The doctor said that the disease was not serious.


After listening to Zhang Yi's explanation, the two of them roughly understood it.

"Yes, myelofibrosis is a blood disease and a proliferative malignant tumor.

Of course, the only hope now is to do a bone marrow biopsy.

Just take the bone marrow to check whether the hematopoietic stem cells inside have turned into a net-like hay shape.

If so, then the disease can be diagnosed.

If not...then it can be considered to be caused by other factors."

The last sentence is Zhang Yi's comfort.

I hope the couple will not give up now!

The couple sat opposite Zhang Yi and didn't speak for a long time.

This bad news hit them hard on the shoulders like a thousand-pound tripod.

In an instant, they were overwhelmed.

Zhang Wanqing's face was full of tears, and she looked slightly absent-minded as if she was still digesting what Zhang Yi had just said.

"Then... what should we do now? Should we be hospitalized? Or should we find a suitable bone marrow as soon as possible?"

"First, hospitalize her. Before finding a suitable bone marrow, drug treatment can also slightly alleviate the condition."

The man in the suit breathed a sigh of relief:

"That's good, Doctor Zhang, we believe in you!"

Zhang Yi sighed silently: "Thank you for believing in me, but if it is really this disease, before finding a suitable matching bone marrow, I can only use conventional methods to treat her.

You should arrange for hospitalization first. She has a blood disease and needs to be hospitalized in the hematology department.

You take Take the list and go directly to the hematology department. The doctor there will do it for you. "

The man in the suit was slightly stunned:

"Dr. Zhang, aren't you the one who treats us? You're not in the hematology department?"

Zhang Yi shook his head:

"I only see patients every week, but not in the hematology department. I'm a cardiac surgeon.

After you go to the hematology department, the doctors there will make arrangements for you. Don't worry.

Are you still suspicious of the doctors at Union Hospital?"

The couple looked at each other and hesitated:

"Dr. Zhang, we came here for you. We don't want others to see us."


Zhang Yi was shocked.

If this myelofibrosis doesn't go to the hematology department, which department can it go to?

Could it be the cardiac surgery department?

Cross-department hospitalization??

Isn't this too bad?

Each department has its own specialization. The nursing measures and treatment instruments used in each department are divided.

It's not appropriate for a myelofibrosis patient to go to the cardiac surgery department for hospitalization.

However, since the patients value themselves so much, they can't let them down.

"How about this, you go to the VIP ward for hospitalization, where I can be your attending physician, and it is also the best ward in the entire Union Hospital.

It's just expensive, ordinary wards cost 70 or 80 yuan a day, there may be hundreds or even thousands.

But you get what you pay for, there is no need to queue for examinations, and it can be completed within half an hour.

Also, the doctors there are..."

"Okay! We'll stay in the VIP ward! Doctor Zhang, you don't have to worry about money, the last thing I lack is money.

The reason we came to you for treatment is because I read a lot of news about you on the Internet.

I know that you are a good doctor with good skills and noble medical ethics.

No matter what, I hope that Doctor Zhang will do your best to save my wife.

As long as she can be discharged safely, I can donate to your foundation...donate 100 million!"

Hiss! ! !

Zhang Yi's eyes widened immediately!

Good guy!

100 million! ! !

How rich is this guy? ?

Zhang Yi looked up and down at the suit man's dress.

Although he looks like a rich man, donating 100 million yuan at will is really exaggerated!

Of course, there is another possibility, that is, he is willing to donate so much money because his wife is very important to him.

"Ahem, that... 100 million is not necessary, it's too much.

And now I can't guarantee that you can be cured. It's better to be hospitalized first. I will give you a hospitalization order, and then go to the next door to the nursing building to find doctors and nurses.

They will give you a detailed introduction to the VIP ward of Union Hospital.

You can choose any price room at that time.

After the hospitalization, I will be your attending doctor."

Then the two nodded and agreed:

"Okay, thank you Dr. Zhang."

The man in the suit is quite polite, and he looks really good with Zhang Wanqing.

It's just fate...

The two left the clinic with the order.

Zhang Yi's side

I also called the VIP ward to say hello.

The doctor over there was a little confused after receiving the call.

Isn't Zhang Yi a cardiac surgeon?

How could he admit a patient with myelofibrosis?

And he was admitted to their VIP ward.

Forget it.

Zhang Yi is now a favorite of Dean Jin, so let him do whatever he wants.

In the clinic, it was just 12 noon at this time.

Zhang Yi stopped calling numbers, changed his clothes and went to the cafeteria to eat.

He remembered that Tian Feilong seemed to have something to do with him in the morning.

In the cafeteria.

There were still many people at 12 noon.

The Union Hospital cafeteria has a rich variety of dishes, and Zhang Yi's appetite has been good these days.

As soon as he sat down with the meal tray, he saw Chen Fang also coming over with an excited look on his face.

"Hey! I have an operation with Gong Wei this afternoon! A child with straddled aorta~!"

Zhang Yi looked calm, and he thought it was something urgent.

"You're so excited about an aortic strangulation?"

Chen Fang rolled his eyes:

"Do you think I'm you? Have you seen all kinds of major surgeries? My skills are not up to par yet. I can only practice little by little, not to mention that this is in Union Hospital."

As Chen Fang spoke, he took a big mouthful of tomato pasta.

"You know what, my favorite place since I came to Union Hospital is the cafeteria.

Next week, my wife will come to the capital, and I will bring her to the cafeteria to try it."

Zhang Yi turned his head and looked at Chen Fang with disdain and teased:

"Tsk tsk, sister-in-law finally came to the capital and you let her eat in Union Hospital cafeteria?? How boring, so stingy! If it were me, I wouldn't come~!"

"Hey! Why am I stingy..."

"Zhang Yi, you're here!"

As the two were talking, a full-bodied voice sounded above Zhang Yi's head.

Who else but Tian Feilong?

Tian Feilong was seen sitting next to Zhang Yi with a plate in his hand, smiling.

He was about to speak when he saw Chen Fang sitting next to Zhang Yi.

Tian Feilong looked at Chen Fang, meaning that he wanted Chen Fang to step aside first, because he had something to tell Zhang Yi.

But Chen Fang was tactless, he buried his head in his food, and slurped his noodles.



Zhang Yi smiled and explained:

“Chen Fang is my assistant who came to Union Hospital with me. Director Tian, ​​just tell him what you have to say, he won’t do anything.”

“Oh, you are my assistant? OK, then I will tell you directly.

I…I want to transfer you to our emergency department group 2.

What do you think?”

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