The two of them were in a state of panic, and the two sides were in a state of panic.

"Ah... I won't sign! I won't sign! My son is not dead yet! I won't sign!"

"Go away! Woohoo... I won't sign! My son is still breathing, I won't sign!"

"Yunxiu! What are you doing? My son is dead, he is dead, wake up!"

It sounded like a quarrel between a middle-aged couple.

Zhang Yi was puzzled. Didn't he say he was willing to sign on the phone before coming?

Why didn't he sign again?

The leading doctor explained:

"Originally, when our director announced brain death in the morning, the patient's father was willing to donate, but the patient's mother was unwilling.

We persuaded her for a long time before she nodded in agreement. As a result, just as we called you and were about to send the patient to the operating room, the patient's breathing suddenly increased.

From 2 to 8, but it was just that moment, which should be related to the rescue medicine injected before.

But the patient's mother was unwilling to donate.

She insisted that her son was not dead yet and asked us to continue the rescue. She said she didn't want to cut off her son's life with her own hands..."

"Ah? We won't make a wasted trip, right?" Chen Yuan frowned and said in surprise.

The doctor shook his head:

"Not sure, let's persuade her again. If the family members are still unwilling to sign within an hour, then the patient may not be in the category of brain death, but really dead.

Then the organ will be useless..."

As soon as these words came out, Zhang Yi couldn't help but worry.

Don't waste a good heart source!

A few people entered the room, and the family members and doctors in the ward were all around the bed.

The patient on the bed was a 35-year-old young man.

It was no wonder that the family members were reluctant to let him go, as he was indeed in the prime of his life.

But at this moment, the patient's complexion was almost as pale as that of a dead person.

Even his cheeks were sunken, and even his fingernails were not red at all.

He really had to be sent to the operating room to get his organs!

Any later... the organ would be ineffective!

Although this idea was too cruel for the patient's family, on the other hand, if a person died, he could use his organs to save others, which was not a kind of rebirth? ?

In the room, the patient's mother cried loudly, her voice was hoarse.

Other relatives sat aside with a dull look on their faces.

The doctor and the patient's father were still persuading her, hoping that she could donate her heart and other organs.

But the mother shook her head vigorously, and was unwilling to do so.

Zhang Yi noticed that there was a woman in her early thirties standing in the corner of the ward.

She had her head slightly lowered, and her hair was messy as if she hadn't taken care of it for several days.

Zhang Yi couldn't see her face clearly, but he could faintly hear sobbing coming from the corner.

Chen Yuan, who was standing next to Zhang Yi, saw that time was running out, so he stepped forward to persuade the mother:

"Family, your son is really dying. It's useless to rescue him. If you send him to the operating room now and take out his organs, you can still save other people."

The mother shook her head frantically and pointed at the monitor and said:

"Bullshit! He's still breathing! He's still beating! Look! It's still there! My son's breathing just got faster!

You're talking nonsense! You just want to trick my son's organs out to save others!

Get out! Get out! I don't want to!"

"You all want my son to save others... Then who can save my son... Ah??

You all hope to empty all my son's organs to save them!

But... But who can save my son..."

The mother asked while crying.

Her words were full of a mother's deep reluctance to her son.

This questioning also made the doctors speechless.


Although they could not empathize with the pain of sending black people to their deaths, they could understand it to some extent.

Everyone was silent.

Everyone sighed.

If the family members were unwilling... there was really no way to force them...

Just as everyone was silent, Zhang Yi stood up!

But he did not speak, but walked to the bedside and started to rescue.

External chest compression is the primary measure for rescue of cardiac arrest.

Under the shocked eyes of everyone, Zhang Yi began to press again and again.

Chen Yuan was surprised:

"Zhang are you doing?"

The doctor at the Central Hospital also reminded:

"It's no good, this person has been dead for a long time, and it's futile to rescue."

Zhang Yi did not speak, but only lowered his head.

"I'll try again!" Looking at this scene, the family member who had been twitching just now gradually stopped crying. The family members in the room looked at Zhang Yi with gratitude and shock. In fact, they knew in their hearts that the person on the bed was indeed dead. It's just that they didn't want to accept it, especially the patient's mother. She really couldn't watch her son being sent to the operating room and being torn apart by others... She really couldn't be so cruel... This was her son who was born after nine months of pregnancy. How could she do this? Next to him, the doctor of the Central Hospital wanted to stop Zhang Yi, but was stopped by their director. The director shook his head and said: "Let him rescue the patient, just as another explanation to the family." Sometimes the doctor knew that the patient was dying when rescuing him, but he would still try his best to rescue him just to give the family an explanation and let them feel at ease. In the ward, time passed by. Half an hour later, Zhang Yi's forehead was covered with sweat.

The back of his hand was red from pressing, and his whole arm was almost numb.

Zhang Yi panted slightly, staring at the patient in front of him without blinking.

Zhang Yi knew that the patient was already in a state of brain death.

After such a long time, irreversible damage had been caused, and he could not be saved.

But the reason why he was still trying so hard to rescue was to give an explanation to the mother.

During this half hour, Zhang Yi did not stop for a moment.

Every time Zhang Yi's hand moved, a triangular ripple would appear in the heartbeat ripple in the monitor, which had originally become a straight line.

Half an hour later, the patient on the bed still showed no signs of improvement.

On the contrary, the state of death was even more obvious.

At this moment, looking at the panting Zhang Yi, the mother's heart finally wavered.

She looked at her son's pale and sunken face on the bed, tremblingly reached out her hand and gently stroked it, choking with sobs:

"Son... Mom is sorry for you... Go, go with peace of mind, your father and I will take good care of ourselves.

As for Zilin, I will ask her to find another one, so you can go with peace of mind.

When you have time... remember to come to see mom more often in your dreams..."

Then, the mother raised her head, looked at Zhang Yi with tears in her eyes and said, "Thank you, doctor."

"I... I will donate, I am willing to donate."

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