The appendix was swollen more than the pancreas. It was different in size from the normal appendix, with solid echoes and dark fluid areas. "This appendix is ​​also inflamed." Doctor Wang muttered while confirming the diameter. On the side, Zhang Yi pressed down hard again, and after seeing the gray-white image on the display clearly, he said: "This is more than just inflammation. There may be an abscess. The appendix should be more serious than the pancreas." Doctor Wang turned his head and stared at Zhang Yi for a while. Hiss! Zhang Yi is so awesome! He can even do B-ultrasound! Oh my god, he is so awesome that it's scary. After the entire abdominal examination, Zhang Yi took a piece of paper and wiped the mucus from the foreigner's abdomen.

The foreigner asked:

"Doctor, what's wrong with me? Why does my stomach hurt so much?"

Zhang Yi:

"Preliminary suspicion is pancreatitis, and there may be an abscess in the appendix. First give him an infusion treatment. After the pancreatitis subsides, an appendectomy will be performed."

"Oh~ My God, how could it be pancreatitis?!"

The foreigner was a little annoyed.

Zhang Yi explained:

"Do you eat a lot? Before coming to China, did you have pain in your abdomen, especially in the right lower abdomen?"

The foreigner looked at Zhang Yi in amazement and said:

"How do you know?! I thought I had a stomachache at the time, so I didn't pay attention to it. I didn't expect it to get worse after coming to China.

I thought there was something wrong with the food in China..."

Zhang Yi shook his head helplessly and sighed, then explained to him:

"There is nothing wrong with our Chinese food and your Grape Ya food. The problem is you.

You shouldn't overeat, you know? Your overeating not only puts a burden on your body, but now you have to have surgery to get better.

Anyone should eat in moderation and not force yourself to eat too much.

Otherwise, the human body's digestive function cannot digest it, and the secretions of the pancreas will backfire."

The foreigner covered his stomach and looked at Zhang Yi, his eyes a little lonely, and he didn't say anything afterwards.

He just lay on the bed and waited silently for his family to come back.

Soon, Dr. Wang printed out the test results.

He subconsciously handed the result to Zhang Yi, ignoring Kang Yanming standing next to him.

Zhang Yi took the checklist, glanced at it and said:

"Highly suspected pancreatitis, now all I need is a blood routine test result.

In addition, I suspect there is an abscess in the appendix, let's do another CT to see, it will be clearer and safer.

Director Kang, we need to arrange another CT for this foreigner to check urgently, he may have an appendix abscess."

Appendiceal abscess cannot be 100% confirmed by B-ultrasound examination alone.

CT must be added to see more clearly whether the appendix is ​​perforated and the extent of the abscess.

As a result, Zhang Yi said this, and then he found that everyone in the emergency room around him was looking at him like worshiping a big boss.

Everyone was stunned!

They all looked at him with an incredible look!

Let's not talk about others, this Kang Yanming is also like this? ?

"Director Kang?!" Zhang Yi shouted.

"Ah?! Right, right, right, hurry up... Wang Yufei, go and arrange a CT scan!"

Kang Yanming came back to his senses and quickly ordered Wang Yufei.

Wang Yufei looked at Zhang Yi with a complicated expression before running to prepare.

"The B-ultrasound shows that there is a dark fluid area in the appendix, and it is indeed suspected that there is an abscess. Do a CT scan to be safe." After Kang Yanming finished his order, he turned around and looked at Zhang Yi with a smile.

Zhang Yi's face was expressionless.

Now you know to cherish me? ?


I don't cherish you~

After a while, the foreigner's family came back.

It is said that Mr. Wang took the initiative to pay 20,000 yuan of hospitalization fees to the account of this hospital number.

These are all human relationships, and Zhang Yi can see it.

After all, Mr. Wang has to talk business with them.

Afterwards, Zhang Yi told these foreigners about the test results and follow-up tests and treatment plans.

The foreigners expressed their understanding, because they had also heard of pancreatitis and appendix abscess.

It is a disease, but it is just a minor disease.

It should not be dangerous, and the difficulty of the operation is not high.

But Zhang Yi explained to them very seriously:

"No, you are also aware of Rosen's situation. He is so heavy, so the subcutaneous fat must be very thick.

It is difficult to cut it directly with a laparoscope, so it must be done by laparotomy.

And he also has fatty liver, so he must have health problems in terms of blood lipids and blood pressure.

Kang also has problems.

So you can't take his situation lightly.

Originally, for an ordinary person, one doctor or at most two doctors would be enough for this kind of operation.

But your son needs at least four doctors. "

"Ah? Is it so serious?" The family member asked in confusion.

Zhang Yi nodded affirmatively:

"Yes, because he is too fat, there are many potential dangers!"

Zhang Yi knows this best.

The system once gave him a patient who was 1.75 meters tall and weighed more than 300 kilograms.

The operation was a kidney transplant.

Zhang Yi still remembers the operation scene vividly.

With one cut, the fat exploded directly.

Just like corn turns into popcorn when it encounters high temperature.

Tsk tsk.

It took several cuts to see the fascia under the fat!

It really made Zhang Yi sick.

Fortunately, Zhang Yi finally thought of an excellent way to solve this problem~

The family members discussed with the foreigner named Rosen for a while, and asked Mr. Wang some questions.

In the end, Decided to accept treatment in China.

As for what they asked, Zhang Yi knew it without having to guess.

It was nothing more than asking about his technical level, whether the surgery was good, etc.

Mr. Wang nodded continuously, and gave a thumbs up while nodding.

Soon, the results of blood and CT scans came out.

The white blood cell count increased, the amylase increased, and the blood lipids and cholesterol were much higher than normal.

The CT scan results also showed that the appendix was enlarged and thickened, and a mass shadow of liquid density could be seen, with thick walls and unclear boundaries, and even a liquid-gas plane.

"It's confirmed, it's pancreatitis plus appendix abscess. Treat the pancreatitis first, and the surgery for the appendix abscess can be scheduled for tomorrow morning.

I can't do this surgery alone, I have to call an assistant. "

Zhang Yi took the test results and began to make arrangements.

Several doctors around him looked at him without blinking, and then glanced at Kang Yanming.

Oh my god!

Is Zhang Yi going to perform surgery in our emergency department again?

Does our Director Kang agree??

Zhang Yi also looked at Kang Yanming, waiting for his answer.

This time, Kang Yanming did not object.

As the saying goes, he who knows the current affairs is a hero~!

"Okay! Tomorrow morning at nine o'clock, as for the assistant... I'll do it!"

Kang Yanming spoke!

As soon as he spoke, he shocked everyone in the emergency department again!


What did Director Kang say just now?

He actually said that he wanted to be Zhang Yi's assistant?

Oh my god!

The sun is rising from the west?!

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