The doctor said that the patient was still alive.

Before Wang Haiqing finished speaking, Zhang Yi was busy hanging up the phone.

"What's the big deal? This guy should either get a raise or get out of singlehood, otherwise what big deal can he have."

Shrugged, Wang Haiqing also put down his phone and devoted himself to work.

Tianhe People's Hospital.

In the operating room.

The donor and the recipient were arranged in the same operating room.

This is to save time, because the donor kidney must be transplanted to the recipient as soon as possible after it is taken out.

This is commonly known as ensuring the freshness of the organ.

The family member who donated the kidney is the second daughter of this old man.

After screening, it was found that the cytotoxicity test result of the second daughter was 8%, and that of the third daughter was 12%.

The standard of the cytotoxicity test is less than 10% to complete the transplant.

At this moment, the second daughter has not been anesthetized yet, but she is trembling slightly with nervousness.

The nurse glanced at her and asked, "Are you cold, family member?"

The family member shook his head, "Not bad."

"It's okay, relax, you will be fine after a good sleep."

The family member nodded.

At this time, Zhang Yi dressed and walked into the operating room.

Everyone looked up at him with a light in their eyes:

Wow~ The surgeon is here! !

In the operating room, except Zhang Yi and the five assistants, everyone else came to learn.

Even the monitoring room outside was crowded with people.

This is the first kidney transplant operation in Tianhe City Hospital!

Zhang Yi glanced at the other people in the operating room, but didn't chase them out. He just said:

"Don't talk during the operation, just watch quietly."

Everyone nodded obediently: "Okay~!"

Then Zhang Yi looked at the two patients in the center of the operating room and said to the anesthesiologist:

"Give me the anesthetic."


The anesthesiologist responded and prepared to perform general anesthesia and respiratory induction anesthesia.

Before anesthesia, the family member turned his head slightly and looked at his father and said:

"Dad, come on, we will be fine when we wake up."

The old man also turned his head to look at his daughter, and said with slightly moist eyes:

"It's hard for you, Yunmei..."

"What are you talking about, Dad, I'm not suffering at all."

My life was given by my parents, so what if I have to give up a kidney now?

At this moment, although there is a distance between the two operating tables, there is no distance between family affection.

After the anesthesia induction mask was placed, the father and daughter closed their eyes soon.

Disinfect a large area and lay surgical towels.

Make an arc-shaped incision in the right iliac fossa to expose the internal iliac vein and internal iliac artery.

Go down and you can see the right kidney.

To remove the right kidney, first block the artery and vein of the right kidney, and then do grafting and suturing.

The renal artery is a branch of the abdominal aorta, so after exposing the abdominal aorta, Zhang Yi first clamped the abdominal aorta near the renal artery with a clamp.

The blood vessels and ureters of the kidney should be left as long as possible to facilitate trimming and transplantation to the recipient after removal.

"Free clamp."

"Clean the surgical field."


"Blocking clamp."

"Curved clamp."

The entire operating room was unusually quiet. Except for the "beeping" sound on the monitor, only Zhang Yi kept giving instructions to his assistants.

After all the blood vessels and ureters were clamped, Zhang Yi looked at the approximate distance between the blood vessels.

"Okay, prepare to free it. Director Li will be responsible for irrigating the kidney and trimming off the excess fat."


Director Li of the Nephrology Department is an assistant in this operation and can help Zhang Yi with the operation.


Free the renal artery.


Free the renal vein.


Free the accessory renal artery and the vagal artery.

After a while, all the blood vessels of the right kidney were successfully freed.

Zhang Yi carefully took out the completely severed kidney.

"Catch it!"

The assistant held up the sterile tray and took the small reddish-brown kidney.

This is not an ordinary kidney, it is a kidney that can save lives~!

Director Li took the kidney aside for irrigating and trimming.

Before transplantation, the blood stasis, fat and excess blood vessels in the kidney must be cleaned up.

This is the only way to ensure the success of the transplantation.

And Zhang Yi completed the subsequent docking of the family member's various blood vessels.

Each person may have a single or multiple blood vessels in the kidney.

For example, in this family member's kidney, in addition to the arterial blood vessels that supply blood, there are two small blood vessels.

After freeing, these small blood vessels should be merged into one, and then

and then match them together.

Although this family member will only have one kidney from now on, one kidney can also maintain the basic metabolism of the human body.

As long as the kidney is not overloaded, there is basically no big problem.

Soon, after the recipient's side was resolved, they began to prepare for the transplant.

In the past, when performing kidney transplant surgery, the original recipient's kidney had to be removed and a fresh kidney was placed in.

But with the continuous advancement of medical care, it is now possible to directly place the recipient's kidney without removing the original donor kidney.

It is equivalent to this person having three kidneys.

It's just that two of them are broken and one is good.

Of course, this situation is limited to patients with simple renal failure.

If it is a kidney tumor, renal tuberculosis, and multiple cast stones accompanied by stubborn bacterial infection, it is easy to cause sepsis and pyonephrosis.

In this case, the original kidney must be removed before transplantation.

Only when the lesion is completely removed can the transplantation be successful.

Otherwise, with this kind of diffuse disease, the new kidney will be infected within a few days after it arrives, which is equivalent to doing nothing.

The old man in front of us has renal function degeneration and renal failure caused by simple chronic nephritis.

It is possible to transplant the original kidney directly on the right internal iliac artery without removing it.

Direct transplantation without removing the original kidney is actually one of the reasons for reducing the risk of postoperative rejection.

On the old man's side, a large area of ​​disinfection was performed, and an arc-shaped incision was made in the right iliac fossa to expose the internal iliac vein and internal iliac artery.

The transplanted renal vein and renal artery must be grafted on these two blood vessels to ensure the blood supply of the new kidney.

In addition, the blood vessels in the iliac fossa in the right lower abdomen are shallow, making it easier to connect with the new kidney during surgery, which is why the right side was chosen.

The nylon sling suspends the internal and external iliac blood vessels and puts the cleaned donor kidney in.

Before putting it in, Zhang Yi took a look at the kidney to make sure there was no congestion before putting it in.

Then the veins are connected to the veins and the arteries are connected to the arteries.

The ureter is directly connected to the ureter of the original kidney.

"Prepare to open the blood vessels."

After all the blood vessels are successfully connected, open the internal and external iliac blood vessels.

See if the newly pressed kidney can be filled and rosy.


Under the gaze of everyone, several people took off the hemostatic forceps that blocked the blood vessels.

Then, the blood vessels began to fill up.

In less than five minutes, the color of the new kidney also turned rosy, not as pale as it was just after being washed!

This means that the transplant was successful!

Chen Fang frowned and asked first:

"Zhang Yi, is this color correct? Is this successful?"

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