After the two of them had a meeting, they had to go to the hospital.

Zhang Yi nodded and said:

"Well, I'll go check the situation. You go back first."

"Okay, you should go back and rest early."

After saying goodbye to Chen Fang, Zhang Yi came to his office alone.

The doctor on duty saw Zhang Yi and joked with a smile:

"Doctor Zhang, why are you here? Didn't you get off work?"

"Come overtime, do your work, don't worry about me."

"Okay, it's really strange today. You come to work overtime, and Director Kang is still here. Hey, I can't relax my body and mind if the leader doesn't leave!"

The doctor on duty sighed and shook his head, turned around and went out to get busy.

It's just like when the teacher supervises you doing homework in front of you when you are in school.

You feel uncomfortable when the teacher stares at you, and you feel comfortable when the teacher leaves.

This feeling will still appear after work...

"Director Kang is here too?"

Zhang Yi murmured, looking into the innermost office.

Kang Yanming was indeed sitting inside reading a book.

It's late at night, Director Kang hasn't gotten off work yet?

"Director Kang? You're not leaving tonight?"

Zhang Yi walked over and greeted him.

Kang Yanming looked up at Zhang Yi, and a hint of surprise flashed in his eyes:

"Why are you back after work? Is there anything you haven't finished?"

"I'm dealing with the surgical records, and I want to check on the patient's condition.

See if the fungal medicine has any effect."

Kang Yanming showed a hint of relief in his eyes.

This Zhang Yi is really good.

He actually came to the hospital to work overtime after work?

Doctors these days are eager to get off work early so that they can go out to pick up girls and party.

Zhang Yi is a young man, but he can put aside his private life and come back to work overtime.

It's really rare.

"I'm also waiting for news here, and Director Bai of the laboratory is also working overtime to wait for the results.

The results of the bone marrow biopsy smear will be out soon, and they will call me when they are out."

Zhang Yi looked at Kang Yanming's face, which was a little haggard.

After all, he is in his fifties and still fighting on the front line.

Oh, it's not easy.

Although I had some conflicts with him before.

But after getting along with him, I found that Kang Yanming is too straightforward and easy to offend people with his words.

His heart is not bad, and he is a good doctor who is willing to put the health of patients first in the face of major issues.

"Director Kang, what book are you reading?"

"Microbiology, reading for fun, and by the way, looking for those microorganisms that change their morphology due to the surrounding environment. Are there anything similar to tuberculosis bacteria."

It can be seen that Kang Yanming is very concerned about Li Xiaojun, the patient.

Zhang Yi couldn't help but be a little curious. How tragically did that girl die five years ago?

How could the director of the emergency department remember it for so long?

Zhang Yi wanted to ask, but thought about it and decided not to.

It was probably not a good memory that the two directors had been separated for so many years.

Zhang Yi asked, but Kang Yanming was still unwilling to say.

Then, Zhang Yi put on his white coat again and went to the respiratory department to take a look.

This time Zhang Yi did not go in, but just observed outside the glass window for a while.

The doctor on duty in the respiratory department said that the medicine selected this time seemed to have some effect.

After only one day of taking the medicine, the patient himself felt less uncomfortable than before.

Although I don’t know which medicine has worked, it is a good medicine if it is effective and can cure the disease, so I have to continue using it.

The cost of the isolation ward is not low. Before Zhang Yi left, he heard Li Xiaojun’s family members not far away discussing the money issue.


These days, spending money is always faster than making money.

And there is a pregnant woman in his family...

After leaving the respiratory department, Zhang Yi went to the VIP ward to see Zhang Wanqing again.

The increased dose of chemotherapy really made Zhang Wanqing look visibly haggard.

Even Zhao Jin, who had been accompanying her, looked mentally unwell.

Fortunately, Zhang Wanqing was strong enough to hold on.

In order to survive, persistence was the only thing she could do at the moment.

After going to VIP, Zhang Yi went to the laboratory again.

Just at this time, the results of the bone marrow biopsy in the laboratory came out.

There were also tuberculosis bacteria in the bone marrow.

Zhang Yi frowned:

"Is this the reason why Li Xiaojun's bones were also corroded?"

Bai Hongfei nodded:

"It must be, otherwise how could a general disease corrode the bones?"

Zhang Yi looked at the culture room in the laboratory again and asked:

"Director Bai, Li Xiaojun's culture room

How do you do the culture dishes? "

"We are trying strong acids and strong bases, weak acids and weak bases."

"I hope our thinking is correct. Let's see if the tuberculosis bacillus has the possibility of changing its morphology under different circumstances."

Bai Hongfei looked at Zhang Yi with appreciation:

"Doctor Zhang, I never thought that you clinical practitioners can think the same way as us who stay in the laboratory every day.

That's amazing. Otherwise, you can switch to testing. Our department is easier than clinical practice."


What is Director Bai doing?

Poaching people?!

"Haha, Director Bai, you are really a joke. I have studied clinical medicine for so many years. How can I switch?"

Bai Hongfei smiled and said:

"Okay, the results of the bone marrow biopsy images are out, and it's time for me to get off work.

It will take a few days for the culture dish to get the results. I will get off work today. I will go downstairs and tell Director Kang later.

You should get off work early too. I will notify you clinical staff as soon as there are results. ”

“Okay, Director Bai, you’ve worked hard.”

“Oh, why do you work so hard? It’s all for the patients. It’s just that you are in the open and we are in the dark.”

Zhang Yi nodded in agreement.

Bai Hongfei’s words really hit the point.

Many times, from admission to hospitalization to discharge, patients see doctors, nurses and even caregivers who take care of them.

And there are still many staff members in the hospital. Although they are not on the front line of clinical practice, they also silently help patients behind the scenes and contribute to the recovery of patients.

These people are doctors in the laboratory.

Sometimes, when checking for pathogens, they have to look at the microscope for a long time to accurately capture the pathogenic microorganisms.

Long-term focusing is actually harmful to the eyes.

And the entire laboratory Departments are exposed to various bacteria and viruses around the clock.

Once an epidemic occurs, in addition to the frontline medical staff in the clinic, the laboratory is also a place where it is very easy to be infected.

Dealing with germs every day, the risk factor is no lower than that of clinical work.

But many times, patients will not know their existence until they are discharged from the hospital.

They will not remember their names, nor can they see their faces.

But they are also a group of people who are silently dedicated to their posts.

After chatting with Bai Hongfei for a while, Zhang Yi went back.

After returning home, Zhang Yi washed up and went into the simulated library to find books to read.

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