The wound was not smooth, but the wound was still in place.

Fortunately, Zhang Yi had a hook, and he could clearly see the exact position of the needle after it entered the abdomen.

Why is liposuction risky? It is because of some small blood vessels in the abdomen and under the skin. If the liposuction needle accidentally punctures some small capillaries after entering the abdomen.

During the liposuction process, the repeated in and out of oil and water can easily swim into the ruptured capillaries.

It is very similar to the principle of amniotic fluid embolism.

It’s just that the embolism of liposuction is caused by fat particles entering the blood vessels.

Any embolism is very dangerous and can easily kill people.

At this moment, Zhang Yi held the needle and confirmed the position and said:

"Turn on the machine."

Buzz! Buzz! Buzz!

The next second, the liposuction machine started working.

While sucking, Zhang Yi's arm was constantly adjusting its position.

This is the only way to ensure uniform suction.

Buzz, buzz, buzz.

After a few seconds, a creamy yellow liquid appeared in the drainage bottle on the liposuction machine.

These are all fats...

The interns who came to watch couldn't help but frowned.

Oh shit...

The extracted fat turned out to be this color.

These fats have not yet settled. After settling, the fat is divided into three layers visible to the naked eye.

The top layer is yellow translucent oil, which is very similar to the cooking oil people usually eat.

The middle layer is usable fat.

It is used by some beauty lovers for fat filling when doing medical beauty projects. It is fat that can be reused by the human body.

The bottom layer is a light blood-like liquid.

"Okay, turn it off first." Zhang Yi gave an order, and the plastic surgery doctor immediately pressed the pause button.

Zhang Yi took out the liposuction needle in his hand, took it out and cleaned it, and then changed to another puncture point to start liposuction.

The liposuction area cannot be too deep, and it must be extracted from the superficial fat to the deep fat little by little.

After about five minutes, Zhang Yi looked at the amount in the drainage bottle, 250 ml.

It's almost done, and you can't extract too much at one time.

After the liposuction, he began to prepare for the operation.

"Scalpel No. 10."

Scalpel No. 10 is relatively larger.

Despite the liposuction, this person is still fat, so a larger scalpel must be used to make the incision.

Make a straight incision on the right lower abdomen, the incision is five centimeters.

Kang Yanming looked at the incision and felt that it was a bit small.

So he reminded him:

"Zhang Yi, although he can lose some weight after liposuction, isn't five centimeters too small?"

Zhang Yi shook his head while moving freely:

"No need, I'll clip the appendix out and move it freely later."

Kang Yanming opened his mouth, but didn't say anything else.

This kid is really confident!

The anesthesia time is only half an hour, and ten minutes have already passed.

There are still twenty minutes left. Can this festering appendix be cured?

And in the end, a drainage tube must be placed, which is even more troublesome.

However, looking at Zhang Yi's relaxed look, Kang Yanming could only choose to watch first.

Let's talk about it later.

After liposuction, the skin did not burst like popcorn.

But after one cut, only thick fat can be seen, and the fascia under the fat cannot be seen.

Zhang Yi paused and said:

"Give me the liposuction needle again, I will draw a little more below the incision."

Buzz, buzz, buzz.

Chen Fang and Yang Caini helped to pry open the incision skin with pliers.

Zhang Yi held the liposuction needle and liposuctioned again here at the incision.

As long as the surgical field here is clear, it will be fine.


The machine stopped, and more than 30 milliliters of yellow liquid appeared in the drainage bottle.

Now the incision is much clearer.

The scalpel continued to probe downwards, and soon the ileocecal region was seen, and further down was the cecum.

The appendix could be seen by pulling the cecum apart.

Zhang Yi took the towel clamp and prepared to pull the cecum apart, but he couldn't pull it apart.

Anyone watching this scene knew what was going on.

The cecum is the most vulnerable part of appendix abscess.

Because the two are closest to each other.

It is estimated that the appendix and cecum are adhered, and they must be separated before the appendix can be removed.

Zhang Yi changed to a free knife.

Click, click, click.

The adhered part of the cecum was removed in two or three strokes.

Kang Yanming then helped to stop the bleeding at the bleeding site, and then pulled the cecum apart to fully expose the appendix.

The appendix was already abscessed, and almost one-third of it was damaged.

The drainage fluid was also, and a lot of dark red fluid had accumulated on the abdominal cavity side of the appendix.


Zhang Yi instructed while changing tools.

Kang Yanming

Ming didn't say anything and let him command.

This almost stunned Charlie Yeung!

Damn, the sun really rose from the west!

How could Kang Yanming listen to a newcomer who just came to the hospital? ?

Tsk tsk!

It's incredible!

This shows that Director Tian guessed right!

Kang Yanming must want to win back Zhang Yi and let Zhang Yi go to the emergency department.

Otherwise, with Kang Yanming's personality, how could he be an assistant to a resident doctor who just entered the hospital?

He must have a purpose!

The operation continued.

The abscessed appendix has been pulled out of the abdomen. At the root of the appendix, Zhang Yi still chose to suture and ligate it.

This has a good hemostatic effect and is not easy to bleed later.


A half-suppurated appendix was thrown into the curved tray.

"Flush the abdominal cavity."

While cleaning, Zhang Yi looked at the time. It was 23 minutes since the half-hour of anesthesia.

If there is no liposuction and adhesion, Zhang Yi can be faster.

After cleaning the abdominal cavity, checking whether there are any problems with other organs and intestines, and whether the gauze is missed, the abdomen can be closed layer by layer.

The last step of suturing is also performed by Zhang Yi.

After all, the fat is still very thick, and he is not confident that others will sew it.

Swish, swish, swish!

The intermittent suturing technique makes Zhang Yi's fingers seem to be dancing.

Obviously, the movement looks big, and I thought the effect is not good.

Unexpectedly, the final presentation is a suture that looks like a work of art!

Who can't say that this suture is awesome? ?

It was also the first time that Kang Yanming watched Zhang Yi's operation at such a close distance.

At this moment, his regret was even stronger!


What was I doing at the time?

How could I push Zhang Yi away who was about to throw himself into my arms? ?

Oh no!

Zhang Yi~

Come back soon~

I can't bear it alone~

Come back soon, life is...

"Director Kang? Pass me the drainage tube!"

Kang Yanming was humming excitedly in his heart...

Zhang Yi interrupted him with a shout.

"Oh, OK!"

He then quickly handed over the drainage tube.

After the operation, a drainage tube will be placed on the right side of the abdomen to drain the exudate.

It will take about one or two days to remove it.

"Okay, the operation is over."

Zhang Yi exhaled lightly and announced the moment of victory.

At this time, the operation time had just passed 28 minutes.

There were still two minutes left before the half-hour effect of the anesthetic.

The next second, the interns in the operating room clapped their hands.

"Wow, Doctor Zhang is amazing~"

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