After finishing speaking, Zhang Yi waited for Li Yuan's answer with a sullen face.

Li Yuan's face was already covered with tears!

For a long time, she was so choked that she couldn't speak...

She could only nod her head and reply intermittently:

"I... I will sign! I will definitely sign... Thank you, Dr. Zhang, thank you!"

Zhang Yi could feel that these words of thanks were from the heart.

Because he received a reminder of gratitude points.

"Okay, since you agreed, then wait until tomorrow morning to sign the contract, and then I'll perform surgery on your daughter."

"Okay! Thank you, Dr. Zhang! I will remember your kindness for the rest of my life, thank you!"

Li Yuan kept thanking Zhang Yi.

Chen Fang looked at him and shook his head silently.

Fortunately, you met Zhang Yi, and fortunately, Zhang Yi is a serious and kind doctor.

Otherwise, your daughter would have to wait for death!


The police came at this time.

After they watched the surveillance video in the emergency room, and with Li Yuan's personal testimony, her husband was temporarily taken to the police station.

In addition, her husband's unwillingness to raise the child actually constituted the crime of abandonment.

Li Yuan could take this opportunity to file for divorce.

But I don't know if the court will rule.

These days are very weird. Sometimes, even if domestic violence is confirmed, the court still has to persuade people to reconcile first.

After entering the emergency room and taking a look at her daughter, Li Yuan also went to the police station.

Before leaving, Zhang Yi promised her that he would ensure her daughter's safety.

Looking at the police car going farther and farther away at the hospital gate, Chen Fang turned his head to look at Zhang Yi and sighed:

"Hey, you, you, are you really going to write this contract for her?"

Zhang Yi pondered:

"This is the most appropriate way I can think of. It is not considered poverty relief, and it can also cure this girl.

Otherwise, what do you think we should do? Let this one-and-a-half-year-old girl die here?"

After hearing this, Chen Fang also sighed and shook his head:

"Oh~ Forget it, this method is indeed feasible. It just so happens that our department is short of a nurse, so that she not only has a stable job, but also can pay back the hospital.

And the most important thing is that the money she earns from this job will not be taken away by her husband.

Your idea is really thoughtful.

Not only did you help with the operation, but you also gave her a job that would not be sucked of blood.

It has to be you, Zhang Yi!"

Chen Fang said, reaching out and patting Zhang Yi on the shoulder.

"Okay, we are done, let's go eat."

Chen Fang touched his stomach, almost starving.

Zhang Yi nodded, turned around and went to the emergency office to tell the doctor on duty to closely monitor the little girl.

After that, he left the hospital with Chen Fang to eat the long-delayed dinner.

During the meal, he also told Dean Qian about this matter.

Dean Qian had no opinion.

After all, there was no loss whether he helped or not.

Besides, all the money in the fund was raised by Zhang Yi, so it had nothing to do with him.

Early the next morning.

As soon as Zhang Yi came to work, he saw Li Yuan sleeping on the bench outside the emergency room, covered with a thin blanket.

Zhang Yi glanced at her and turned to enter the emergency room.

The little girl woke up, blinking her eyes and looking around.

She didn't cry or make a fuss, and looked quite well-behaved and cute.

Because of the medicine and various aspects of monitoring and care, the girl's skin became less cyanotic than last night.

Although her complexion is not normal, the girl's condition will improve as long as the surgery solves the triad problem.

"Is the girl's examination report out?" Zhang Yi turned his head and looked at the doctor on duty last night and asked.

"It's out, it's all here."

The doctor on duty handed the girl's medical record to Zhang Yi.

"This is the result of the enhanced CT scan. This child has triad syndrome, which is a bit tricky...

I also checked the C-reactive protein, and there is no problem, no endocarditis."

While Zhang Yi was watching, the doctor on duty reported the situation to him.

"What about the cardiac output? Does it meet the surgical standard?"

"A little bit lower, 2.4."

The normal cardiac output is 2.6-4.2L/(min/m2).

If it is lower than 2.2, it is in the category of heart failure.

Heart failure cannot be operated on, and even if it is forced, the risk is very high.

This 2.4 is a bit difficult to deal with.

"Doctor Zhang, what do you think? Or do the surgery now?

?” asked the doctor on duty.

Zhang Yi nodded:

“Okay, just give himparin. I will make time for this operation today. You can arrange it first.”

“Okay!” The doctor on duty looked at Zhang Yi with an admiring expression.

The boss is the boss!

The operation for triad syndrome is done as soon as it is said!

After the emergency department finished the shift, Lu Jing looked at the little girl on the bed and asked:

“Zhang Yi, is this the child you want to help?”

Zhang Yi nodded: “Yes, it’s a congenital heart disease. Her mother begged me here for a whole day yesterday.”

Lu Jing looked at Zhang Yi and said earnestly:

“I know you are young and energetic, and you are soft-hearted. I also know that you are a kind and good doctor.

But as a person who has experienced it, I still have to tell you that you can’t cure the poor diseases in this world.”

“I understand. I didn’t give them free. Isn’t it just that the emergency department is short of a nurse?

I asked her to come to the hospital to work, and she will get as much salary as she should every month, but half of it will be deducted to offset the surgery fee until it is paid off. "

"Ah?" Lu Jing was stunned for a moment: "Haha, it can be like this? This really broadened my horizons! It was you who came up with this idea! It not only helped her, but also did not make the hospital lose money."

"This is really no other way. The child's mother knelt down in front of me no less than seven times and kowtowed to me! Oh! I was speechless, and the child really looked pitiful.

I had to resort to this last resort and thought of a compromise to help them."

Lu Jing patted Zhang Yi on the shoulder:

"It's good. I was the same as you when I was young, but now I have seen so much that I am numb. Oh, I don't know whether it is good or bad."

As they chatted, a group of doctors walked out of the emergency room.

Li Yuan happened to be standing at the door waiting for Zhang Yi.

"Doctor Zhang, when do you say we will sign the contract? I can do it anytime! "

Zhang Yi looked at her:

"I have asked the hospital's legal department to draft the contract. Wait a minute, I'll call you when it's done."

"Okay! Thank you, Dr. Zhang, thank you, Dr. Zhang!"

Lv Jing looked at Li Yuan standing in front of him and said:

"You are lucky to have asked Zhang Yi for help. He is the only one willing to help you like this.

If it were any other doctor, you and your daughter would not be so lucky!"

Li Yuan nodded repeatedly, her expression excited:

"I know, if it weren't for Dr. Zhang... I really don't know what to do..."

After the rounds, she returned to the department. At ten o'clock in the morning, the legal department brought the contract over.

Zhang Yi called Li Yuan to the office.

Before Zhang Yi explained the specific requirements of the contract to Li Yuan, Li Yuan had already signed her name first.

"I haven't finished yet, why are you signing so quickly?"

Li Yuan smiled and shook her head:

"No need to look, Dr. Zhang, I believe you! And since you have agreed to help us so much, even if the contract says that I have to sell you out and help you count the money... I will sign it as long as you can save my daughter."

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