

"Don't talk about money first, show me the video first."


Then, the woman took out her mobile phone and contacted.

In less than ten minutes, all the videos were sent over.

Five operations in total, five videos.

In almost every video, the child woke up after the anesthesia was given, just when the operation could begin.

And the child was very agitated and afraid of the doctors around him.

This made Zhang Yi a little confused.

It doesn't look like an allergy to the anesthesia.

What would happen then?

Zhang Yi thought, maybe he didn't read enough books.

I'll go to the simulated library tonight and look through more books to see if I can find the problem.

Or maybe I can go to Guangdu to see the little boy in person to find out the reason.

After watching it, Zhang Yi put down his phone and said:

"Sorry, after watching the video, I still don't know what your son's situation is. But I want to ask, does your son usually have any mental illness?

For example, he is more withdrawn? He doesn't like to communicate with other children?

Or is he particularly afraid of medical staff?"

Excluding allergies, we have to consider whether it is a psychological factor.

Some mental and psychological diseases may also cause this rare situation.

When the woman heard Zhang Yi say that he didn't know the reason, her eyebrows were full of disappointment.

Why did it still not work after running all the way to find Zhang Yi?

But she heard that he seemed to be very powerful on the Internet?

The woman's eyes slightly turned red as she thought about it:

"No, my son has a good personality and has a good relationship with his classmates at school.

It was the problem when I took him to the hospital for the circumcision surgery this time.

The cause has not been found out yet...

The doctor said that simple balanitis can actually be solved, and if surgery is not possible, anti-inflammatory control can be used.

But now the biggest worry is that if other diseases appear in the future, it will be difficult to deal with.

Anesthetics are ineffective. If he encounters a serious disease that requires a serious operation...

What should I do with my son?

Then he will definitely not be able to have surgery. If he can't have surgery, then my son will die, right?"

The woman started crying as she spoke.

Zhang Yi quickly drew a piece of paper for him.

"Is your son's condition stable now? Is the swelling and inflammation of the area that needs surgery serious? Can the glans penis be turned out when the foreskin is too long?"

The woman wiped her tears and shook her head:

"It is the repeated inflammation caused by the inability to turn it out. Although it can be controlled with drugs, the final solution is still to solve it with surgery, otherwise it will always be a problem."

This is the truth.

If the foreskin is long but the foreskin opening is not tight, it means that the glans penis can still be turned out, and this situation does not necessarily require surgery.

Because as the child grows and develops, it will be fine when he grows up.

But if the foreskin is long and the foreskin opening is narrow, causing the glans penis to not come out, it is easy to hide dirt and cause repeated inflammation.

"In this case, I can only accompany you to Guangdu."

The anesthetic did not work and the surgery could not be performed.

This problem is indeed strange and rare, and Zhang Yi is also very interested in this child.

He wants to see with his own eyes what the child is like.

The woman seemed to have a glimmer of hope when she heard this, and nodded and thanked him:

"Okay! Thank you, Dr. Zhang, don't worry, we won't give you a penny less for the air ticket and the cost of the surgical procedure."

"Then...then Dr. Zhang, when will you go to Guangdu with me?"

"Is your son's condition stable now?"

"Yes, if the operation cannot be performed, we can only use drugs to fight inflammation. It's been good these two days, and there is no inflammation or swelling."

Zhang Yi thought for a while and said, "Well, since your son's condition is not very critical, I will finish the work at hand first, and then I will go with you."

Although Zhang Yi has privileges now and can take leave if he wants.

But he is also an employee of the hospital after all. Since he is not in a hurry, he can go after get off work.

"Ah? Then...Okay!" The woman glanced at Zhang Yi and nodded in agreement.

Zhang Yi was busy with work, and there were two children with cleft lip and palate who had to undergo surgery during the day.

One was three years old and the other was two and a half years old.

Seeing Zhang Yi busy, the woman stood up and walked out slowly in her high heels.


Before she left, she said:

"Doctor Zhang, I will come to the hospital to pick you up when you get off work at 6pm."


Zhang Yi agreed.

After the woman left, other doctors in the emergency department came over.

"How strange! He has no mental illness and is not allergic to anesthetics? How come he is ineffective against anesthetics?"

"This is called the world is full of wonders!"

"I am also very curious. When you find the reason, Zhang Yi, please tell us in the group."

Zhang Yi nodded: "Although the family said that the child has no mental problems, I feel that the problem is either with the anesthetic or with the child."

After a while, Zhang Yi entered the operating room.

Cleft lip and palate surgery is still very simple.

Zhang Yi has mastered this surgery now.

Even when he was doing the surgery, Zhang Yi was still thinking about the child.

After the surgery, he flipped out the surgery video that the woman had sent him and watched it again.

In the first video, the child was given intravenous anesthesia.

Zhang Yi couldn't tell what drug was used, but judging by the color, it should be propofol.

Zhang Yi looked at the time when the anesthetic entered the blood vessels, which was around 1 minute and 30 seconds in the video.

Then he prepared the tools and disinfected a large area of ​​skin.

Just as he was about to start the operation, the boy suddenly woke up!

Zhang Yi looked at the time again and it was 2 minutes and 58 seconds.

The anesthetic lasted only about one and a half minutes before the child woke up.

And he was extremely manic!

I'm really confused!

What's the reason?

Zhang Yi watched the second video again.

This time, inhalation anesthesia was used.

Generally, children are given general anesthesia for circumcision, while adults use local anesthesia, which is penile block anesthesia.

This time, Zhang Yi looked at the time again, and the time when the induction started and the child closed his eyes and fell asleep was 1 minute and 23 seconds.

When the doctor in the video started the operation, the child woke up again!

The time was 2 minutes and 46 seconds!

It was still about one and a half minutes!

In the third, fourth and fifth surgery videos, the child woke up after the same amount of time!

And every time he woke up, he was extremely frightened and scared!

It was really weird!

Zhang Yi felt a chill on his back after watching this video!

Just like the old man who woke up and became a completely different person after more than 20 minutes of rescue.

Soul possession? ?

Zhang Yi shook his head and said, forget it, it's impossible for the soul to be possessed.

Doctor, you should believe in atheism~!

So what was the reason for this child?

Zhang Yi thought about it in his spare time and watched these surgery videos again and again.

Finally! Zhang Yi thought of a way!

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